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Scheduling emergency medicine residents (EMRs) is a complex task, which considers a large number of rules (often conflicting) related to various aspects such as limits on the number of consecutive work hours, number of day and night shifts that should be worked by each resident, resident staffing requirements according to seniority levels for the day and night shifts, restrictions on the number of consecutive day and night shifts assigned, vacation periods, weekend off requests, and fair distribution of responsibilities among the residents. Emergency rooms (ERs) are stressful workplaces, and in addition shift work is well-known to be more demanding than regular daytime work. For this reason, preparing schedules that suit the working rules for EMRs is especially important for reducing the negative impact on shift workers physiologically, psychologically, and socially. In this paper, we present a goal programming (GP) model that accommodates both hard and soft constraints for a monthly planning horizon. The hard constraints should be adhered to strictly, whereas the soft constraints can be violated when necessary. The relative importance values of the soft constraints have been computed by the analytical hierarchy process (AHP), which are used as coefficients of the deviations from the soft constraints in the objective function. The model has been tested in the ER of a major local university hospital. The main conclusions of the study are that problems of realistic size can be solved quickly and the generated schedules have very high qualities compared to the manually prepared schedules, which require a lot of effort and time from the chief resident who is responsible for this duty.  相似文献   
Technological infrastructure at home is changing continuously and is becoming increasingly interconnected. Media devices, including the TV set, provide access to the Internet and offer manifold opportunities to consume media on demand. Additionally, personal devices, such as smartphones, also enable flexible consumption and sharing of media. Questions about how these technologies change the user's media usage and how these changes affect the social structure of a household, however, remain largely unanswered. In order to gain insight into the adoption of new technologies into daily routines, we explored these changes in respect of people's media usage in a qualitative long-term Living Lab study. We will present findings regarding personal routines, flexible integration of new devices into existing practices, influences on households as social systems and related issues in device access and collective use. We will highlight potentials and conflicts regarding device shifts and roles; restrictions in device access; social influences in the living room; and individual changes in media consumption.  相似文献   
随着社会经济发展的步伐越来越快,信息技术在不断发展壮大,同时网络中心机房的建设规模愈来愈大,对软件和硬件的配置要求也越来越高,但是机房建设以及管理技术的应用却达不到时代发展的要求,故此,为针对网络信息的灵动性与经济性的特点,机房的建设与管理就显得格外重要。本文将对网络中心机房的建设与管理进行分析探讨,为信息技术基础建设提供参考信息。  相似文献   
陈峰 《计算机时代》2011,(11):15-16,19
根据相关的调查显示,在传统观念和设计标准的影响下,网络机房存在各种各样的设计缺陷,其中的一些缺陷会导致网络机房内部空间形成热点、降低制冷容错能力、制冷效率和制冷量,从而提高运行成本。网络机房的制冷效率和运行成本的大幅提高成为制约发展的重要因素。文章从网络机房面临的实际问题出发,有针对性地分析了机房设计的典型错误,阐述了其原理和影响,并根据实践经验,介绍了一些简单可行的解决方案。  相似文献   
It is well recognized that the impact-acoustic emissions contain information that can indicate the presence of the adhesive defects in the bonding structures. In our previous papers, artificial neural network (ANN) was adopted to assess the bonding integrity of the tile–walls with the feature extracted from the power spectral density (PSD) of the impact-acoustic signals acting as the input of classifier. However, in addition to the inconvenience posed by the general drawbacks such as long training time and large number of training samples needed, the performance of the classic ANN classifier is deteriorated by the similar spectral characteristics between different bonding status caused by abnormal impacts. In this paper our previous works was developed by the employment of the least-squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier instead of the ANN to derive a bonding integrity recognition approach with better reliability and enhanced immunity to surface roughness. With the help of the specially designed artificial sample slabs, experiments results obtained with the proposed method are provided and compared with that using the ANN classifier, demonstrating the effectiveness of the present strategy.  相似文献   
Cerium oxide nanoparticles (CONPs), widely used in catalytic applications owing to their robust redox reaction, are now being considered in therapeutic applications based on their enzyme mimetic properties such as catalase and super oxide dismutase (SOD) mimetic activities. In therapeutic applications, the emerging demand for CONPs with low cytotoxicity, high cost efficiency, and high enzyme mimetic capability necessitates the exploration of alternative synthesis and effective material design. This study presents a room temperature aqueous synthesis for low-cost production of shape-selective CONPs without potentially harmful organic substances, and additionally, investigates cell viability and catalase and SOD mimetic activities. This synthesis, at room temperature, produced CONPs with particular planes: {111}/{100} nanopolyhedra, {100} nano/submicron cubes, and {111}/{100} nanorods that grew in [110] longitudinal direction. Enzymatic activity assays indicated that nanopolyhedra with a high concentration of Ce4+ ions promoted catalase mimetic activity, while nanocubes and nanorods with high Ce3+ ion concentrations enhanced SOD mimetic activity. This is the first study indicating that shape and facet configuration design of CONPs, coupled with the retention of dominant, specific Ce valence states, potentiates enzyme mimetic activities. These findings may be utilized for CONP design aimed at enhancing enzyme mimetic activities in therapeutic applications.
网络环境下的计算机机房作为学校重要的基础设施,担负着学校教学、教研、考试和对外交流等许多重要任务,科学地管理好计算机机房是关系到教学和科研工作顺利进行的重要保障,对网络机房所面临的网络安全、系统安全及管理问题进行详细的分析,提出了对高校机房进行科学化管理与维护的对策。  相似文献   
室温固相反应法制备纳米氧化锆及表征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
以ZrOCl2.8H2O和NH4HCO3为原料,在适量表面活性剂(PEG-400)存在下,先在室温下充分混合研磨进行固相反应,得到的反应混合物再用水洗去其中的可溶性无机盐并烘干,即得氧化锆前驱体。前驱体经530℃下热解3h即得氧化锆产品,采用TG/DTA,XRD和TEM对前驱体及产品进行了表征。结果表明,所得产品氧化锆为结晶良好、以四方相为主的混合晶相,其平均粒径约为25nm。  相似文献   
苏国梁  庞春  赵春刚 《中国电力》2003,36(12):45-48
随着计算机软硬件技术、网络技术,通信技术的发展,计算机监控系统在500kV变电所中已广泛应用。在一些工程中,为减少控制电缆,缩减主建筑占地面积,二次设备采用了放至配电装置区的方式。由于弱电设备多,环境电压等级高,电磁干扰强,使许多人对这种方式的安全可靠性提出了疑问。本文着重从干扰源、抗干扰措施及保护小室的设计角度作了分析,对保护小室下放模式的安全可靠性作出肯定,并对小室屏蔽设计提出了一些看法。  相似文献   
在评析传统的图书馆阅览室数据管理模式的基础上,提出了基于B/S模式的管理系统结构模型,并对B/S模式进行了简要介绍,对JSP技术进行了探讨,着重阐述了系统的基本功能以及系统的实现。  相似文献   
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