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本文运用一典型的人工神经网络模型─“反向传播”模型,对高氧化态(Ⅱ─Ⅳ)三核金属簇合物的构型分布进行了分析,得到了较好的分类、预报结果为化合物结构分析提供了新的工具。  相似文献   
The earliest investigations on rubber elasticity, commencing in the 19th century, were necessarily limited to phenomenological interpretations. The realisation that polymers consist of very long molecular chains. commencing c. 1930, gave impetus to the molecular theory of rubber elasticity (1932-). according to which the high deformability of an elastomer, and the elastic force generated by deformation, stem from the configurations accessible to long molecular chains. Theories of rubber elasticity put forward from 1934-1946 relied on the assumption that the junctions of the rubber network undergo displacements that are affine in macroscopic strain. The theory of James and Guth (1947) dispensed with this premise, and demonstrated instead that the mean positions of the junctions of a ‘phantom’ network consisting of Gaussian chains devoid of material properties are affine in the strain. The vital significance of the distinction between the actual distribution of chain vectors in a network and their distribution if the junctions would be fixed at their mean positions went unnoticed for nearly 30 years. Experimental investigations, commencing with the incisive work of Gee in 1946. revealed large departures from the relationship of stress to strain predicted by the theories cited. This discrepancy prompted extensive studies, theoretical and experimental, during succeeding years. Inquiry into the fundamentals of polymer networks, formed for example by interlinking very long polymer molecules, exposed the need to take account of network imperfections, typically consisting of chains attached at only one end to a network junction. Various means were advocated to make corrections for these imperfections. The cycle rank ζ of the network has been shown (1976) to be the fundamental measure of its connectivity, regardless of the junction functionality and pattern of imperfections. Often overlooked is the copious interpenetration of the chains comprising typical elastomeric networks. Theories that attempt to represent such networks on a lattice are incompatible with this universal feature. Moreover, the dense interpenetration of chains may limit the ability of junctions in real networks to accommodate the fluctuations envisaged in the theory of phantom networks. It was suggested in 1975 that departures from the form predicted for the elastic equation of state are due to constraints on the fluctuations of junctions whose effect diminishes with deformation and with dilation. Formulation of a self-consistent theory based on this suggestion required recognition of the non-affine connection between the chain vector distribution function and the macroscopic strain in a real network, which may partake of characteristics of a phantom network in some degree. Implementation of the idea was achieved through postulation of domains of constraint affecting the equilibrium distribution of fluctuations of network junctions from their mean positions. This led in due course to a theory that accounts for the relationship of stress to strain virtually throughout the ranges of strain accessible to measurement. The theory establishes connections between structure and elastic properties. This is achieved with utmost frugality in arbitrary parameters.  相似文献   
分析了目前公用交换电话网(PSTN)中存在的问题和下一代网络(NGN)的优越性,分析了NGN中的关键技术媒体网关控制技术,探讨了媒体网关控制技术在Alcatel5020MGC中的实际应用,讨论了Alcatel5020MGC的软硬件系统架构。最后强调了在PSTN向NGN发展过程中基于演进产品的方法的重要性。  相似文献   
WCDMA与GSM在空中接口上存在较大差异,WCDMA基于码分多址技术,GSM基于时分多址技术。GSM主要处理语音和低速数据,而WCDMA引入了多种速率的数据业务,根据业务的QoS进行资源控制和分配,因此在无线网络规划方法上,WCDMA与GSM存在较大差异。文章从容量规划、覆盖规划、蜂窝布局、规划流程、网络评估等方面对WCDMA与GSM的无线网络规划进行了比较和分析。  相似文献   
M. Kwapi&#x  ska  I. Zbici&#x  ski 《Drying Technology》2005,23(8):1653-1665
The effect of drying and atomization conditions on the physical properties of powders for agglomerate-like materials and skin-forming material are studied in this article. A neural model is used for powder bulk and tapped density predictions.  相似文献   
A method is presented for computing the values of apparent diffusivity in solids with respect to the concentration of the diffusing substance (water or sodium chloride). This method does not require any assumption upon the mathematical relationship between diffusivity and concentration. It can be applied to experimental measurements of local concentration versus position within the solid (profiles) with relatively few measurements (circa 10) and a mathematical smoothing of the experimental data by using an artificial neural network model. The method was first validated on simulated data obtained by using a constant diffusivity value and on experimental profiles when the relation between diffusivity and concentration was given. It was then applied to original experimental moisture profiles obtained by putting gelatin gels with different initial moisture contents into contact for up to 14 days. The method was also successfully applied to five sets of experimental moisture and sodium chloride profiles taken from the literature and obtained from different food products. Apparent diffusivities calculated by our method were found in agreement with those obtained by authors using different numerical methods to compute the diffusivity values.  相似文献   
GPRS无线DDN系统与应用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
介绍基于GPRS网络无线DDN系统的构成、组网以及在电力系统的应用,同时对传输包长度、效率、时延等参数进行分析。  相似文献   
By exploiting new human-machine interface techniques, such as visual eyetrackers, it should be possible to develop more efficient visual multimedia services associated with low bandwidth, dynamic channel adaptation and robust visual data transmission. In this paper, we introduce foveation-based error resilience and unequal error protection techniques over highly error-prone mobile networks. Each frame is spatially divided into foveated and background layers according to perceptual importance. Perceptual importance is determined either through an eye tracker or by manually selecting a region of interest. We attempt to improve reconstructed visual quality by maintaining the high visual source throughput of the foveated layer using foveation-based error resilience and error correction using a combination of turbo codes and ARQ (automatic reQuest). In order to alleviate the degradation of visual quality, a foveation based bitstream partitioning is developed. In an effort to increase the source throughput of the foveated layer, we develop unequal delay-constrained ARQ (automatic reQuest) and rate compatible punctured turbo codes where the punctual pattern of RCPC (rate compatible punctured convolutional) codes in H.223 Annex C is used. In the simulation, the visual quality is significantly increased in the area of interest using foveation-based error resilience and unequal error protection; (as much as 3 dB FPSNR (foveal peak signal to noise ratio) improvement) at 40% packet error rate. Over real-fading statistics measured in the downtown area of Austin, Texas, the visual quality is increased up to 1.5 dB in PSNR and 1.8 dB in FPSNR at a channel SNR of 5 dB.  相似文献   
This paper presents a highly stable steady-state torque control system with a feedback of a secondary current signal. The torque control system is constructed with a feedback of the secondary current (I2) signal using a quick response magnetic-field sensor constructed with an amorphous core multivibrator bridge, which can solve the secondary resistance change problem for temperature variation in the IM. Moreover, we added a state feedback to the system to improve the response speed for the unit step function of a torque order. The I2 sensor method has advantages especially at a low-speed range, in which conventional method using an integrator shows control errors.  相似文献   
在讨论MPT1327信令的集群移动通信系统与国内No.7信令的PSTN网间互连,帝现两种信令配合中,研究了集群系统的仿真模型和模拟算法,同时模拟出整个集群系统的工作情况,运行结果证实了所提方案的可行性与准确性。  相似文献   
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