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垦71井区三维VSP资料波场分离方法应用研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
张卫红  陈林  高志凌 《石油物探》2006,45(5):532-536
三维VSP资料是多偏移距VSP资料,资料中多种类型的波叠合在一起形成复杂波场。从复杂波场中分离出单一的保幅反射波波场是三维VSP波场分离的重要工作。常规二维VSP波场处理方法单一,难以适用于复杂的三维波场处理。针对三维VSP资料的波场特点,以分离上行反射P波为例,将单一波场分离方法加以适当组合,对垦71井区三维VSP实际资料进行了应用研究。结果表明,波场分离处理中叠加消去法和中值滤波相结合以及F—K滤波和中值滤波相结合的方法克服了单一方法的缺陷,波场处理后获得了波组特征明显、波场清晰单一的上行反射P波保幅波场,取得了较好的波场分离效果。  相似文献   
London Resin (LR) White is a commonly used resin for embedding specimens to be used for immuno- and/or cytochemical studies. In some instances, due to either the properties of the specimen or the availability of various reagents and equipment, it becomes necessary and/or more convenient to polymerize LR White using heat rather than chemical accelerators or UV light. It is known, however, that heat can reduce or even eliminate the anti genicity of the tissue being embedded. It is therefore desirable to polymerize specimens at the lowest temperature possible and to remove the specimens from the oven as soon as polymerization is complete. We have developed a technique that provides a visual marker that allows the exothermic polymerization of LR White to be monitored, thus minimizing the amount of time a specimen must stay in the oven while excluding oxygen from capsules of polymerizing LR White.  相似文献   
一种改进的共同进化遗传算法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将共同进化遗传算法应用于临床营养决策优化中,虽然取得了一定成果,但算法中仍存在早熟现象、局部搜索能量弱等问题,为此提出一种改进的共同进化模型。算法使用新的子群体划分方法和交叉算子,引入精英保留策略、信息交换原则和小生境技术。通过对糖尿病营养治疗的仿真表明,改进后的算法在保证群体多样性和避免早熟现象的前提下,提高了算法的局部和全局寻优能力,且膳食配方中营养素达标率符合要求,满足专家建议的糖尿病饮食需求。  相似文献   
Properties of Edible Films from Total Milk Protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The mechanical properties and water vapor permeability of edible films made from various total milk proteins (TMPs) were investigated. Two TMPs obtained from nonfat dry milk (NDM) by removing lactose and three TMPs obtained from a commercial source were studied. Lactose was extracted from NDM by ultrafiltration or suspension in ethanol followed by filtration. TMP concentrate obtained by ultrafiltration (UF) produced films with the lowest water vapor permeability (WVP) and the highest tensile strength at break. Commercial TMP concentrates produced films more ductile than those from the UF-TMP or retentate from ethanol extraction. Further research is needed to improve mechanical properties of UF-TMP films without increasing the WVP.  相似文献   
Results of a study of tube specimens cut from hot-water boilers show that film-forming octadecyl amine (ODA) used in the process of preservation removes deposition from the surface of the metal. An ODA film is preserved on the surface after repeated washing of the latter with hot water. The concentration of chlorides at the surface of the metal after treatment with ODA is lower than before the treatment. __________ Translated from élektricheskie Stantsii, No. 11, November 2005, pp. 15–18.  相似文献   
建筑围护结构与节能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对我国夏热冬冷地区的建筑气候特点,对建筑围护结构节能在设计中的要点和意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   
Studies conducted on two power-generating units at the Kharanorskaya SAPP relative to the steam-water-oxygen passivation, preservation, and partial cleaning of all boiler-heating surfaces, including the surfaces of the reheater, and passivation of the surfaces of the high-pressure heaters on the steam and water sides by the steam-oxygen method, as well as partial passivation, preservation, and cleaning of turbine blading are presented. __________ Translated from élektricheskie Stantsii, No. 6, pp. 56–64, May, 2006.  相似文献   
Metrological characteristics of active hydrogen frequency standards are investigated on the basis of internal and external comparisons. The stability of random changes and drift of hydrogen frequency standards and also the potential capabilities of time scale preservation with effective consideration of systematic changes in their frequency are demonstrated. __________ Translated from Izmeritel’naya Tekhnika, No. 3. pp. 42–45, March, 2007.  相似文献   
Currently, the sterility of heat‐processed food and pharmaceuticals is assessed in terms of an F0 value, based on the equivalence of the heat treatment to an isothermal process at a reference temperature. This F0 value, however, has a meaning if, and only if, the inactivation kinetics of the targeted spores (or cells) follow a first‐order relationship and the temperature dependence of the D value, the reciprocal of the rate constant, is log‐linear. There is growing evidence that these conditions are not satisfied by many spores, including those of Clostridium botulinum and vegetative cells. Consequently, a replacement for the F0 value is proposed in the form of a momentary equivalent time at the reference temperature based on the actual survival pattern of the spores, which need not be log‐linear. This equivalent time can be calculated together with the theoretical survival ratio in real time, thus enabling an operator to monitor the lethality of ongoing industrial heat processes. The concept is demonstrated with published survival data of C. botulinum, for which the Weibullian and log‐logistic models served as primary and secondary models, respectively. The safety factor according to the proposed method is in the number of added minutes of processing, beyond the theoretical time needed to reduce the survival ratio of the targeted spores or cells to a level that would produce practical (or commercial) sterility. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
群签名具备良好的匿名认证特性,满足车载自组网信息安全和隐私保护需求。但是,其作废开销较大,不适于在大规模网络环境中应用。为此,本文提出了一种支持群签名认证的分布式密钥管理方案DKM,将车载自组网的覆盖区域划分为若干子区域,车辆周期性地从所在子区域的群管理机构更新群密钥。这样,作废某个成员只需要在其拥有合法密钥的子区域内通告,而不是整个网络,有利于降低作废开销。同时,DKM中的密钥更新机制能够保证车辆的群密钥的私密性,从而避免了车辆与区域群管理机构的授权争议,保持了数字签名的不可否认性。性能分析表明DKM能够显著缩短作废列表长度,同时没有增加认证开销。  相似文献   
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