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This article deals with the issue of input-to-state stabilization for recurrent neural networks with delay and external disturbance. The goal is to design a suitable weight-learning law to make the considered network input-to-state stable with a predefined -gain. Based on the solution of linear matrix inequalities, two schemes for the desired learning law are presented via using decay-rate-dependent and decay-rate-independent Lyapunov functionals, respectively. It is shown that, in the absence of external disturbance, the proposed learning law also guarantees the exponential stability of the network. To illustrate the applicability of the present weight-learning law, two numerical examples with simulations are given.  相似文献   

In recent years, the exploration of a practical strategy for novel energetic molecules with high energy and low sensitivity is very desirable but highly challenging. Novel ionic energetic molecules have attracted much attention in this area due to their prominent advantages including low sensitivities, high thermal stability, and excellent energy performances. Herein, five different ionic energetic molecules based on new monovalent and divalent 4-oxyl-3,5-dinitropyrazolate moieties with enhanced oxygen balance have been synthesized, characterized and evaluated as potential high-energy materials. Thermal stability, sensitivities and energy output test were measured and studied in detail. The heats of formation and energetic parameters were calculated by using Gaussian 09 suite of programs and EXPLO 5 code. The results suggest that all as-prepared new molecules exhibit good thermal stability with high decomposition temperature (3, 231°C; 5, 160°C; 6, 185°C; 7, 180°C; 8, 213°C), and relative low sensitivity (IS > 20 J, FS = 324 N). Inheriting the significant oxygen content of monovalent and divalent 4-oxyl-3,5-dinitropyrazolate moieties, they also possess good energy properties (v D = 8238 ~ 9208 m s?1, P = 26.8 ~ 36.7 GPa, V o = 481.8 ~ 959.4 L kg?1), which make them competitive high-energy materials.  相似文献   
In compressive sampling theory, the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) is a representative problem. Nevertheless, the non-differentiable constraint impedes the use of Lagrange programming neural networks (LPNNs). We present in this article the -LPNN model, a novel algorithm that tackles the LASSO minimization together with the underlying theory support. First, we design a sequence of smooth constrained optimization problems, by introducing a convenient differentiable approximation to the non-differentiable -norm constraint. Next, we prove that the optimal solutions of the regularized intermediate problems converge to the optimal sparse signal for the LASSO. Then, for every regularized problem from the sequence, the -LPNN dynamic model is derived, and the asymptotic stability of its equilibrium state is established as well. Finally, numerical simulations are carried out to compare the performance of the proposed -LPNN algorithm with both the LASSO-LPNN model and a standard digital method.  相似文献   
本文通过对长江三峡黄陵结晶岩区的地质条件、斜坡分级、各类斜坡的分布特征及成因类型等方面的系统论述,综合评价结晶岩区各类斜坡的宏观稳定性与稳定性分区,从而达到对该区斜坡合理开发与综合利用的目的。  相似文献   
本文总结了声发射现场监测预报的试验结果,提出了采场稳定性预测的综合方法,应用灰色理论预测和神经网络方法较好地解决了采场冒顶预报问题。  相似文献   
钛白粉与分散剂水性体系的沉降过程研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用界面法研究了水、钛白粉(R980)和分散剂(731A)组成的浆料体系的沉降过程,通过沉降曲线进一步得到体系的沉降速度和最终沉降比。随着分散剂浓度的增加或储存温度的降低,沉降速度降低,最终沉降比增加。在25℃下一定分散剂/钛白粉浓度比范围内,沉降速度保持不变。  相似文献   
朱立欢 《工业建筑》2006,36(Z1):413-416
近年来,门式刚架在工业厂房的设计中得到广泛的应用。对于一般的轻型门式刚架,通过设置隅撑来保证屋面梁受压下翼缘的平面外稳定,经多年的工程实践已经被证明是一种行之有效的构造措施。但对于大跨度、屋面荷载比较大的建筑物,经实例分析,如果仍采用这一措施则很难达到预期的效果。为保证结构的安全性和可靠性,探讨了一种行之有效的解决方案———摇摆支撑的设置。  相似文献   
运用ANSYS软件对工字形铝合金偏心压杆平面外稳定承载力进行了研究,分别讨论初弯曲、残余应力和截面厚度偏差等缺陷对杆件平面外稳定承载力的影响,提出稳定系数曲面的概念,指出平面外稳定系数是相对偏心率e′和相对长细比λ的二元函数,在空间上为一连续的曲面。并对不同截面尺寸杆件的平面外稳定系数进行大量计算分析,以此为基础拟合出了平面外稳定系数曲面=f(λ,e′)的函数表达式,可供设计参考。  相似文献   
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