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Flame front surface area and enflamed volume (the volume enclosed with flame front) is theoretically analysed for a spark‐ignition engine, having cylindrical disc‐shaped combustion chamber with two spark plugs located axisymmetrically on cylinder head, between cylinder axis and cylinder wall. Spherical flame front assumption is used. A computer code is developed based on purely geometric consideration of the flame development process in combustion chamber, and is used to investigate the effects of variations of spark plugs' locations on geometric features of the flame front. A comparison has also been made with a spark‐ignition engine having one spark plug at the same location. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The effect of plasma elongation on the second‐stable spherical tokamak (ST) was numerically studied using the experimentally measured pressure and current profiles of ultrahigh‐beta STs. The maximum beta of ST over 50% was obtained in the TS‐3 ST/CT experiment by applying an external toroidal field to an FRC. It was found that the marginal beta for the ballooning instability increased with the plasma elongation κ of ST. The elongated STs with κ > 2 have the magnetic shear (S)–pressure gradient (α) profiles located in the second‐stable regime for the ballooning mode and the stability margin increased with κ. The close relation between the absolute minimum‐B profile and the second stability was documented. The effect of elongation on maximum beta was observed to saturate when κ exceed 3, indicating that the optimized elongation for high‐beta STs is located around 2 < κ < 3. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 155(4): 1–6, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20132  相似文献   
Abstract. A procedure for evaluating optimal linear estimates of missing values in the minimum dispersion sense is proposed for stationary symmetric stable processes. Analytical expressions for the estimates are obtained for the autoregressive moving-average process and it is shown that the finite variance setting results are special cases. Cases of one and more than one missing value are considered.  相似文献   
为了保证广角摄像机在现代机器人视觉定位应用中的准确性,以广角摄像机像素坐标的反畸变过程为研究对象,提出一种在畸变对应表的基础上使用中心迭代法以及区域插值法确定物体实际位置的方法。通过实验证明了该方法能够测量物体的位置,其精度能够满足工业使用要求。  相似文献   
This paper proposes an efficient parallel algorithm for computing Lagrange interpolation on k-ary n-cube networks. This is done using the fact that a k-ary n-cube can be decomposed into n link-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles. Using these n link-disjoint cycles, we interpolate Lagrange polynomial using full bandwidth of the employed network. Communication in the main phase of the algorithm is based on an all-to-all broadcast algorithm on the n link-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles exploiting all network channels, and thus, resulting in high-efficiency in using network resources. A performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm reveals an optimum speedup for a typical range of system parameters used in current state-of-the-art implementations.
Hamid Sarbazi-AzadEmail: Email:
张家界荷花机场气象预报室从业务需要出发,编制了一套指标诊断系统,应用于实际业务中,对提高预报的准确性、做好日常航空飞行的气象保障工作具有较好的指导意义。系统采用可视化编程,引进气象学诊断分析相关原理方法,使系统本身具有自动性、适用性和可再开发性等特点。  相似文献   
According to the classic harmonic approach, an orientation density function (odf)f is expanded into its corresponding Fourier orthogonal series with respect to generalized spherical harmonics, and a pole density function (pdf) into its corresponding Fourier orthogonal series with respect to spherical harmonics. While pdfs are even (antipodally symmetric) functions, odfs are generally not. Therefore, the part of the odf which cannot be determined from normal diffraction pdfs can be mathematically represented as the odd portion of its series expansion. If the odff is given, the even part can be mathematically represented explicitly in terms off itself. Thus, it is possible to render maps ofharmonic orientation ghosts, and to evaluatevariants of mathematical standard odfs resulting in identical pdfs independent of pdf data. However, if only normal diffraction pdfs are known, the data-dependentvariation width of feasible odfs remained unaccessible, and within the harmonic approach a measure of confidence in a solution of the pdf-to-odf inversion problem does not exist.According to any discrete approach, an odff defined on some setG of orientations is expanded into its corresponding Fourier orthogonal series with respect to indicator functions of the elements of a partition ofG, and a pdf defined on the upper (lower) unit hemisphereS + 3 3 into its corresponding Fourier orthogonal series with respect to indicator functions of the elements of a partition ofS + 3 . The ambiguity of the pdf-to-odf inversion problem is discussed in terms of column-rank deficiency of the augmented projection matrix. The implication of the harmonic approach to split an odf into auniquely determined and anundetermined part does no longer seem to be reasonable. However, it is possible to numerically determine data-dependent confidence intervals for the Fourier coefficients with respect to the indicator functions which can be immediately interpreted as mean orientation densities within the elements of the partition ofG. Doing so for all Fourier coefficients in the finite series expansion, i.e. for all elements of the partition of the setG, eventually results in the data-dependent variation width of odfs feasible with respect to given pdf data, and to the partitions ofG andS + 3 .Thus it is confirmed that the appearance of orientation ghosts, in particular correlations oftrue andghost orientation components, depends on the representation of an odf. It may be questioned whether in practical applications the implicit assumption of the harmonic method that the even part can be determined uniquely and free of error is generally a reasonable initial condition to develop ghost correction procedures.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍SIMOTION运动控制系统中Delta 3D picker功能的实际应用,阐述了Delta 3D机构的控制参数设定、原点设置、三种路径插补功能在运动轨迹控制中的应用。  相似文献   
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