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提出一种以词性为参考值的文本挖掘算法,能有效挖掘与种子词有关的关联规则。基于Bootstrapping算法思想,既减少了预处理阶段对于词根还原的依赖,能处理日志中出现的中文词汇。增加了对于日志文本上下的理解,提高了关联规则的有效性,并应用与IDS日志挖掘之中,有效改善挖掘效率,为规则库提供关联规则。 相似文献
余素青 《上海电机学院学报》2006,9(1):52-55
在奥斯汀和塞尔的言语行为理论中,虚构的文学话语被认为是“不严肃”的。通过可以引入文学规约作为制度性语境,将所谓的“非正常”话语或虚构话语再语境化,从而使之正常化,解决虚构话语的本体问题。 相似文献
We present four techniques for modeling and animating faces starting from a set of morph targets. The first technique involves obtaining parameters to control individual facial components and learning the mapping from one type of parameter to another through machine learning techniques. The second technique is to fuse visible speech and facial expressions in the lower part of a face. The third technique combines coarticulation rules and kernel smoothing techniques. Finally, a new 3D tongue model with flexible and intuitive skeleton controls is presented. The results of eight animated character models demonstrate that these techniques are powerful and effective. 相似文献
Although word stress has been hailed as a powerful speech-segmentation cue, the results of 5 cross-modal fragment priming experiments revealed limitations to stress-based segmentation. Specifically, the stress pattern of auditory primes failed to have any effect on the lexical decision latencies to related visual targets. A determining factor was whether the onset of the prime was coarticulated with the preceding speech fragment. Uncoarticulated (i.e., concatenated) primes facilitated priming. Coarticulated ones did not. However, when the primes were presented in a background of noise, the pattern of results reversed, and a strong stress effect emerged: Stress-initial primes caused more pruning than non-initial-stress primes, regardless of the coarticulatory cues. The results underscore the role of coarticulation in the segmentation of clear speech and that of stress in impoverished listening conditions. More generally, they call for an integrated and signal-contingent approach to speech segmentation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
介绍了一个将参考模板存放在智能卡上的与相关的话者确认系统及其工作原理、相关算法和参数设置。 相似文献
通过研究语音残差信号的合成方法,给出了一种改进的波形内插(Waveform Interpolation,WI)编码器语音重建方案,去除了解码器中特征波形(Characteristic waveform,CW)的对齐运算。在该方案中当帧间的基音周期连续变化时,语音残差信号由幅度谱和相位轨迹直接合成,而当基音周期发生跳变时,则利用相位过渡过程合成语音残差信号。该方法大大降低了WI解码器的复杂度,同时保证了合成语音质量没有变化。 相似文献
依据异类文种之间、同类文种不同语音之间存在音素数据关联的特性,提出多文种语音数据融合编码方法。将不同文种存在的相同音素数据段块按段块模板截取语音样本序列,小波变换,提取特征矢量,生成共享模板集;任意字音或语句音串均按共享模板集提供的元素进行编码与解码;以模板音素串构成的语音记录库按(音节、音素)索引。实验结果表明,单字语音数据压缩比、语音数据存储量、语音还原分段信噪比、主观评价得分等参数均明显优于已有方法,语音还原质量良好。 相似文献
人在不同情感下的语音信号其非平稳性尤为明显,传统的MFCC只能反映语音信号的静态特征,经验模态分解能够精细地刻画语音信号的非平稳特性。为提取情感语音的非平稳特征,用经验模态分解将情感语音信号分解为一系列固有模态函数分量,通过Mel滤波器后取其对数能量,进行DCT反变换后得到改进的MFCC作为情感识别的新特征,采用支持向量机对高兴、生气、厌烦和恐惧等四种语音情感识别。仿真实验结果表明:改进的MFCC识别率达到77.17%,在不同的信噪比下,识别率最大可提高3.26%。 相似文献
讨论了一种基于传统谱相减算法的改进方法。利用语音的短时平稳性,通过先验幅度比来连续更新噪声谱的估计,从而代替复杂的VAD(话音活性检测)。计算机仿真结果表明,这种改进方法有效抑制了噪声干扰,语音得到了增强,在极大地提高信噪比的同时,将残留的音乐噪声和语音失真保持在人耳听觉容忍的范围以内,从而较好的保持了语音自然度。 相似文献