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刚从上海飞回北京的钱经理,刚回到家中就躺在床上呼呼睡去了,旅途的劳顿让他有些疲惫。一觉醒来,已是第二天清晨。打开电脑,刚登录MSN,欧主管就来打招呼:"老兄,最近怎么样?在忙些什么?""还能忙什么啊,公司业务扩大了,给各个分支机构部署任务,忙都忙死了!还有好多地方没去呢!"钱经理一脸无奈地说。  相似文献   
王老板刚到展览馆,发现欧主管早已到了。另外还有欧主管的两位好朋友——i博士和钱经理。 对于王老板的苦恼,没等欧主管给出“药方”,钱经理早就卖弄地说了出来——先建网上形象店,扩大影响;等发展到一定程度后,开通在线交易,建立立体营销体系。 “你说的方法,我早就知道了。关键是怎么做?”王老板无奈地说。“其实实现起来并不难,今天把你  相似文献   
故事背景近来,钱经理明显地感觉到,自己肩上的担子越来越沉重了。即使是在和女朋友小蓉约会的时候,钱经理也是心事重重。终于有一天,小蓉忍无可忍,向他逼问起这其中的缘由来。原来,自从公司搬到新的大厦之后,业务量明显增加了,需要处理的事务也越来越多。公司的规模扩大了,老板自然高兴,可高兴之后,事就来了:如何处理这些海量的数据;如何让公司员工之间的沟通更为便捷;如何让公司的信息资源更有效地实现共享;如何提高员工的工作效率;如何让用户更好地了解企业的动态、企业最新的产品等等。当然了,这些事情如何解决,最终都落到了钱经理的头上。小蓉一听就乐了,“买服务器啊,这么简单的事情,我都知道”。可是,自从上次因为“多功能一体机”事件,被欧主管取笑一顿之后,钱经理可是再也不敢轻易下手了:“你不知道啊,小蓉,我也知道买服务器。可是,服务器的家族实在太庞大了,有刀片服务器、机架式服务器、塔式服务器,还有1路、2路、4路、8路服务器,1U、2U、4U服务器,还有很多,这些服务器之间有什么关系,我还没有弄明白,更何况是它们的性能特点呢。再说了,服务器之间的价格差距也非常大,我实在是拿不定主意。”这一次,钱经理可是交待实底儿了。小蓉也是头一次听说服务器还有这么多种类,更是一头雾水,就建议说:“  相似文献   
王老板,姓王名招财,欧主管的表弟,南方某市人。三年前,王老板听说北京的茶叶销路很好,于是脑子是活的他在欧主管的帮助下,在北京茶叶一条街开了一个门市。几年倒腾下来,王老板也算小发了一笔财。可是,随着企业发展到一定规模,要想再上一个台阶特别困难,这也是让王老板特别苦恼的地方。  相似文献   
本文针对脑瘫患儿差异化康复训练方案难于定制的问题,基于领域特定语言(DSL)优化了脑瘫康复系统架构.根据专家给出的脑瘫患儿训练计划,在Eclipse平台的Xtext构建了控制机械手完成手势动作所需要的领域模型,并且完成了对该领域模型的实现,将其成功用于机械手辅助脑瘫康复动作训练系统中,使得理疗师等非编程技术人员能够为脑...  相似文献   
作为一家中型服装生产企业的CIO,钱经理感觉到自己身上的压力骤然增加了。前一阶段,领导和他一起参加了“中小型制造业信息化论坛”,回来后,就给他布置了新任务:要尽快上线企业的电子商务平台,并进一步完善企业原有的系统,该升级的升级,该扩展的扩展,决不能因为信息化的不足,让企业落后于同行。  相似文献   
鸡年的春节在热热闹闹的鞭炮声中落下了帷幕,新的一年又开始了。一天的工作之后,三个好朋友约定去i博士家小聚,这可是年后的首次聚会。欧主管和i博士兴高采烈地谈着自己的旅游经,可钱经理的心思却似乎并不在此。在节后的首次会议中,领导明确提出了发展电子商务的计划,对信息部门也提出了更高的要求。难怪钱经理心事重重。  相似文献   
协同软件不仅仅是应用于企业信息化或电子政务,从中小企业信息化一直到个人市场也都会使用到协同的技术和产品,本期i博士将带你了解协同软件。  相似文献   
Antioxidant (polyphenols and carotenoids) and nonantioxidant (phytosterols) bioactive compounds and dietary fiber may have a significant role in health. The intake of these compounds is strongly linked with the high consumption of fruits, vegetables, and unrefined cereals. A whole-diet approach to these food constituents is intended to render the current definition of Mediterranean diet based on food consumption more comprehensive. The Mediterranean dietary pattern can be characterized by the following four essential dietary indicators: 1) Monounsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio (range: 1.6 to 2.0); 2) Intake of dietary fiber (41 to 62 g/person/day); 3) Antioxidant capacity of the whole diet (3500 to 5300 trolox equivalent/person/day); 4) Phytosterols intake (370 to 555 mg/person/day). The contribution of foods and beverages to these parameters is described. Spanish National Food Consumption Data for the years 2000 and 1964 were used to quantify the lowest and highest range values. The occurrence of these indicators in the Mediterranean diet has specific characteristics and there is sufficient scientific evidence to support the beneficial health effects.  相似文献   
Flood disasters are the most common natural risk and tremendous efforts are spent to improve their simulation and management. However, simulation-based investigation of actions that can be taken in case of flood emergencies is rarely done. This is in part due to the lack of a comprehensive framework which integrates and facilitates these efforts. In this paper, we tackle several problems which are related to steering a flood simulation. One issue is related to uncertainty. We need to account for uncertain knowledge about the environment, such as levee-breach locations. Furthermore, the steering process has to reveal how these uncertainties in the boundary conditions affect the confidence in the simulation outcome. Another important problem is that the simulation setup is often hidden in a black-box. We expose system internals and show that simulation steering can be comprehensible at the same time. This is important because the domain expert needs to be able to modify the simulation setup in order to include local knowledge and experience. In the proposed solution, users steer parameter studies through the World Lines interface to account for input uncertainties. The transport of steering information to the underlying data-flow components is handled by a novel meta-flow. The meta-flow is an extension to a standard data-flow network, comprising additional nodes and ropes to abstract parameter control. The meta-flow has a visual representation to inform the user about which control operations happen. Finally, we present the idea to use the data-flow diagram itself for visualizing steering information and simulation results. We discuss a case-study in collaboration with a domain expert who proposes different actions to protect a virtual city from imminent flooding. The key to choosing the best response strategy is the ability to compare different regions of the parameter space while retaining an understanding of what is happening inside the data-flow system.  相似文献   
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