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Jun-Jie Liu Yuan-Yuan Chen Zeng-Nan Mo Gui-Xiang Tian Ai-Hua Tan Yong Gao Xiao-Bo Yang Hai-Ying Zhang Zhi-Xian Li 《International journal of molecular sciences》2013,14(10):19782-19791
To determine serum osteocalcin levels in South Chinese males with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and to examine the relation between serum osteocalcin and NAFLD.METHODS
Data were collected from 1683 men attending the Fangchenggang Area Male Healthy and Examination Survey (FAMHES) from September 2009 to December 2009. Serum osteocalcin was measured with electrochemiluminescence immunoassay. An abdominal ultrasonographic examination for all individuals was performed by two experienced ultrasonographers. The associations of serum osteocalcin with NAFLD were evaluated.RESULTS
The levels of serum osteocalcin were lower in 364 NAFLD participants than in 1319 non-NAFLD participants (24.51 ± 1.38 ng/mL vs. 20.81 ± 1.33 ng/mL, p < 0.001). Serum osteocalin level was associated with the scale of NAFLD (r = −0.150, p < 0.01). Serum osteocalin level tended to decrease with the scale of NAFLD. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that decreased ORs for NAFLD were observed from the first to the fourth osteocalcin quartiles.CONCLUSIONS
Our findings suggest that a lower serum osteocalcin level is associated with the presence of NAFLD. 相似文献2.
目的:研究兔VX2早期肝癌常规超声与低机械指数超声造影的图像特点,对比探讨两者在早期肝癌诊断方面的应用价值。方法:25只新西兰大白兔开腹种植VX2肿瘤,造模后14天分别行常规彩色多普勒超声检查及经耳缘静脉注射声诺维实时超声造影检查,观察记录图像二维特征及血供情况,进行对比研究。结果:在24例25个病灶中,常规超声检出23个病灶,病灶大小(0.92±0.15)cm,5个病灶边界显示清晰,18个病灶与周边分界不清;彩色多普勒检出17个结节有不同程度的血流信号,超声造影检出25个病灶,病灶大小(1.13±0.24)cm,25个病灶与周边分界显示清楚,10个病灶内部出现坏死。结论:超声造影较常规超声能更敏感地检出早期肝癌病灶,显示病灶内部坏死区域,病灶周边的浸润范围以及病灶内部血供情况。 相似文献
M. Jaureguiberry M.J. Giuliodori A.V. Mang L.V. Madoz H. Pothmann M. Drillich R.L. de la Sota 《Journal of dairy science》2017,100(4):3083-3085
The objective of the present study was to test the association between the presence of fluid in uterine lumen and the fertility of repeat breeder cows (RBC). Grazing Holstein cows that were clinically normal and were not pregnant after at least 3 consecutive inseminations were defined as RBC and included in the study (n = 358). A cut-point ≥2 mm of uterine lumen visible by ultrasonography was used as indicative of the presence of fluid in the uterus. The effect of this fluid on the fertility of RBC was assessed by mixed logistic regression. Twenty percent of the RBC had ≥2 mm of fluid in their uterus, and this finding was associated with a marked reduction in the odds of conception (odds ratio = 0.46). Additional intrauterine sampling revealed that 24.0% of RBC showed signs of subclinical endometritis [≥5% neutrophils in endometrial cytology (SCE)]. However, we found no agreement between the finding of uterine fluid and the diagnosis of SCE (kappa coefficient = 0.03, 95% confidence interval = ?0.07 to 0.14). In conclusion, the presence of fluid (≥2 mm) in uterine lumen, detected by ultrasonography, was associated with lower fertility in RBC, but was not related to the diagnosis of SCE. Thus, ultrasonographic evaluation is an important tool to assist in assessment of RBC. 相似文献
B. Vincze A. Gáspárdy F.L. Kézér M. Pálffy Zs. Bangha O. Szenci L. Kovács 《Journal of dairy science》2018,101(11):10283-10289
