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Currently there are design barriers inhibiting the implementation of high-precision digital signal processing (DSP) objects with field programmable logic (FPL) devices. This paper explores overcoming these barriers by fusing together the popular distributed arithmetic (DA) method with the residue number system (RNS) for use in FPL-centric designs. The new design paradigm is studied in the context of a high-performance filter bank and a discrete wavelet transform (DWT). The proposed design paradigm is facilitated by a new RNS accumulator structure based on a carry save adder (CSA). The reported methodology also introduces a polyphase filter structure that results in a reduced look-up table (LUT) budget. The 2C-DA and RNS-DA are compared, in the context of a FPL implementation strategy, using a discrete wavelet transform (DWT) filter bank as a common design theme. The results show that the RNS-DA, compared to a traditional 2C-DA design, enjoys a performance advantage that increases with precision (wordlength).  相似文献   
The requirements on an object-oriented DBMS for management of information in a large, complex enterprise are presented. These requirements aid in the achievement of an environment characterized by data sharing, open architectures, application and data portability, and assurance of data integrity. They were defined from the point of view of a user of the DBMS; therefore they describe the expected functionality of the DBMS and do not specify the method of implementation to achieve this functionality. They encompass requirements on the data model, query and data manipulation languages, the system architecure, interfaces to the system, change management, and transaction management.  相似文献   
本文对弧型小方坯连铸机工艺与设备进行了分析,介绍了连铸生产的PLC控制系统。及其软件设计。  相似文献   
本文通过对SIMATIC S5—115U可编程控制器性能的简介,简述国外PC技术的现状和发展,并提出对PC国产化的看法.  相似文献   
When ground-fault problems occur on a cable line, immediate fault location and restoration are required. Therefore, various new methods to locate the fault point instantaneously have been investigated to replace such conventional methods as the Murray loop method and the pulse radar method [1]. These methods require a long time to locate the fault point. One possible fault location method is to sense the temperature rise following a ground fault using a fiber optic distributed temperature sensor. Application of this method was found feasible through sensing the temperature rise at a ground-fault test using a thermocouple as a temperature sensor with test cables [4]. A power/optical composite cable was prepared experimentally and after verifying its thermal mechanical performance, the temperature rise at an incidence of a fault was determined and the anticipated performance was demonstrated in a ground-fault test. This article describes the outline of the test.  相似文献   
New small‐scale dispersed generation systems, such as fuel cells and micro gas turbines, have made remarkable advances lately and they will be applied practically in the near future. Although a large number of researches on the introduction of small‐scale dispersed generation systems have been carried out, only a small number of small‐scale dispersed generation systems are considered in these researches. Therefore, little is known about problems to be solved when a large number of small‐scale dispersed generation systems are introduced into electric power systems. This paper deals with a super‐distributed energy system that consists of a great number of dispersed generation systems such as fuel cells, micro gas turbines, and so on. The behavior of a customer with a dispersed generation system is simulated as the Ising model in statistical mechanics. The necessity of a distribution network in super‐distributed energy systems is discussed based on the Ising model. The feasibility of decentralized autonomous control using vicinity information is also investigated on the basis of stability analysis of the Hopfield neural network model. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 151(1): 43–55, 2005; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10368  相似文献   
变频开关电源Fuzzy-PID控制器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄晓林 《机床与液压》2005,(12):156-157,145
针对感应式变频开关电源在对金属材料进行热处理过程中,负载的等效参数和谐振频率发生变化,而变频电源的输出频率不能及时调整和跟踪的问题,结合PID和Fuzzy控制技术的优点,设计Fuzzy-PID控制器对变频电源进行控制,在大偏差时用Fuzzy控制,在小偏差时用PID调节。Fuzzy-PID控制器以单片机8098为核心,采用SPWM专用芯片SA4828,实现变频开关电源的电压、电流双闭环控制,使变频电源不仅具有较快的动态响应、更小的超调,并且具有较高的稳态精度和频率跟踪控制特性。  相似文献   
以宝钢集团浦钢60000 Nm3/h的大型空分制氧站DCS调试为基础,结合以往大型空分制氧站DCS调试经验,探讨了大型空分制氧站DCS调试的特点、施工组织、调试工艺及方法,并对控制回路试验、离心式压缩机防喘振控制组态、压缩机起停及控制逻辑、紧急停车及重要安全回路调试、组态临时变更管理等重点、难点及关键环节的调试技术进行了详细的总结、说明,旨在为其他同类工程提供参考与借鉴.  相似文献   
This paper mainly studies an extended discrete singular fuzzy model incorporating the multiple difference matrices in the rules and discusses its stability and design issues. By embracing additional algebraic constraint, traditional discrete Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model can be extended to a generalised discrete singular Takagi-Sugeno (GDST-S) model with individual difference matrices Ei in the locally singular models, where it can describe a larger class of physical or non-linear systems. Based on the linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, we focus on deriving some explicit stability and design criteria expressed by the LMIs for the regarded system. Thus, the stability verification and controller synthesis can be performed by the current LMI tools. Finally, some illustrative examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness and validity of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
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