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Cryogenic detectors with superconducting tunnel junctions can provide an energy resolution improved by at least one order of magnitude compared with standard semiconductor detectors. While the detection principle was already demonstrated many years ago, the past years were dedicated to the transition from the laboratory sample to practical detectors. Our most favored detector design gives rise to tunnel junctions with electrodes of unequal energy gaps. In such hetero tunnel junctions bias conditions can be established which cause a negative signal current. We report the experimental verification of this effect, and we discuss the yield of charge signal of cryogenic detectors based upon superconducting tunnel junctions.  相似文献   
The paper shows that an analytical evaluation of the power coefficient Cp for an ideal horizontal-axis wind turbine can be made via an expression giving the direct relationship of Cp and the axial induction factor a. The results obtained agree closely with those obtained numerically from the usual integral expression involving several variables.  相似文献   
The architects and builders in the past lacked our knowledge concerning fluid dynamics, but they exhibited a deep rooted ability to observe and reflect - thus, different cultures have developed by trial and error. The authors have produced a stimulating analysis which couples the science of fluid dynamics and a sensitive understanding of past cultures. The paper is recommended reading.  相似文献   
针对煤矿副井提升系统安全回路软硬件及上位机中存在的不足进行了优化改造,改进了过卷试验方式,将闸系统紧停信号引入安全回路,并将安全回路各节点状态信号引入RSView32人机界面,实时显示安全回路状态;根据现场检修需要,在上位机增加了复位显示功能及行程偏差大报警信号。实际应用表明,该优化改造可迅速定位故障节点,实现软硬件互查。  相似文献   
根据风力发电技术产业的特点,构建改进层次分析与模糊一致矩阵相结合的方案决策数学模型,该模型既可以减少确定判断矩阵的盲目性,又可以避开评价体系中各等级间的隶属度确定问题,使评价结果更加可靠,适合于信息尚不完整、受主观因素影响较强的评价。实例验证了这一模型的合理性、可行性和有效性,具有实用价值。  相似文献   
本文介绍了锦屏二级水电站3#引水隧洞有盖重防渗固结灌浆试验的施工方法和试验参数。通过防渗固结灌浆试验,总结出在灌浆施工中应及时采集的相关信息和采取的施工工艺,既保证了施工质量又保证了施工速度  相似文献   
以某工程为具体实例,介绍了EBZ2260H掘进机的适用范围、技术参数和主要配置;从掘进机的截割方法、维护和保养、除尘装置的正确使用等多个方面,对EBZ260H掘进机暗挖工艺和技术进行了详细阐述;归纳总结了EBZ260H掘进机的各项优点.  相似文献   
由于施工放样原因,双曲线冷却塔风筒发生移位变形,筒壁出现初始几何缺陷,偏差超出规范允许值,造成冷却塔应力状态改变.利用冷却塔专用计算软件对冷却塔结构进行静力计算,根据计算的内力对强度进行验算,分析初始几何缺陷对冷却塔应力状态的影响,评价冷却塔结构安全性及是否需要进行加固处理,并对冷却塔后期维护提出建议.  相似文献   
The ability of a granular bulk material to transmit internal shear stress is a fundamental property that is often overlooked or underestimated, yet it is this ability that allows many observed physical phenomena to occur. One such area that continues to be a focus for numerical, theoreticals and experimental researchers is the pressure that a stockpile of granular material places on the supporting surface. While appearing to be a simple problem, the ability of granular materials to transmit shear stress makes this an extremely complex problem. This article presents high-quality data collected under a 2 m high stockpile and full details of the experimental facilities used in the collection of the data.

The work presented is of significant value, having a much greater scale than previous studies (Jotaki & Moriyama, 1979; Lee & Herington, 1971; Smid & Novosad, 1981), and the deliberate inclusion of a central reclaim channel offers insight into stress changes during gravity reclaim and refilling. The results of this work have shown that the so-called 'M' pressure does exist under larger stockpiles both with and without reclaim hoppers; of more significance is the reemergence of the M pressure upon refilling of an emptied stockpile. This clearly illustrates that the M pressure is a robust and natural pressure distribution for a conical stockpile.  相似文献   
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