Dystocia and perinatal calf mortality cause significant economic losses in the dairy cattle industry. Despite advanced ultrasound examination procedures, there is no reliable method to estimate the birth weight of calves in order to predict, prepartum, the risk of dystocia. The aim of this study was to predict calf birth weight and dystocia based on transrectal ultrasonographic (TRUS) examinations in late-term Holstein heifers and cows. Therefore, TRUS examination was performed on 128 animals that were between 265 and 282 d of gestation to measure the bone thickness of the fetal metacarpus (MC) or metatarsus (MT). Fetal TRUS measurements were successful in 104 cases. Excluding twin deliveries, 97 fetal MC/MT bone thicknesses were measured and the mean (±SD) MC/MT thickness was 2.54 ± 0.37 cm. A novel index, the metacarpal/metatarsal index [MCTI = maternal body weight (kg)/fetal MC or MT thickness (cm)], was also calculated to study its association with calving ease. The average MCTI was 257.3 kg/cm in the studied population. A lower MCTI was associated with the risk of dystocia with an odds ratio of 2.074 that was not significantly different from 1 (95% confidence interval: 0.002–11.104). Fetal presentation, fetal age, fetal sex, body condition score of the dam, age of dam, and intercoxal and interischiadic distances were not related to dystocia. A fair phenotypic correlation (0.226) was found between MC/MT thickness and calf birth weight. The genetic correlation between MC/MT thickness and calf birth weight was 0.235. Our results indicate that late-term measurement of the fetal MC/MT bone thickness by means of TRUS examination augmented with the MCTI may have clinical significance in the prediction of dystocia in Holstein cattle. Because the odds ratio for dystocia based on MCTI determination was not significant, the applied technique should be improved based on further studies on prepartum TRUS examinations combined with dam pelvic measurements. 相似文献
Starke A Schmidt S Haudum A Scholbach T Wohlsein P Beyerbach M Rehage J 《Journal of dairy science》2011,94(6):2964-2971
The objective of the study was to investigate portal blood flow (PBF) in dairy cows with fatty liver by means of Doppler ultrasonography. Eighty lactating German Holstein cows less than 100 d in milk were used (mean ± standard error of the mean; body weight: 583 ± 9 kg, age: 5 ± 0.2 yr, withers height: 145.4 ± 0.5 cm, milk yield: 9 ± 0.6 kg). All cows had left abomasal displacement and underwent omentopexy via right flank laparotomy. The size of the liver and the thickness over the portal vein were determined ultrasonographically. Doppler ultrasonographic examinations of PBF were carried out transcutaneously and intraoperatively directly via liver surface. The PBF velocities [peak maximum (vmax), peak minimum (vmin), and mean maximum (vmean) velocity] were recorded. Venous pulsatility index (VPI) was calculated. Because transcutaneous Doppler ultrasonography revealed images of very poor quality in 58 of the 80 cows, only data obtained intraoperatively were presented. Liver biopsies were used for hepatic triacylglycerol (TAG) determination and histological examination. Based on histopathologic and ultrasonographic examinations, none of the cows suffered from hepatic disorders other than hepatic lipidosis. Hepatic TAG content ranged from 5 to 292 mg/g of liver fresh weight (FW). Cows were allocated to 1 of 4 groups according to their hepatic TAG content (very severe: TAG >150 mg/g of FW, n = 27; severe: >100-150 mg/g of FW, n = 18; moderate: ≥50-100 mg/g of FW, n = 19; mild: <50 mg/g of FW, n = 16). The VPI decreased with increasing TAG content (r = −0.55). The VPI did not differ between cows with severe and very severe fatty liver but it differed between cows of these 2 groups and cows with mild and moderate fatty