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研究了两种比活度的131Ⅰ-MIBG在正常及利血平抑制后在鼠体内的分布,结果表明:注射后4h,正常鼠心肌对3.22TBq/g的MIBG摄取为9.08%ID/g,明显高于对18.5GBq/g的摄取(4.87%ID/g)。计算表明,比活度主要影响了鼠心肌交感神经囊泡内摄取,而与囊泡外摄取无关.当MIBG用于心肌显像时,高比活度的MIBG有利于诊断。  相似文献   
Colour is the most widely used attribute in image retrieval and object recognition. A technique known as histogram intersection has been widely studied and is considered to be effective for color‐image indexing. The key issue of this algorithm is the selection of an appropriate color space and optimal quantization of the selected color space. The goal of this article is to measure the model performance in predicting human judgment in similarity measurement for various images, to explore the capability of the model with a wide set of color spaces, and to find the optimal quantization of the selected color spaces. Six color spaces and twelve quantization levels are involved in evaluating the performance of histogram intersection. The categorical judgment and rank order experiments were conducted to measure image similarity. The CIELAB color space was found to perform at least as good as or better than the other color spaces tested, and the ability to predict image similarity increased with the number of bins used in the histograms, for up to 512 bins (8 per channel). With more than 512 bins, further improvement was negligible for the image datasets used in this study. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 265–274, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20122  相似文献   
The term “color gamut” historically has been associated with color output such as optimal color stimuli and additive and subtractive imaging systems. Recently, this term has been used with input devices such as scanners and digital cameras. It is proposed that the term “color‐gamut rendering” should be used instead of input devices. This clarifies the distinction between input (analysis) and output (synthesis) color systems in terms of the effect of an input system on defining the colorimetric properties of an output system. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 334–335, 2007  相似文献   
Many spectral‐recovery methods using RGB digital cameras assume the underlying smoothness of illuminant and reflectance spectra, and apply low‐dimensional linear models. The aim of the present work was to test whether a direct‐mapping method could be used instead of a linear‐models approach to recover spectral radiances and reflectances from natural scenes with an RGB digital camera and colored filters. In computer simulations, a conventional RGB digital camera with up to three colored filters was used to image scenes drawn from a hyperspectral image database. Three measures were used to evaluate recovery with the direct‐mapping method: goodness‐of‐fit, root‐mean‐square error, and a color‐difference metric. It was found that with two and three filters both spectral radiances and reflectances could be recovered sufficiently accurately for many practical applications. With little increase in computational complexity, an RGB camera and a few colored filters can provide significantly better recovery of natural scenes than an RGB camera alone. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 32, 352–360, 2007  相似文献   
A simple measurement system is described for evaluating damage to graphite-epoxy panels, such as those used in high-performance aircraft. The system uses a heating laser and infrared imaging system to measure thermal performance. Thermal conductivity or diffusivity is a sensitive indicator of damage in materials, allowing this thermal measurement to show various degrees of damage in graphite-epoxy composites. Our measurements track well with heat-flux damage to graphite epoxy panels. This measurement system, including analysis software, could easily be used in the field, such as on the deck of an aircraft carrier or at remote air strips.  相似文献   
Image sources, such as digital camera captures and photographic negatives, typically have more information than can be reproduced on a photographic print or a video display. The information that is lost during the tone/color rendering process relates to both the extended dynamic range and color gamut of the original scene. In conventional photographic systems, most of this additional information is archived on the photographic negative and can be accessed by adjusting the way the negative is printed. However, most digital imaging systems have traditionally archived only a rendered video RGB image. As a result, it is not possible to make the same sorts of image manipulations that historically have been possible with conventional photographic systems. This suggests that there would be an advantage to storing images using an extended dynamic range/color gamut color encoding. However, because of file compatibility issues, digital imaging systems that store images using color encoding other than a standard video RGB representation (e.g., sRGB) would be significantly disadvantaged in the marketplace. In this article, we describe a solution that has been developed to maintain compatibility with existing file formats and software applications, while simultaneously retaining the extended dynamic range and color gamut information associated with the original scenes. With this approach, the input raw digital camera image or film scan is first transformed to the scene‐referred ERIMM RGB color encoding. Next, a rendered sRGB image is formed in the usual way and stored in a conventional image file (e.g., a standard JPEG file). A residual image representing the difference between the original extended dynamic range image and the final rendered image is formed and stored in the image file using proprietary metadata tags. This provides a mechanism for archiving the extended dynamic range/color gamut information, which is normally discarded during the rendering process, without sacrificing interoperability. Appropriately enabled applications can decode the residual image metadata and use it to reconstruct the ERIMM RGB image, whereas applications that are not aware of the metadata will ignore it and only have access to the sRGB image. The residual image is formed such that it will have negligible pixel values for those portions of the image that lie within the sRGB gamut, and will therefore be highly compressible. Tests on a population of 950 real customer images have demonstrated that the extended dynamic range scene information can be stored with an average file size overhead of about 8% compared to the sRGB images alone. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 28, 251–266, 2003; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.10160  相似文献   
Ultrasonic absorption, velocity, adiabatic compressibility, relaxation time and relaxation amplitude measurements are reported on poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) solution in tetrahydrofuran (THF) using pulsed ultrasonic apparatus operating at 2 MHz and 313 K. Results show a linear increase of velocity. density, viscosity, absorption coefficient, relaxation time and relaxation amplitude values with the increase of PVC concentration in THF. In contrast the compressibility decreases with increasing PVC concentration. This suggests interaction between PVC and THF molecules.  相似文献   
ANEWELECTROMAGNETICIMAGINGSCHEME①ZhangRongfeng,HeJishanColegeofResource,EnvironmentandCivilEnginering,CentralSouthUniversityo...  相似文献   
为了能够准确地测量污水旋流池的液面高度,设计了基于超声传感技术的污水旋流池液面测量方法,通过长时间的运行,测量数据完全满足污水旋流池的生产工艺要求。  相似文献   
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