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为研究织物组织结构与复合纱线线密度对织物凉爽性能的影响,将线密度为7.4和9.8 tex涤纶分别与线密度为7.8 tex锦纶反向加捻、并线后作为纬纱,以8.3 tex涤纶/竹浆纤维50/50混纺纱作经纱,设计平纹、二上一下斜纹和透孔组织织物.测试织物的瞬间接触凉感、热湿舒适性能及织物干、湿态升温曲线,并采用凉爽温度指数对织物的综合凉爽性能进行评价.研究结果表明:6种设计织物的瞬间接触凉感均高于标准,且平纹织物最好,纬纱粗细对瞬间接触凉感影响不显著;透孔织物透气性最好,且在人体出汗的状态下具有较好的导湿散热性能.平纹织物凉爽温度指数最高,最大凉爽温度为2.8℃,综合凉爽性能最好.  相似文献   
Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 (x?=?0–1) ceramics were prepared through conventional solid-state method. This paper focused on the dependence of microwave dielectric properties on crystal structural characteristics via crystal structure refinement, Raman spectra study and complex chemical bond theory. XRD spectrums delineated the phase information of a spinel structure, and structural characteristic of these compositions were achieved with the help of Rietveld refinements. Raman spectrums were used to depict the correlations between vibrational phonon modes and dielectric properties. The variation of permittivity is ascribed to the Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 average bond covalency. The relationship among the B-site octahedral bond energy, tetrahedral bond energy and temperature coefficient are discussed by defining on the change rate of bond energy and the contribution rate of octahedral bond energy. The quality factor is affected by systematic total lattice energy, and the research of XPS patterns illustrated that oxygen vacancies can be effectively restrained in rich oxygen sintering process. Obviously, the microwave dielectric properties of Mg2(Ti1-xSnx)O4 compounds were obtained (εr= 12.18, Q×f?=?170,130?GHz, τf?=??53.1?ppm/°C, x?=?0.2).  相似文献   
针对传统的小区内开环功率控制算法通常以提升本小区的吞吐量性能为目标,忽略了当前小区用户对邻小区用户同频干扰的问题,为提升边缘用户性能的同时兼顾系统整体性能,提出了一种LTE系统小区间上行联合功率控制(UJPC)算法。该算法采用单基站三扇区为系统模型,以最优化系统吞吐量比例公平函数为目标,首先根据最小信干噪比(SINR)约束值和用户最大发射功率这两个约束条件得到相应的数学优化模型,然后采用连续凸近似的方法求解优化问题得出各个基站所管辖的小区内所有用户的最优发射功率。仿真结果表明,与基准的开环功控方案相比,联合功控方案在保证系统平均频谱利用率的情况下能够较大幅度地提高小区边缘频谱利用率,其最佳性能增益能达到50%。  相似文献   
分析了影响因特网语音通信质量的主要因素,根据实时传输控制协议计算延迟、丢包率等网络参数,并利用RBF神经网络将参数映射为语音质量评分,根据评分值的变化动态地调整语音终端的编码速率,在保证一定语音质量的同时,缓解网络拥塞。实验证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
介绍土卡河电站在大坝碾压混凝土现场施工的具体施工技术、工艺措施。大坝自2006年3月碾压混凝土开工以来,其施工工艺、施工质量得到了各方的好评。  相似文献   
Specifications require that all the welds in 12-m-diam. decomposers with a capacity of 3600 m3 be subjected to high-temperature tempering before going into service in order to alleviate the stresses from the welding operation. Specialists at the organizations VNIIPTkhimnefteapparatury and VNIImontazhspetsstroi have proposed out-of-furnace volumetric (complete) of the assembled decomposer with the use of special heaters. The use of this heating method has shortened assembly operations while providing the welds with a highquality heat treatment and reducing the stresses overall (including welding stresses, stresses from assembly of the decomposer, etc.) The technology ensures uniform heating of the housing of the decomposer and provides for close control over the process. The experience gained in heat-treating decomposers can also be used in the construction of other containers that come into contact with corrosive media. __________ Translated from Metallurg, No. 3, pp. 61–64, March, 2006.  相似文献   
离心泵并联运行工况点的数值求解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张言禾  王涛  刘菡  朱满林 《西北水电》2006,(2):43-44,67
建立了求解多台不同型号离心泵并联运行工况点的数学模型,给出了用数值计算中的“二分法”求解该模型的方法,并附有用Exce l计算的实例。  相似文献   
The paper discusses optimal control of ecosystem state for observation of a generalized monotonically varying random parameter. A model is proposed for the controlled vector random process, whose components are assigned acceptable ranges and the observations are performed discretely. __________ Translated from Khimicheskoe i Neftegazovoe Mashinostroenie, No. 6, pp. 40–44, June, 2006.  相似文献   
张妹玉  陈朝 《微纳电子技术》2006,43(6):273-278,292
回顾了异质结光晶体管(HPT)在近年来的重要进展,综合分析了HPT的工作原理以及影响其性能的主要参数。综述了不同材料制作的HPT的研究现状,得出了目前限制HPT发展的主要因素及当前应重点解决由于基区表面复合等效应导致的增益下降和由于结电容的充放电限制的响应带宽等问题的结论。  相似文献   
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