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郑世林 《通信技术》2002,(12):32-33
照相手机让诺基亚抢了风头,这真是亚洲人的失策。在日本和韩国,内置摄像头的手机早就不是什么值得炫耀的东西了。不过日本人的动作还是很快的,GD88和N8一副后来居上的架势,让人不敢小瞧。  相似文献   
陈育平 《世界电信》2004,17(2):24-27
无线接入系统凭借其建设速度快、运营成本低、提交成本回收快等特点,越来越受到电信运营商的青睐。目前,宽带城域网和宽带小区的建设正如火如荼,具有广阔的发展前景。中国无线接入技术与市场呈现多元化。介绍了中国电信的“天翼通”、中国移动的“移动梦网”以及中国联通的“联通无限”。这三种业务即存在竞争又相互补充。  相似文献   
Cognitive radio systems dynamically reconfigure the algorithms and parameters they use, in order to adapt to the changing environment conditions. However, reaching proper reconfiguration decisions presupposes a way of knowing, with high enough assurance, the capabilities of the alternate configurations, especially in terms of achievable transmission capacity and coverage. The present paper addresses this problem, firstly, by specifying a complete process for extracting estimations of the capabilities of candidate configurations, in terms of transmission capacity and coverage, and, secondly, by enhancing these estimations with the employment of a machine learning technique. The technique is based on the use of Bayesian Networks, in conjunction with an effective learning and adaptation strategy, and aims at extracting and exploiting knowledge and experience, in order to reach robust (i.e. stable and reliable) estimations of the configurations' capabilities. Comprehensive results of the proposed method are presented, in order to validate its functionality. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
本文主要研究CDMA系统对GSM系统的上行干扰,通过实验以及理论计算分析CDMA干扰对GSM系统的影响,并结合天线隔离度分析两系统之间的安全距离.  相似文献   
介绍了TH-PPM UWB信号,在AWGN信道和多用户干扰条件下对系统的性能进行了分析,包括误码率分析和系统所能接入的最大用户数,对其误码率进行了仿真.结果表明,随着接入用户数目的增加,系统误码率也增加,而增大重复码长度和脉冲重复时间则可降低系统误码率,但增加脉冲重复时间会降低信息传输速率.  相似文献   
电磁流量计输出的流速信号非常微弱,且常叠加共模干扰,经信号调理电路放大后,会导致信噪比很低,甚至淹没有用信号.针对这问题提出了利用前置放大电路有效抑制共模干扰,对其进行定性、定量分析,给出实际可行的提高差动放大电路输入阻抗的设计,并进行分析、推导和对比计算,证明其可以很大限度抑制共模干扰,提高测量准确度.  相似文献   
根据普光气田现场资料,分析普光气田关井压降恢复时间和稳定生产时间的关系。建立邻井干扰计算模型,评价邻井干扰压降值及邻井干扰,并对邻井干扰规律进行敏感性分析。  相似文献   
This paper presents a joint relay selection and power allocation scheme for amplify-and-forward two-path relaying networks,in which diferent relay nodes forward information symbols alternatively in adjacent time slots.Our approach is based on the maximization of the received signal-to-noise ratio under total power consumption by the transmission of the symbol.We show that in spite of inter-relay interferences,the maximization problem has a closed-form solution.Simulation results explicitly indicate that the performance of proposed approach outmatches the existing methods including equal power allocation and one-path relaying.  相似文献   
使用WiFi(Wireless Fidelity)IEEE 802.11b/g协议的无线局域网(WLAN)技术已经成为PC和笔记本电脑的标准而正在快速扩散到PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)和其它便携式设备。与此同时,蓝牙作为耳机,麦克风连到各种个样的无线设备的串口线的替代品已经越来越普遍。这两种无线协议都工作于2.40至2.48GHzISM(工业,科学和医疗)射频带。WiFi使用12个带宽为22MHz重叠的频道其中一个,而蓝在带宽为79MHz范围跳频[3]。因此,无论WiFi正在使用哪个频道两个系统间会存在互相干扰和共存的问题导致数据吞吐量的降低。实现IEEE802.11 WLAN协议的设使用FEC(Foward Error Correction)纠错技术来减轻于其它无线网的干扰。在该文中,我们将对RS(Reed Solomon)编码与BS(Binary Convolutional)编码使用于解决WLAN于BT共存问题的相对有效性进行一个调查并作出结论。  相似文献   
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