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In view of the gradient effect caused by the gradient effect of the Total Variation (TV) algorithm and the environmental noise in the single pixel imaging system, an image reconstruction based on the Gaussian Smooth compressed sensing Fractional Order Total Variation algorithm (FOTVGS) is proposed. Fractional differential loss of low-frequency components of the image increases the high-frequency components of the image to achieve the purpose of enhancing image details. The Gaussian smoothing filter operator updates the Lagrangian gradient operator to filter out the additive white Gaussian noise caused by the differential operator. Simulation results show that, compared with other four similar algorithms, the algorithm can achieve the maximum Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural SIMilarity(SSIM) at the same sampling rate and noise level. When the sampling rate is 0.2, compared with the Fractional Order Total Variation (FOTV) algorithm, the maximum PSNR and SSIM increase by 1.39 dB (0.035) and 3.91 dB (0.098) respectively. It can be proved that this algorithm can improve the reconstruction quality of the image in the absence of noise and noise, especially in the case of noise, the quality of image reconstruction is greatly improved. The proposed algorithm provides a feasible solution for image reconstruction of noise caused by environment in single-pixel imaging and other computing imaging system.  相似文献   
为了降低三维成像声纳系统的复杂度,并保证系统在整个水下探测范围内具有准确的波束图,提出兼顾远场和近场性能的便携式三维成像声纳设计方法. 该设计采用十字型阵列实现三维声纳成像,相比平面阵,极大降低了硬件复杂度,设备灵活轻便. 针对发射阵列,提出近场条件下的多频发射波束形成算法,根据十字型阵列的景深划分多个发射聚焦区间,并通过菲涅尔近似,配置各聚焦区间的时延参数,保证近场的波束性能. 针对接收阵列,提出优化的CZT (chirp zeta transform) 波束形成算法,可实现远场和近场条件下的快速波束形成,且计算量低于其他波束形成算法. 仿真实验表明,在近场聚焦区间内,该算法的角度分辨率和旁瓣高度变化差异较小,波束图性能稳定. 实际水下实验证实该设计可以在探测场景内获得清晰的水下三维图像.  相似文献   
针对全变分(TV)算法梯度效应造成图像纹理细节丢失和单像素成像系统中的环境噪声问题,该文给出基于高斯平滑压缩感知分数阶全变分(FOTVGS)算法的图像重构.分数阶微分损失图像低频分量的同时增加了图像的高频分量,达到增强图像细节的目的,高斯平滑滤波算子更新拉格朗日梯度算子滤除了微分算子导致的加性高斯白噪声高频分量的增加.仿真结果表明,对比其他4种同类算法,在相同的采样率和噪声水平下,该算法能取得最大的峰值信噪比(PSNR)和结构相似度(SSIM).采样率为0.2时,对比分数阶全变分(FOTV)算法,在无噪声(测量值SNR=∞)和有噪声(测量值SNR=25 dB)情况下提高的最大峰值信噪比和结构相似度分别是1.39 dB(0.035)和3.91 dB(0.098).可见,此算法在无噪声和有噪声情况下均能提高图像的重构质量,尤其是在有噪声情况下对图像重构质量有较大提高.该算法为单像素成像等计算成像系统中由于环境造成的噪声的图像重构提供了可行的解决方案.  相似文献   
史正  胡映天  刘超  王晓萍 《传感技术学报》2019,32(5):670-675,687
设计了一款基于双光路荧光强度法的叶绿素a原位传感器。使用430 nm LED作为系统光源。通过参考光路补偿光源变化对测量结果的影响,提高测量准确度,降低维护成本。使用光电二极管作为探测器测量参考光强度和水体在680 nm处的荧光强度。使用锁相放大电路提高传感器的噪声和背景光抑制能力,设计低功耗模式降低传感器的平均功耗。使用不同浓度的叶绿素a溶液测试传感器的性能,测试结果表明传感器在动态范围(0~200μg/L)内的线性度为0.998,测量准确度为±2μg/L,通过与荧光光谱仪进行对比测试传感器的可靠性,测试结果表明两者的相关性为0.94,功耗测试表明传感器的连续工作时间可达5个月以上。  相似文献   
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