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This paper presents a method to compensate voltage sags with minimum energy injection for a series‐connected voltage restorer using a micro‐SMES. A circuit for extracting the fundamental symmetrical components from sag voltages and a minimum energy injection algorithm is described. Simulations of voltage sag compensation have been carried out using PSCAD/EMTDC for various faults. The simulation results confirm the validity of the proposed method and show the possibility of reducing the size of energy storage devices. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 141(3): 70–80, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10047  相似文献   
Summary The effect of the addition of four commercial pectolytic preparations on the visual characteristics (colour and turbidity) of red wines has been evaluated. The effect of both clarifying and colour extracting enzymes and the effect of different doses used, were evaluated and compared. All the red wines treated enzymatically, independent of the type of enzyme and dose, present chromatic characteristics which can be considered better than those of the control wines. Also, those wines treated with enzymes had greater stability during 2 years storage in bottles, in particular the turbidity was better than untreated wines.  相似文献   
Hydrate formation rate plays an important role in making hydrates for the storage and transport of natural gas. Micellar surfactant solutions were found to increase gas hydrate formation rate and storage capacity. With the presence of surfactant, hydrate could form quickly in a quiescent system and the energy costs of hydrate formation reduced. Surfactants (an anionic surfactant, a non‐ionic surfactant and their mixtures) and liquid hydrocarbons (cyclopentane and methylcyclohexane) were used to improve hydrate formation. The experiments of hydrate formation were carried out in the pressure range 3.69–6.82 MPa and the temperature range 274.05–277.55 K. The experimental pressures were kept constant during hydrate formation in each experimental run. The effect of anionic surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)) on natural gas storage in hydrates is more pronounced compared to a non‐ionic surfactant (dodecyl polysaccharide glycoside (DPG)). The induction time of hydrate formation was reduced with the presence of cyclopentane (CP). Cyclopentane and methylcyclohexane (MCH) could increase hydrate formation rate, but reduced hydrate storage capacity The higher methylcyclohexane concentration, the lower the hydrate storage capacity. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new computerized procedure for dealing with the design of horizontal ground heat exchangers (HGHE). The computer program is based on the transient model of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations governing heat and mass flow in soils. The model is two-dimensional and delineates the operation of ground heat storage with the HGHE and such phenomena as freezing/thawing and drying/rewetting of soil moisture. Comprehensive climatological data, such as ambient temperature, solar radiation, wind velocity, rainfall, snowfall, snow characterstics, and water vapour pressure is used to simulate conditions at the ground surface over any required length of time. The package can be applied to any geographical location by changing climatic and soil data input. The designer has the possibility of selecting any of 12 types of soils from sand to clay, 12 commercial heat pumps, nine different configurations of the HGHE, 16 plastic pipes for ground coils, and 13 ground coil fluids. The program, however, does not calculate the length of the HGHE but it evaluates the thermodynamic performance of a ground heat pump system and provides comprehensive data on thermal and hydraulic conditions in ground heat storage. The length of the ground heat exchanger is obtained from a line source theory model or from site dimensions and pipe spacing. Computed results for ground heat exchanger operation correlate fairly well with experimental data. Simulation of temperature and moisture content in the ground for natural conditions (no heat extraction/deposition) showed a fair agreement with field data. The entire computer program is user-friendly, interactive, menu-driven, and written in FORTRAN 77.  相似文献   
This paper describes a load dispatch method which minimizes power cost—[fuel cost]/[electric output]—for a power system with thermal plants and energy storage facilities. The proposed method employs fractional programming to convert a minimization problem with fractional objective function to a series of quadratic minimization problems, and semidefinite programming to solve converted problems. The method provides the optimum time‐dependent power output/input and storage level of energy storage facilities as well as time‐dependent power output of thermal plants. The method has been applied to a power system with five thermal plants, two energy storage facilities of various performances, and five load demands. The optimum load scheme of four time mesh points is obtained for the thermal plants and energy storage facilities. The fractional programming successfully converges the optimal scheme through a few iterations. The semidefinite programming deals with a variable matrix of 164 dimensions, and 185 inequality constraints. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 138(2): 49–58, 2002  相似文献   
Thermal stratification in a mantled hot water storage tank is analysed numerically for different water inlet velocities. The aim is to obtain higher thermal stratification and supply hot water for usage as long as possible. Twelve different water inlet velocities to the hot water storage tank are considered. The numerical method is validated by comparing its results against experimental and numerical results from the literature. It turned out that the results obtained from the numerical analysis have shown very good agreements with the results from previous works. As a result, the water temperature in the tank increases with the increase of the water inlet velocities to the mantle but this increment is not proportional. After a period of operation of 7.2 h, which corresponds to the average sunshine duration in Turkey, temperature increments of 6.5 and 35 K have been estimated for the hot water inlet velocities of 0.01 and 0.3 m s?1, respectively, at a radial distance of 0.1 m and a height of 1 m inside the storage tank. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The texture of potato tissue after a freeze–thaw process using different freezing rates and different pretreatments was analysed, in order to select the best strategy for optimum preservation of the textural characteristics of pre‐frozen potato. Ten blanching conditions were tested and a two‐step blanching process with calcium chloride (0.07 g mL?1) proved the most effective in protecting the tissue after a freeze–thaw process (maximum load force around 10–55% of the raw tissue, depending on potato batch, for air‐blast freezing and 20–60% for immersion freezing). Vacuum impregnation at 100 and 400 mbar, even when followed by different pre‐drying treatments to remove excess water, was very detrimental to resistance to a freeze–thaw process (maximum load force below 10% of the raw tissue for air‐blast freezing and below 20% for immersion freezing). Microstructure analysis confirmed better tissue integrity retention with ethyleneglycol immersion freezing instead of air‐freezing. Differences were found between batches with a 6‐month difference in storage time, indicating that the fresher batch was more suitable for freezing.  相似文献   
The characteristics of high-quality tomato pulp (commercial def.: crushed or diced tomatoes with about 30% tomato juice as packing medium) canned with tomato juice pulp enriched by ultrafiltration as packing medium were compared with those covered with conventional vacuum-concentrated juice.
Both hot- and cold-break products were prepared and those containing 20% serum-reduced packing juice proved to be the best, showing no signs of syneresis on storage and with improvements in sensory properties, colour and non-enzymatic browning; some volatile components were reduced.  相似文献   
The effects of washing with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solutions on the gel-forming ability and physicochemical properties of surimi produced from bigeye snapper (Priacanthus tayenus), stored in ice for up to 14 days, were investigated. Generally, pH and the trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-soluble peptide content of washed mince varied, depending on the type of oxidizing agent and storage time of the fish. With increasing time of storage, the pHs of water- and H2O2-washed mince were lower than that of NaOCl-washed mince (P < 0.05). However, no differences in the TCA-soluble peptide contents of the resulting mince washed with any media were observed (P > 0.05). Washing with 20 ppm NaOCl resulted in the highest increase in both the breaking force and the deformation of mince from fish stored in ice for all the times studied (P < 0.05). Natural actomyosin (NAM) extracted from NaOCl-washed mince had higher surface hydrophobicity and disulfide bond (SS) content than that of water-washed mince (P < 0.05). With no effect on Ca2+-, Mg2+-, or Mg2+–Ca2+-ATPase activities, NaOCl washing resulted in an increase in Mg2+–EGTA-ATPase activity of NAM (P < 0.05). The results suggested that washing mince with the appropriate type and concentration of oxidizing agent can improve the gelling ability of surimi, particularly from low quality fish.  相似文献   
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