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Although structural adhesives are becoming widespread in numerous applications, one important limitation at present is the long term behaviour of bonded assemblies under conditions of high humidity, especially at elevated temperatures. This study presents a comparison between bulk properties of a structural epoxy resin and its behaviour in a torsional joint consisting of a hollowed-out cylinder bonded to a plate—both substrates being in stainless steel. Exposure to ca. 100% relative humidity at 70°C leads to modification of the bulk properties of the polymer, notably reduction of its elastic modulus. Although this may explain some differences in behaviour of the torsional joint, premature failure is attributed to weaknesses in the interphase zone.
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) has been employed to investigate both unbonded steel surfaces and fracture zones. Although prolonged exposure to water leads to a more extensive degree of (apparently) adhesive failure at the interface polymer/metal, AES has shown the presence of non-negligible quantities of carbon, attributed to residual polymer. Failure would seem to occur, at least partly, in a weak interphase of the polymer, near, but not at, the interface.
Various possible causes are evoked. For dry failure, residual polymer may be due to the topography of the metal surface and/or local modification of the adhesive during cure. In the case of aged joints, in addition there are potential effects due to swelling and differential stresses, secondary bond failure and molecular chain scission within the polymer, all provoked by the presence of water. 相似文献
Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) has been employed to investigate both unbonded steel surfaces and fracture zones. Although prolonged exposure to water leads to a more extensive degree of (apparently) adhesive failure at the interface polymer/metal, AES has shown the presence of non-negligible quantities of carbon, attributed to residual polymer. Failure would seem to occur, at least partly, in a weak interphase of the polymer, near, but not at, the interface.
Various possible causes are evoked. For dry failure, residual polymer may be due to the topography of the metal surface and/or local modification of the adhesive during cure. In the case of aged joints, in addition there are potential effects due to swelling and differential stresses, secondary bond failure and molecular chain scission within the polymer, all provoked by the presence of water. 相似文献
一种智能光纤位移传感器 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
介绍一种用神经网络实现无级查表功能的光纤位移传感器。其非线性误差小于0.3%FS。具体介绍了硬件原理和使用神经网络的方法。 相似文献
对美国A B公司生产的 1336IMPACT变频器进行了深入研究 ,剖析了该型号变频器的矢量控制算法、参数自整定方法和无速度传感器运行方式下的参数辨识方法等细节问题 ,并在此基础上总结出了系统的控制方案和设计思想 ,得到了详细的控制系统结构 相似文献
本文通过对武器系统使用条件和触发引信技术要求的分析,提出了压电引信方案,并系统地介绍了该引信传感器的工作原理、结构设计及调试方法。通过性能实验,证明这种压电引信传感器瞬发度高,万向性好,满足了技术要求,是种较好的快速响应万向性引信用传感器。该传感器也可用于各种三维冲击,振动测量中。 相似文献
用于超声键合工艺的超声波发生器是引线键合封装设备中的主要装置,其作用是驱动换能器并使其处于谐振工作状态,多工作频率点是未来换能器发展的一个重要方向。因为传统超声波发生器不具备多频段频率跟踪功能,所以构建了一种变频式超声波发生器,它可动态适应不同特性的换能器,具有通用、应用面广等特性。变频式超声波发生器基于嵌入式系统,采用快捷准确的直接数字频率合成(DDS)及锁相环(PLL)反馈方案,实现了自动查找换能器各谐振频率以及频率自动跟踪的功能。实践证明,变频式超声波发生器可驱动各种不同谐振频率的引线键合超声波换能器,并达到换能系统工作时的快速锁相和准确锁频要求。 相似文献
为解决焦化行业用电机车采用人工驾驶、定位精度差、劳动强度大的现状,提出了一种基于单片机AT89C51的电机车半自动化运行控制系统,为实现电机车的无人驾驶奠定了基础。介绍了AT89C51根据炉号识别系统、脉冲编码器及三灯对正传感器的位置反馈信号,确定电机车运行速度曲线的方法。变频器ACS800采用主/从控制方式,实现了两台电机以轮对车轮对铁轨无相对滑动为基准的同步运行,及负载在变频器之间的均匀分配。给出了该系统硬件构成框图及软件流程图。本系统结构简单,实现方便,控制精度高,对恶劣环境有较强的适应能力。 相似文献
利用复合方法研制出一种LPTC电子陶瓷材料,并经作温度敏感元件,研制出适合井下恶劣环境,精度高、寿命长的温度传感器。并对探头包封和响应时间以及传感器的动、静态特性进行了测量。 相似文献
架空输电线路分裂导线扭转刚度及舞动机理分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分裂导线因具有比单导线大得多的扭转刚度而更容易发生舞动,分裂导线扭转刚度是分析其舞动机理的关键因素。为此,基于对分裂导线扭转过程中能量增量的分析,建立了分裂导线扭转刚度的计算公式,并开展了真型分裂导线扭转试验,试验结果与公式计算结果比较相符,验证了该公式的准确性和可行性;以该扭转刚度计算公式为基础,通过建立导线逐渐覆冰的计算模型,对比分析了分裂导线和单导线上导线覆冰形状的不同,并引入覆冰不均匀系数来表征导线表面覆冰的不均匀程度,通过计算表明,分裂导线的覆冰不均匀系数大于单导线,且随着覆冰厚度的增加,2者之间的差距更加显著,由此从理论上验证了分裂导线比单导线更容易发生舞动的结论。 相似文献
介绍了高压变频器在600MW机组的凝结水泵节能改造的应用.从提高高压变频器设备环境适应性等运行稳定可靠性方面出发,提出现场的相应技术性能要求与针对性的应用技术. 相似文献