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The effects of Sr2+ substitution for Ba2+ on microwave dielectric properties and crystal structure of Ba3-xSrx(VO4)2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3, BSVO) solid solution were investigated. Such Sr2+ substitution contributes to significant reduction in sintering temperature from 1400 °C to 1150 °C. Both permittivity (r) and quality factor (Q × f) values decreased with increasing x value, which was determined to be related with the descending values of average polarizability and packing fraction, whereas the increase in τf value was explained by the decreased average VO bond length, A-site bond valence. BSVO ceramics possessed encouraging dielectric performances with r = 12.2–15.6 ± 0.1, Q × f = 44,340 - 62,000 ± 800 GHz, and τf = 24.5–64.5 ± 0.2 ppm/°C. Low-temperature sintering was manipulated by adding B2O3 as sintering additive for the representative Sr3V2O8 (SVO) ceramic and only 1 wt.% B2O3 addition successfully contributed to a 21.7% decrease in sintering temperature to 900 °C, showing good chemical compatibility with silver electrodes, which render BSVO series and SVO ceramics potential candidates in multilayer electronic devices fabrication.  相似文献   
软开关技术的发展及其现状   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
详细地介绍了软开关技术发展的历史及最新研究现状,其中包括准谐振电路、零开关PWM电路和零转换PWM电路,指出了软开关技术的新进展,并给出了部分典型电路。  相似文献   

This paper presents simulation studies and theoretical analysis of sensing property of concentric square ring metamaterial biological materials. Phantom of dielectric cell having dimension 100 µm long and 25 µm in radius is considered. Sensor is designed using periodic arrays of split ring resonators and wires having negative permittivity and permeability at 16.694 GHz. Transmission parameters are extracted using CST MWS software. Change in resonance is observed on placing phantom close to the sensor due to the change in capacitance and inductance. Designed sensor can sense single phantom cell with 133 MHz of shift in resonance. Study shows that sensor has good sensitivity for detecting micron size dielectric objects.  相似文献   
固体13C核磁共振技术是一种无损、高效的检测技术,在食品科学中有广泛的潜在应用。本文在查阅近5年重要文献的基础上,对固体13C核磁共振技术基本原理及其在食品科学研究中的重要应用进行了综述。固体13C核磁共振技术在食品科学研究中的应用主要包括食品成分分子结构解析、食品品质评价及功能特性测试。最后探讨了该技术应用于食品科学研究的发展前景及存在的主要问题,以期为推动该技术在我国的研究提供文献参考。   相似文献   
通过将沙门氏菌单抗与羧基磁珠偶联制备免疫磁珠,并以此为NMR分子探针,以免疫磁珠为生物传感器,特异性地捕获并检测出样品中的致病菌,从而建立一种更快的检测沙门氏菌的方法。实验将得到的不同样品溶液放入核磁共振仪中检测自旋-自旋弛豫时间(T2)值,考察不同条件对T2值的影响。通过实验发现,免疫磁珠的使用量,缓冲溶液的选择,捕获时间的长短都会对样品T2值产生影响。通过优化实验,分别绘制出不同条件下T2值的曲线变化,并得出最佳捕获条件。在捕获缓冲溶液为磷酸盐缓冲溶液PBS(0.01 mol/L,p H7.4),免疫磁珠使用量为50μg,混匀捕获时间为1.5 h的条件下,核磁共振仪测得的样品T2值曲线最佳。其检测线性范围为104107CFU/m L。本研究为沙门氏菌的检测提供了新的方法和途径,缩短了检测时间和工序,并且为低场核磁共振技术研究应用开辟了广阔的空间。   相似文献   
G-rich telomeric DNA plays a major role in the stabilization of chromosomes and can fold into a plethora of different G-quadruplex structures in the presence of mono- and divalent cations. The reversed human telomeric DNA sequence (5′-(GGG ATT)4; RevHumTel) was previously shown to have interesting properties that can be exploited for chemical sensing and as a chemical switch in DNA nanotechnology. Here, we analyze the specific G-quadruplex structures formed by RevHumTel in the presence of K+, Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+ cations using circular dichroism spectroscopy (CDS) and Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) based on fluorescence lifetimes. CDS is able to reveal strand and loop orientations, whereas FRET gives information about the distances between the 5′-end and the 3′-end, and also, the number of G-quadruplex species formed. Based on this combined information we derived specific G-quadruplex structures formed from RevHumTel, i.e., a chair-type and a hybrid-type G-quadruplex structure formed in presence of K+, whereas Na+ induces the formation of up to three different G-quadruplexes (a basket-type, a propeller-type and a hybrid-type structure). In the presence of Mg2+ and Ca2+ two different parallel G-quadruplexes are formed (one of which is a propeller-type structure). This study will support the fundamental understanding of the G-quadruplex formation in different environments and a rational design of G-quadruplex-based applications in sensing and nanotechnology.  相似文献   
Acute ischemic cardiac injury predisposes one to cognitive impairment, dementia, and depression. Pathophysiologically, recent positron emission tomography data suggest astroglial activation after experimental myocardial infarction (MI). We analyzed peripheral surrogate markers of glial (and neuronal) damage serially within 12 months after the first ST-elevation MI (STEMI). Serum levels of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and neurofilament light chain (NfL) were quantified using ultra-sensitive molecular immunoassays. Sufficient biomaterial was available from 45 STEMI patients (aged 28 to 78 years, median 56 years, 11% female). The median (quartiles) of GFAP was 63.8 (47.0, 89.9) pg/mL and of NfL 10.6 (7.2, 14.8) pg/mL at study entry 0–4 days after STEMI. GFAP after STEMI increased in the first 3 months, with a median change of +7.8 (0.4, 19.4) pg/mL (p = 0.007). It remained elevated without further relevant increases after 6 months (+11.7 (0.6, 23.5) pg/mL; p = 0.015), and 12 months (+10.3 (1.5, 22.7) pg/mL; p = 0.010) compared to the baseline. Larger relative infarction size was associated with a higher increase in GFAP (ρ = 0.41; p = 0.009). In contrast, NfL remained unaltered in the course of one year. Our findings support the idea of central nervous system involvement after MI, with GFAP as a potential peripheral biomarker of chronic glial damage as one pathophysiologic pathway.  相似文献   
探讨了用NMR方法求解多孔固体孔径分布中有关病态积分方程的求解问题,借助于数理统计中的逐步回归分析,加入非负限制,给出了一个新的求解方法.这种方法数值上很稳定,计算量小,可以给出较为连续的f(T1)分布曲线,并采用岭回归和Hesse光滑方法抑制噪声的影响.从所给出的计算实例看出,这种方法有一定的优越性.  相似文献   
针对现有微囊藻毒素(MC-LR)检测方法操作复杂、因标记而污染环境、仪器贵重,不利于现场快速检测等问题,将自行研制的表面等离子体共振(SPR)生物芯片检测仪应用于微囊藻毒素的检测,提出抑制型SPR生物芯片快速检测痕量微囊藻毒素的方法。采用该方法分别对浓度为3.5、2.5、1.5、1、0μg/L的MC-LR样品进行了检测。结果表明:该方法检测限小于1μg/L,可满足世界卫生组织(WHO)对于饮用水和我国地表水环境质量标准中MC-LR最低含量检测的需求。该方法完成一个样品检测耗时约8 min,相比于高效液相色谱法(HPLC)和酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)等传统检测方法,快速定量是其最大的优势,可用于食品质量监控和现场实时检测。   相似文献   
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