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网络负载均衡器是实现网络功能虚拟化(network function virtualization, NFV)的重要功能组件,通过其准确的业务负载分担,运营商可以灵活、高效地实现业务能力增强和容量扩展.基于DPDK技术框架设计实现了面向NFV的高性能4层网络负载均衡机制及系统HVLB,能够灵活部署运行于主流虚拟化平台.HVLB整体采用软件定义网络(software defined networking, SDN)思想设计,实现调度策略制订和数据转发的有效分离.在转发端基于用户空间实现多核多队列高效数据处理架构,同时保证各处理队列间的数据访问隔离和任务处理均衡;在控制端基于网络链路和计算相结合的综合能力作为NF选择和转发策略的制订依据,在实施业务数据准确分发的基础上保障了网络性能.基于KVM的原型系统实验结果表明:与现有LVS系统相比,HVLB极大地提升了数据包处理与转发性能,并实现了64字节UDP数据包的线速转发. 相似文献
内存取证是计算机取证科学的重要分支,能够提取和分析操作系统运行状态的数字证据,已经成为对抗网络犯罪的有力武器.现有内存取证方法大多是全面获取内存数据,因而包含大量冗余信息,为后续内存分析带来不便.此外,在取证时间点选取方面存在盲目性,尤其是对具有隐藏特性的恶意软件,无法准确地在攻击发生时进行实时取证.由于内存具有易失性和不可恢复性的特点,取证时间点与攻击过程不匹配将使得取证内容无法表征攻击行为,导致取证数据无效.针对以上问题,提出一种基于隐藏事件触发机制的内存取证方法ForenHD.该方法利用虚拟化技术实时监视目标虚拟机中的内核对象,并通过分析内核对象的逻辑连接关系和运行状态的变化来检测隐藏对象;然后以隐藏对象的发现作为内存取证的触发事件,通过内存映射提取隐藏对象的代码段信息,实现实时和局部内存取证.通过对多种隐藏对象取证的实验,证明了ForenHD的可行性和有效性. 相似文献
存储虚拟化能够全面提升存储区域网络的服务质量,而带外虚拟化与带内虚拟化相比具有性能高和扩展性好等优点.提出了运用按序操作、REDO日志以及日志完整性鉴别,共同保证带外虚拟化跨越系统崩溃或断电事故后仍旧可用;设计了一种基于关系模型的磁盘上虚拟化元数据组织方式,它具有可读性好和容易修改的优点;给出了通过分析磁盘分区表兼容典型遗留存储系统的有效方法,它具有庞大遗留系统零切割时间的特点.基于上述关键技术实现的原型系统,在典型实验中表现了很好的性能. 相似文献
针对云制造资源服务模型及其特点,形式化定义了云制造资源及其粒度模型。通过构建制造资源的分布式语义描述模型,屏蔽了各类制造资源粒子在底层数据结构方面的差异,在信息表示的更高层次上实现了制造资源粒子的虚拟化描述。通过构建云制造资源本体对散布在各类网络环境中的制造资源在逻辑上进行统一管理、语义查询和智能推理。同时构建了云制造资源的集成化智能服务模型,使制造企业联盟在资源查询、资源匹配、资源利用以及资源协同等方面更加高效和便捷。 相似文献
SDN(软件定义网络)和NFV(网络功能虚拟化)技术已成为当前的研究热点。vCPE(虚拟用户驻地设备)的主要思路是将原来的CPE一分为二,保留原有用户侧CPE的二层功能,而将三层功能以及业务处理功能上移至云平台中。采用此方法,不仅可以简化原有CPE实体网关设备,降低用户操作维护的难度,同时也可降低上门服务概率,并为用户提供增值服务。研究了vCPE中用户侧CPE如何与网络侧云平台建立连接的问题。通过采用VxLAN和NvGRE技术,在实现用户侧CPE与云平台建立二层通信的同时,对现有海量CPE的改动较小。 相似文献
An increasing number of supercomputers adopt a heterogeneous architecture, consisting of both general purpose CPUs and specialized accelerators. Such design is beneficial for scalability and power, but on the other hand, heterogeneity brings new challenges in communication systems to connect heterogeneous components and provide support for programming. The communication system of the Dawning 6000 connects two kinds of heterogeneous processors, Loongson and AMD, and adopts a three layer architecture with an intra-node layer between heterogeneous components. To efficiently connect heterogeneous components, the system forms a global address space and provides a mechanism for message transmission via an in-node global store; and employing Infiniband network, provides an OS-bypassing virtualization method to share an Infiniband card between nodes. To facilitate programming on heterogeneous processors, it supports unified parallel C (UPC), with a modified complier based on global address space. Also, a special collective network is implemented for collective operations. Results obtained from a prototype system prove these features to be both feasible and efficient. 相似文献
Xiaolin WANG Xiang WEN Yechen LI Zhenlin WANG Yingwei LUO Xiaoming LI 《Frontiers of Computer Science》2012,6(4):363-372
Static cache partitioning can reduce inter-application cache interference and improve the composite performance of a cache-polluted application and a cache-sensitive application when they run on cores that share the last level cache in the same multi-core processor. In a virtualized system, since different applications might run on different virtual machines (VMs) in different time, it is inapplicable to partition the cache statically in advance. This paper proposes a dynamic cache partitioning scheme that makes use of hot page detection and page migration to improve the composite performance of co-hosted virtual machines dynamically according to prior knowledge of cache-sensitive applications. Experimental results show that the overhead of our page migration scheme is low, while in most cases, the composite performance is an improvement over free composition. 相似文献
戴尔长期为客户提供数据中心解决方案,提供基础架构解决方案,也是一个云服务提供商,通过提供“桌面到数据中心”的端到端解决方案,为客户带来最佳体验.戴尔和业界领先的合作伙伴合作,让客户拥有更多选择.戴尔公司的云计算愿景是帮助客户实现“无边界IT”,无论是对标准技术的采用、对异构环境的兼容,还是对上层管理软件的支持,相关的云计算产品和解决方案一直秉承开放的理念,致力于为客户创造更大价值. 相似文献
The service oriented architecture of grid computing has been thoughtfully engineered to achieve a service level virtualization: not only should a grid be a virtual machine (also known as a virtual organization, VO) of unbounded computational power and storage capacity, but also should the virtual machine be serviceable in all circumstances independent from serviceability of any of its component. At present, a grid VO as a result of service level virtualization only is more or less confined to participants from scientific computing communities, i.e., can have a limited scale. It is widely agreed that for a grid to pool resources of truly unbounded scale, commercial enterprises and in particular server-abundant financial institutions, should also “go for the grid,” i.e., open up their servers for being used by grid VO constructions. We believed that it is today's inadequate strength of the grid security practice that is the major hurdle to prevent commercial organizations from serving and participating the grid.This article presents the work of Daonity which is our attempt to strengthening grid security. We identify that a security service which we name behavior conformity be desirable for grid computing. Behavior conformity for grid computing is an assurance that ad hoc related principals (users, platforms or instruments) forming a grid VO must each act in conformity with the rules for the VO constitution. We apply trusted computing technologies to achieve two levels of virtualization: resource virtualization and platform virtualization. The former is about behavior conformity in a grid VO and the latter, that in an operating system. With these two levels of virtualization working together it is possible to build a grid of truly unbounded scale by VO including servers from commercial organizations. 相似文献