liver. Velocities of PBF (vmean, vmin, vmax) correlated negatively with hepatic TAG content (r = −0.26 to −0.37). Mean PBF velocity of the cows with very severe fatty liver differed from cows with severe, moderate, and mild fatty liver. Variables of PBF were inversely related to hepatic size and thickness (r = −0.06 to −0.35). In conclusion, the lower VPI and PBF velocities in cows with fatty liver and the negative correlations with the degree of hepatosteatosis may be explained by a reduction of vascular compliance in the liver because of fatty infiltration. These changes, which are believed to result from parenchymal swelling, were particularly pronounced when hepatic TAG content exceeded 150 mg/g FW. 相似文献
目的:研究阴道超声发现子宫内膜异常患者的宫腔镜诊治价值。方法:对827例经阴道超声检查发现子宫内膜异常的患者行官腔镜检查,并行诊断性刮宫或宫腔内病变电切,组织物送病检。结果:以病检结果为诊断标准,宫腔镜检查对子宫内膜息肉、子宫粘膜下肌瘤、正常子宫内膜、宫颈管息肉及子宫内膜癌的诊断符合率均明显高于阴道超声检查(P〈0.01);宫腔镜检查对子宫内膜病变诊断的敏感性和特异性分别是95.23%和86,82%,而阴道超声检查对子宫内膜病变诊断的敏感性和特异性分别是83.99%和41.23%。结论:对阴道超声检查发现子宫内膜异常的患者应常规行宫腔镜检查并取组织活检,才能提高诊断符合率,减少误诊和漏诊。 相似文献
高强度聚焦超声损伤兔肌肉组织的超声影像学变化的初步研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
探讨高强度聚焦超声损伤兔肌肉组织的超声图像变化。采用高强度聚焦超声经皮照射20只新西兰大白兔双侧后肢肌肉,其中18只于照射前1d、照射后10min、照射后1d,3d,7d,14d,21d,28d进行二维超声、彩色多普勒和能量多普勒超声检查,并于照射后28天处死后测量凝固灶大小。另2只分别于照射后1d及照射后50d解剖,行病理学检查。(1)HIFU照射后凝固灶外周可见强回声带至低回声带的演变过程。(2)HIFU照射后第1d,测量的凝固灶体积最大(1476.59±308.64mm3),第3d~第21d,凝固灶体积逐渐缩小(612.47±127.98mm3)。第28d凝固灶体积最小(343.29±54.79mm3)。超声检查在兔肌肉组织HIFU照射后的随访中发挥了重要的作用,为监测HIFU治疗人体软组织肿瘤超声图像的变化提供了实验依据。 相似文献
《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4534-4546
Up until now, bovine fetometry has been entirely based on 2-dimensional ultrasonography. Fetal size is estimated by several linear measurements such as crown-rump length (CRL). However, the advent of 3-dimensional ultrasonography (3D-US) provides in vivo access to the volumes of the fetus and its amniotic sac. The objective of this preliminary observational study was to determine the variability of conceptus-related volumes using transrectal 3D-US in dairy cows and to identify factors affecting them. Furthermore, relationships between the gained measurements and calf birth weight were investigated. In total, 315 Simmental and Holstein-Friesian dairy cows were transrectally examined at d 42 after breeding using a portable ultrasound device (Voluson I, GE Healthcare). Gestational volumes including fetal volume (FV) and amniotic sac volume (ASV) were determined with the software tool VOCAL (Virtual Organ Computer-Aided Analysis, GE Healthcare), whereas amniotic fluid volume (AFV) values were derived from the subtraction of FV from ASV. The CRL was determined by means of 3-dimensional data. The mean values and standard deviations for FV, ASV, AFV, and CRL were 1.47 ± 0.25 cm3, 5.86 ± 1.22 cm3, 4.38 ± 1.02 cm3, and 2.38 ± 0.18 cm, respectively. All gestational volumes and CRL values were affected by breed. In Simmental cattle, larger concepti were observed compared with pregnancies derived from Holstein-Friesian animals. Parity affected only ASV and AFV, with heifers showing greater values than lactating cows. The CRL was positively associated with milk protein content. It was not possible to predict calf weight at birth by using FV, ASV, or AFV; however, tendencies were found for ASV and AFV. The present study was the first to adopt 3D-US volumetry to assess early pregnancy development in dairy cattle. Our results showed that this method could be used successfully to identify minor variations in conceptus growth. 相似文献
经颅超声作为一种直观、安全、经济的检查手段常规地应用于临床实践。使用超声造影剂能够有效地增强多普勒信号,增加检查的诊断成功率。笔者查阅了近年来相关文献,摘要综述经颅超声血管造影的临床应用和研究进展。 相似文献