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This paper describes the dielectric breakdown characteristics of oil and oil‐impregnated paper for very fast transient (VFT) voltages. Blumlein circuits generate VFT voltages of 60 and 300 ns in a pulse width that simulates disconnecting switching surges in gas‐insulated switch gears. We measured the breakdown voltages of needle‐to‐plane, plane‐to‐plane oil gaps and several pieces of paper between plane electrodes for VFT and lightning impulse voltages. The measured data were formulated in V‐t characteristics and Weibull probability distributions. The inclination n of V‐t characteristics of insulating paper is 150, which is less than n = 13.7 of the plane‐to‐plane oil gap in the VFT time range. The shape parameters of Weibull distribution obtained in this study show that the scattering of breakdown voltages of paper is much less than that of oil. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 141(4): 16–24, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10043  相似文献   
Ring‐opening polymerization of D,L ‐lactide (LA) has been successfully carried out by using rare earth 2,6‐dimethylaryloxide (Ln(ODMP)3) as single component catalyst or initiator for the first time. The effects of different rare earth elements, solvents, monomers and catalyst concentration as well as polymerization temperature and time on the polymerization were investigated. The results show that La(ODMP)3 exhibits higher activity to prepare poly(D,L ‐lactide) (PLA) with a viscosity molecular weight of 4.5 × 104 g mol?1 and the conversion of 97 % at 100 °C in 45 min. The catalytic activity of Ln(ODMP)3 has following sequence: La > Nd > Sm > Gd > Er > Y. A kinetic study has indicated that the polymerization is first order with respect to both monomer and catalyst concentration. The apparent activation energy of the polymerization of LA with La(ODMP)3 is 69.6 kJ mol?1. The analyses of polymer ends indicate that the LA polymerization proceeds according to ‘coordination–insertion’ mechanism with selective cleavage of the acyl–oxygen bond of the monomer. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
ETRⅠ-30调速器是瑞士爱舍维斯工厂生产的具有PID调节规律的电液调速器。本文对其液压控制系统作了较详细的介绍,供有关人员参考。  相似文献   
As the result of vibration emission in air, a machine sound signal carries important information about the working condition of machinery. But in practice, the sound signal is typically received with a very low signal-to-noise ratio. To obtain features of the original sound signal, uncorrelated sound signals must be removed and the wavelet coefficients related to fault condition must be retrieved. In this paper, the blind source separation technique is used to recover the wavelet coefficients of a monitored source from complex observed signals. Since in the proposed blind source separation (BSS) algorithms it is generally assumed that the number of sources is known, the Gerschgorin disk estimator method is introduced to determine the number of sound sources before applying the BSS method. This method can estimate the number of sound sources under non-Gaussian and non-white noise conditions. Then, the partial singular value analysis method is used to select these significant observations for BSS analysis. This method ensures that signals are separated with the smallest distortion. Afterwards, the time-frequency separation algorithm, converted to a suitable BSS algorithm for the separation of a non-stationary signal, is introduced. The transfer channel between observations and sources and the wavelet coefficients of the source signals can be blindly identified via this algorithm. The reconstructed wavelet coefficients can be used for diagnosis. Finally, the separation results obtained from the observed signals recorded in a semi-anechoic chamber demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methods .  相似文献   
罗琳 《包头钢铁学院学报》2009,28(4):374-376,385
面对社会对职业技术的日益重视,职业技术学校的发展也有了日新月异的变化.试图通过对鹤壁职业技术学院新校区的规划设计与分析,探讨当代教育理念与模式下高等职业技术教育的办学特色和校园文化对规划及建筑设计的影响,从而总结适应职业技术教育的设计理念和方法,塑造具有自身特色和体现城市风貌的职业技术学院.  相似文献   
SnO2 electrodes have many advantages in the degradation of toxic or bio-refractory organic wastewater,and SnO2 is a kind of anode material which has the potential to be widely used.Electrocatalytic effi-ciency and service life of Ti\SnO2 electrodes are key factors that can influence its applications.In order to enhance the electrocatalytic characteristics of Ti\SnO2 electrodes,a type of electrocatalytic electrode with nanocoating was prepared by direct current(DC)electrodeposition method and thermal oxidati...  相似文献   
从真实性的角度出发,利用Bachman的任务特征框架分析了NETEM阅读理解部分对考生交际语言能力的测试.分析表明,NETEM在输入材料方面有较高的真实性,任务涉及的语言能力的真实性也有很大的提高.但从输入与回答之间的关系看,个别题目未能体现交际语言能力的特点,仍有待改进.  相似文献   
采用介质阻挡放电(DBD)降解常压下流动态的邻二甲苯模拟废气,系统地考察了放电极值电压,气体的初始质量浓度、停留时间以及相对湿度等工艺参数对邻二甲苯降解的影响,并初步探讨了邻二甲苯的降解产物.实验研究结果表明:在7.0kV的放电极间电压下,邻二甲苯的初始质量浓度为1 500mg/m3,停留时间为9s,其去除率可达到80%以上.降解产物主要为CO2、H2O以及苯甲酸、苯乙酸、苯乙醛等有机物,并且经降解后产物的生物可生化性得到提高,因而为后续的等离子-生物法联合处理VOCs提供了依据.  相似文献   
在诗歌翻译中,译文会因为译者的不同在风格上表现出差异.然而,译文的质量不外乎经受形美、音美和意美的考量.译者应从本国读者的文化背景上结合时代的脉搏来进行“再创造”,做到形式、音律和意蕴的完美统一.歌德的诗歌《中德四季晨昏杂咏》(之八)的四种中文译本各有特色,均在不同程度上实现了“三美”的融合.  相似文献   
明末清初,西方来华传教士将翻译作为“学术传教”的一种手段,将大量的西方宗教和科技著作译介入中国,同时将中国古代典籍和文献著作等输出至西方,形成了“西学东渐”和“东学西传”并存的局面。客观上,这是中西方政治、经济和文化的发展的必然结果;主观上,这与传教士自身的人格魅力和知识素养有着紧密的联系。  相似文献   
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