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Visual evaluation experiments of color discrimination threshold and suprathreshold color‐difference comparison were carried out using CRT colors based on the psychophysical methods of interleaved staircase and constant stimuli, respectively. A large set of experimental data was generated ranged from threshold to large suprathreshold color difference at the five CIE color centers. The visual data were analyzed in detail for every observer at each visual scale to show the effect of color‐difference magnitude on the observer precision. The chromaticity ellipses from this study were compared with four previous published data, of CRT colors by Cui and Luo, and of surface colors by RIT‐DuPont, Cheung and Rigg, and Guan and Luo, to report the reproducibility of this kind of experiment using CRT colors and the variations between CRT and surface data, respectively. The present threshold data were also compared against the different suprathreshold data to show the effect of color‐difference scales. The visual results were further used to test the three advance color‐difference formulae, CMC, CIE94, and CIEDE2000, together with the basic CIELAB equation. In their original forms or with optimized KL values, the CIEDE2000 outperformed others, followed by CMC, and with the CIELAB and CIE94 the poorest for predicting the combined dataset of all color centers in the present study. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 198–208, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20106  相似文献   
赵志良 《山西建筑》2004,30(21):108-109
介绍了引黄工程五座泵站的火灾自动报警系统的组成及功能,对泵站的火灾探测系统、报警系统、联动控制系统、灭火系统、控制台等原理进行了详细说明,供同行参考借鉴。  相似文献   
微波干燥原理及其应用   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
祝圣远  王国恒 《工业炉》2003,25(3):42-45
介绍了微波干燥的原理和主要特点及其应用的现状,并且给出了微波干燥经济核算的计算方法。  相似文献   
It is necessary to determine the accurate reflectance of painted surfaces for the review of paint finishes by computer graphics (CG) before actual painting of the exterior color of automobiles, and for quality control during production and inspection processes. We have optimized a method for measuring reflectance by using a statistical technique. We have found that the reflectance of a painted surface is best measured at an incident angle of 60° and at five aspecular angles of 10°, 18°, 28°, 40°, and 90°. Our method makes it possible to accurately reproduce reflection characteristics of paint finishes containing special flake pigments, such as pearl mica. Also it was proved that our method can apply not only to solid and metallic coatings but to all painted surfaces. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Col Res Appl, 30, 275–282, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/col.20125  相似文献   
We consider a stochastic control problem with linear dynamics with jumps, convex cost criterion, and convex state constraint, in which the control enters the drift, the diffusion, and the jump coefficients. We allow these coefficients to be random, and do not impose any Lp-bounds on the control.

We obtain a stochastic maximum principle for this model that provides both necessary and sufficient conditions of optimality. This is the first version of the stochastic maximum principle that covers the consumption–investment problem in which there are jumps in the price system.  相似文献   

本文阐述了几种表面活性剂在香精中应用的调配研究过程以及期间出现的不同现象,并对其进行了对比、比较.细述了这几种表面活性剂在应用过程中所出现的不同特征.  相似文献   
结合印刷专业的特点,提出了印刷原理与工艺课程教学改革的几点建议:转变教育理念、革新教学内容、改进课堂教学方法及改革实践教学。这些教学改革与实践将对印刷专业的发展起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   
The overall behavior of concrete depends on its meso structures such as aggregate shape, interface status, and mortar matrix property. The two key meso structure characters of concrete, bond status of interface and nonlinear property of matrix, are considered in focus. The variational structure principle is adopted to establish the macro-meso constitutive law of concrete. Specially, a linear reference composite material is selected to make its effective behavior approach the nonlinear overall behavior of concrete. And the overall property of linear reference composite can be estimated by classical estimation method such as self-consistent estimates method and Mori-Tanaka method. This variational structure method involves an optimum problem ultimately. Finally, the macro-meso constitutive law of concrete is established by optimizing the shear modulus of matrix of the linear reference composite. By analyzing the constitutive relation of concrete established, we find that the brittleness of concrete stems from the imperfect interface and the shear dilation property of concrete comes from the micro holes contained in concrete. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50679022, 90510017, 50539090) and National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB714104)  相似文献   
企业网站设计内容第一的原则,其根本在于企业网站能否吸引和留住客户或潜在客户,它包含三层意思:网站内容的面向对象要准确清晰;针对目标访客的网站内容要紧扣其兴趣中心,从为其带来价值的角度出发,令其感到有收获;促使目标访客对网站内容建立起充分的信任感、解答其疑问。从网站内容方面保证了企业网站对目标访客的吸引力和访问粘度,从而为企业网站实现其既定目标打下了良好的基础。  相似文献   
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