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The dynamics of a thin liquid film falling down a uniformly heated wall is studied. The model introduced by Kalliadasis et al. [J. Fluid Mech. 475 (2003) 377] for the same problem is revisited and its deficiencies, namely the prediction of a critical Reynolds number with 20% error, cured. For the energy equation a high-order Galerkin projection in terms of polynomial test functions is developed. It is shown that not only does this more refined formulation correct the critical Reynolds number, but it also gives, with an appropriate expansion close to criticality, the long-wave theory. Bifurcation diagrams for permanent solitary waves are constructed and compared with the solution branches obtained from different models. It is shown that, in all cases, the long-wave theory exhibits limit points and branch multiplicity, while the other models predict the continuing existence of solitary waves. Time-dependent computations show that the free surface and interfacial temperature approach a train of coherent structures that resemble the infinite-domain stationary solitary pulses.  相似文献   
Ultrasonic absorption, velocity, adiabatic compressibility, relaxation time and relaxation amplitude measurements are reported on poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) solution in tetrahydrofuran (THF) using pulsed ultrasonic apparatus operating at 2 MHz and 313 K. Results show a linear increase of velocity. density, viscosity, absorption coefficient, relaxation time and relaxation amplitude values with the increase of PVC concentration in THF. In contrast the compressibility decreases with increasing PVC concentration. This suggests interaction between PVC and THF molecules.  相似文献   
为了能够准确地测量污水旋流池的液面高度,设计了基于超声传感技术的污水旋流池液面测量方法,通过长时间的运行,测量数据完全满足污水旋流池的生产工艺要求。  相似文献   
对于在餐厅、家庭或类似环境下工作的移动式服务机器人,能准确的引导到指定的工作位置是机器人设计的一个重要环节.针对这个问题,提出一种基于超声波引导的三角定位法解决方案.用低成本传感器和简单的算法使服务机器人能够获得较高精度的当前位置数据,引导到达工作位置.文章详细介绍了该方法的定位原理以及实现方法.  相似文献   
为研究高能超声处理制备纳米复合材料过程中纳米增强相在熔体中的分散过程,采用甘油为介质分别进行了数值模拟以及物理模拟。数值模拟结果表明,当超声作用于甘油中时,甘油中会形成中心-底面-壁面-中心的环形流动,变幅杆探头端面边缘附近甘油流体存在最大的流动速度,且随着超声功率的增大,流体运动速度增大。物理模拟实验结果显示,高能超声作用下甘油的实际运动行为与数值模拟结果相符合,存在环形流动;此外,高能超声作用下甘油中存在明显的空化效应;纳米晶须在超声作用下于甘油中分散良好,且随着超声功率的增大,达到充分分散所需时间变短。  相似文献   
A new method for optimizing a butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor was proposed to maximize its mechanical output. The finite element analysis technology and response surface methodology were combined together to realize the optimal design of the butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor. First, the operation principle of the motor was introduced. Second, the finite element parameterized model of the stator of the motor was built using ANSYS parametric design language and some structure parameters of the stator were selected as design variables. Third, the sample points were selected in design variable space using latin hypercube Design. Through modal analysis and harmonic response analysis of the stator based on these sample points, the target responses were obtained. These sample points and response values were combined together to build a response surface model. Finally, the simplex method was used to find the optimal solution. The experimental results showed that many aspects of the design requirements of the butterfly-shaped linear ultrasonic motor have been fulfilled. The prototype motor fabricated based on the optimal design result exhibited considerably high dynamic performance, such as no-load speed of 873 mm/s, maximal thrust of 27.5 N, maximal efficiency of 43%, and thrust-weight ratio of 45.8.  相似文献   
Based on the multiphase poroelasticity theory describing the propagation of waves in the unsaturated fluid-saturated porous medium, the reflection and transmission coefficients of the seismic waves at the interface between soil layers with different saturations are obtained. Our unsaturated model consists of a deformable skeleton in which two compressible and viscous fluids (i.e., water and gas) flow in the interstices. Three compressional waves (i.e., P1, P2, and P3 waves) and one shear (i.e., S wave) wave exist in the unsaturated soils. The expressions for the energy ratios of the various reflected and transmitted waves at the interface during the transmission and reflection processes are presented in explicit forms accordingly. At last, numerical computations are performed and the results obtained are respectively depicted graphically. The variation of the energy ratios with the incident angle, wave frequency and saturation degrees of the upper and lower soil layers is illustrated in detail. The calculation results show that the allocation of incident seismic waves at the interface is influenced not only by the angle and frequency of the incident seismic waves, but also by the saturations of the upper and lower soil layers. It is also verified that, at the interface, the sum of energy ratios of the reflected and transmitted waves is approximately equal to unity as was expected. This study is of importance to several fields such as geotechnical engineering, seismology, and geophysics.  相似文献   
A discontinuous Galerkin finite-element method (DG-FEM) solution to a set of high-order Boussinesq-type equations for modelling highly nonlinear and dispersive water waves in one horizontal dimension is presented. The continuous equations are discretized using nodal polynomial basis functions of arbitrary order in space on each element of an unstructured computational domain. A fourth-order explicit Runge-Kutta scheme is used to advance the solution in time. Methods for introducing artificial damping to control mild nonlinear instabilities are also discussed. The accuracy and convergence of the model with both h (grid size) and p (order) refinement are confirmed for the linearized equations, and calculations are provided for two nonlinear test cases in one horizontal dimension: harmonic generation over a submerged bar, and reflection of a steep solitary wave from a vertical wall. Test cases for two horizontal dimensions will be considered in future work.  相似文献   
The Biot–Frenkel model of fluid-infiltrated material dynamics in its original linear form is adequate to solve many problems for soils and rocks mechanics saturated with fluids. The main interest to it was connected with applications in oil/gas production and the exploration industry and also in civil engineering and ecology. The model was developed and generalized successfully for the first half century. The input of the Russian writers was essential. A corresponding review of their published results is given in this paper.  相似文献   
室内移动机器人超声传感器导航网络分布研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于室内广域移动机器人,超声波传感器网络是能够保证给定导航准确度的一种有效方法。合理的超声波传感器网络分布是实现超声波网络导航的重要条件。论述了超声波网络合理分布的原则,据此提出并分析了获得合理超声波传感器网络分布的四个步骤,仿真试验结果验证了它的有效性。  相似文献   
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