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Environmental Kuznets characteristics and causes of waste water, waste gas, and solid wastes in Wuhan city was researched; By comparing the variation of “three wastes”, i.e. waste water, waste gas, and solid wastes,the model between standardized per capita GDP and values of “three wastes” discharge was established and the causes were analyzed based on the theory of environmental economics. The results show that 1) the total amount is fluctuantly increasing, but the discharges of the three kinds are temporarily different, 2) the curve conforms to the three-power function, in which the curve descends from 1985 to 1994, and the curve preliminary shows the environmental Kuznets characteristics from 1995 to 2001, 3) the simulated calculation illustrates that the turning point of this environmental Kuznets curve would be over 25007. 25 Yuan per caprta, and 4) the economic development, changing of industry structure, energy resource structure, and environmental policies are the main factors leading to the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Wuhan city.  相似文献   
区域城市化与生态环境耦合性分析 --以江苏省为例   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据城市化与生态环境含义及其PSR框架,在灰色技术支持下,由灰色关联度系数、关联度矩阵和耦舍度构建了耦合系统指标体系和评价模型.通过计算关联度和耦合度,以江苏省为例进行了耦合的要素与时序规律分析,结果表明:1)城市化与生态环境的耦合总体上表现在城市化对生态环境的胁迫作用和生态环境对城市化的约束作用两方面,由此遴选出作用于生态环境的13项主要城市化指标和影响城市化的10项主要生态环境指标;2)1990-2003年间系统的耦合度曲线基本呈现“U”型,依据其变化特点将其划分为两个阶段,以此反映其时序变化特征.  相似文献   
从城市化与现代化的关系探讨中国城市化道路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从城市化和现代化的内涵出发,阐述了城市化的本质就是现代化,本文结合建立国后我国城市化的历程,说明我国城市化与现代化并没有很好结合这一事实,探讨性地提出了我国城市化道路。  相似文献   
湖北省城市体系空间结构发展研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用数理统计和分形技术刻画了湖北省城市体系空间结构若干现状特点,基于断裂点模型对全省城市体系进行了次级划分.应用城市体系空间发展阶段理论对湖北省城市体系空间结构的形成、演变过程予以阶段性划分,并着重对近10年来湖北省城市体系空间结构发展变化特征进行了总结.在对城市体系空间结构动力机制认识的基础上,分析了影响湖北省城市体系空间结构形成、发展与演变的若干主要因素.最后,在阐述湖北省城市体系空间结构发展的现实条件的基础上,提出了湖北省城市体系空间结构优化构想思路。  相似文献   
城市化与生态环境的耦合度及其预测模型研究   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
在城市化与生态环境交互作用规律的基础上,利用协同论的观点,建立了城市化与生态环境耦合度及其预测模型.模型涉及了功效函数、耦合度函数、耦合协调度函数和城市化一生态环境耦合评价指标体系以及人工神经BP网络.根据建立的模型,结合城市化与生态环境耦合的阶段特征,将对应的耦合度值和耦合协调度值分别划分为4个评判区间,作为城市化与生态环境协调分析与预测的依据.最后,应用此模型,以徐州市为对象,对耦合度模型及其预测模型进行了实证研究.  相似文献   
Environmental Kuznets characteristics and causes of waste water, waste gas, and solid wastes in Wuhan city was researched; By comparing the variation of "three wastes", i.e. waste water, waste gas, and solid wastes, the model between standardized per capita GDP and values of "three wastes" discharge was established and the causes were analyzed based on the theory of environmental economics. The results show that 1) the total amount is fluctuantly increasing, but the discharges of the three kinds are temporarily different, 2) the curve conforms to the three-power function, in which the curve descends from 1985 to 1994, and the curve preliminary shows the environmental Kuznets characteristics from 1995 to 2001, 3) the simulated calculation illustrates that the turning point of this environmental Kuznets curve would be over 25007.25 Yuan per caprta, and 4) the economic development, changing of industry structure, energy resource structure, and environmental policies are the main factors leading to the Environmental Kuznets Curve in Wuhan city.  相似文献   
武汉市人口分布的空间格局变动   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用近32年的人口统计资料,利用汉森模型,对武汉市的人口空间变动进程分三个时段进行了研究。研究表明三个时段内武汉市的人口空间变动存在着显著差别,剖析了武汉市近32年来人口空间变动与郊区化的主要原因。  相似文献   
刘耀彬 《中国矿业》2006,15(9):29-33
依据煤炭城市划分的原则要求,提出了煤炭城市分类的“三维结构模型”,应用此模型,对我国51个煤炭城市进行了详细的类型判别及模式识别。在统计技术与SOFM人工神经网络的支持下,从规模、职能和区位三个维度对煤炭城市进行了分组判别并予以五种类别的复合划分,最后对不同类型的煤炭城市发展路径进行了分析。  相似文献   
本文阐述了对300-2型高炉鼓风机转子技术改造的方法和取得的效果,并提供了改造后的风机性能曲线,在全国同类型高炉鼓风机改造中取得了较好成果。  相似文献   
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