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Large amount of groundwater discharging from tunnel is likely to cause destruction of the ecological environment in the vicinity of the tunnel, thus an appropriate drainage criterion should be established to balance the tunnel construction and groundwater.To assess the related problems, an limiting drainage standard ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 m3/(m·d) was suggested for mountain tunnels based on survey and comparative analysis. After that, for the purpose of verifying the rationality of the standard, a calculated formula for dewatering funnel volume caused by drainage was deduced on the basis of the groundwater dynamics and experience method.Furthermore, the equation about the relationship between water discharge and drawdown of groundwater table was presented. The permeability coefficient, specific yield and groundwater table value were introduced, and then combined with the above equation, the drawdown of groundwater table under the proposed limiting drainage criterion was calculated. It is shown that the proposed drainage standard can reach the purpose of protecting ecological environment under the following two conditions. One is the permeability coefficient ranges from 10-4 to 10-5 m/s and the specific yield ranges from 0.1 to 0.001. The other is the permeability coefficient varies from 10-6 to 10-8 m/s and the specific yield varies from 0.1 to 0.01. In addition, a majority of common geotechnical layers are involved in the above ranges. Thus, the proposed limiting drainage standard which ranges from 0.5 to 2.0 m3/(m·d) for mountain tunnel is reasonable.  相似文献   
预应力锚索在加固滑坡中的优化设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邹金锋  李亮  阮波 《矿业工程》2003,1(6):18-20
根据预应力锚索在边坡加固中的主动加固机理,分别讨论了仅考虑锚固段、自由段及同时考虑该两段时锚索的最优方位角和最优锚固长度的确定方法。结合工程实例,介绍了它们的确定过程。经现场反馈的信息及分析表明,该设计方法较为合理,可供设计单位参考。  相似文献   
Seismic bearing capacity factors of a strip footing placed on soil slope were determined with both associated and nonassociated flow rules. Quasi-static representation of earthquake effects using a seismic coefficient concept was adopted for seismic bearing capacity calculations. A multi-wedge translational failure mechanism was used to obtain the seismic bearing capacity factors for different seismic coefficients and various inclined angles. Employing the associated flow rule, numerical results were compared with the published solutions. For bearing capacity factors related to cohesion and equivalent surcharge load, the maximum difference approximates 0.1%. However, the difference of bearing capacity factor related to unit weight is larger. With the two flow rules, the seismic bearing capacity factors were presented in the form of design charts for practical use. The results show that seismic bearing capacity factors related to the cohesion, the equivalent surcharge load and the unit weight increase greatly as the dilatancy angle increases, and that the nonassociated flow rule has important influences on the seismic bearing capacity.  相似文献   
劈裂注浆扩散半径及压力衰减分析   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
邹金锋  李亮  杨小礼 《水利学报》2006,37(3):0314-0319
本文假设浆液在裂缝中的流动符合达西定律,劈裂注浆在土体中形成的裂缝宽度为均匀裂缝宽度,推导出劈裂注浆的注浆压力沿裂缝长度的衰减规律以及裂缝在土体中的扩散规律,并用数值分析的结果证明了这些规律的可靠性。随后分析了多孔注浆时的相互影响,得出最优注浆孔数量及其布置方式,同时推导出多孔同时注浆时各个主流线上注浆压力的大小以及此时的浆液扩散半径。  相似文献   
饱和土体柱形扩孔时大变形不排水统一解析解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 将柱孔周围的土体分为弹性区和塑性区,在弹性区中采用小变形理论,在塑性区中采用大变形理论和统一强度准则。根据应力平衡方程、应力和应变连续的边界条件,推导出考虑土体大变形和不排水时柱形扩孔问题的塑性区半径、极限扩孔压力和超孔隙水压力的理论解答。理论计算结果与现场实测结果较为接近,说明该理论具有一定的参考价值。通过计算分析还可知:扩孔压力随着参数b的增大而非线性增大,而超孔隙水压力则正好相反。  相似文献   
Displacement and deformation analysis for uplift piles   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
On the assumptions that the shear resistance increases linearly with increasing shear displacement between the uplift pile and surrounding soil, that the axis force is distributed as parabola along the pile length, that elastic distortion occurs when the pile is loaded, that the displacement of pile is in accord with that of the soil, and that the uplift pile failure is regarded as the soil failure, a rational calculation method was proposed for calculating the deformation, ultimate displacement and shear resistance of piles. The distributions of frictional resistance and the shear displacement along the pile length were obtained with the method. The comparisons were made between the measurement results and the present results. The present theoretical results agree well with the measurement results, with the average difference being less than 12% before failure. The comparisons show that the proposed method is reasonable for uplift design and engineering construction of piles.  相似文献   
假设夯坑周边隆起量较小,夯坑下土柱的侧向变形可忽略,夯坑的体积等于土体夯后孔隙减小的体积,强夯前后土柱质量不变,按照体积相同的原则等效为一圆柱体,推导出大颗粒土体在夯击时其压实度、孔隙比与有效影响深度的理论计算公式以及夯沉量、孔隙比、压实度与夯击能量之间的理论计算公式,利用这一理论对常吉高速公路的路基加固进行施工设计。研究结果表明:理论计算结果与实测结果较吻合,证实了上述理论的有效性;强夯后土体的压缩模量提高15%,夯沉量随夯击次数的增加而逐渐减小。  相似文献   
压密注浆极限注浆压力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了避免压密注浆极限注浆压力在理论上一直没有理论解的弱点,依据压密注浆是以球形进行扩孔的假设,并利用球形扩孔过程中的能量和体变守恒原理以及砂土在压密注浆压力和地应力等较高应力同时作用下的应力-应变-体变关系,推导出压密注浆极限注浆压力求解的理论方程组,通过求解该方程组即可求解出压密注浆的极限注浆压力,可为计算高应力粒状土中压密注浆的极限注浆压力提供理论依据.分析表明,压密注浆的极限注浆压力值主要取决于土的应力-应变-体变关系,柱形扩孔时的压密注浆形式可以看成是球形扩孔时压密注浆的依次叠加.现场试验和计算分析可知,理论计算与工程实际较为吻合.  相似文献   
强夯动应力的量测及现场试验研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
结合常吉高速公路强夯补强加固路基工程,做了大型的现场试验。在试验路段布置了43个土压力盒,运用动态应变仪记录了强夯动应力的传播和衰减过程,并尝试用动应力的传播与衰减曲线说明冲击波在土体中的传播。试验结果表明:强夯对红砂岩填土路基的加固效果明显,强夯动应力也相当明显,强夯动应力在水平方向的衰减速度比竖直方向快,竖直方向的影响范围比水平方向大;强夯法加固地基的影响深度远大于有效深度;随着夯击次数的增加,有效加固范围内的动应力增加明显,但在3~5击后基本稳定;从动应力等值线图上也可分析出强夯作用时压缩波、剪切波、瑞利波的作用范围。  相似文献   
利用4种不同的夯击能量(840,960,1 080,1 200 kN.m)对红砂岩填土路基分别进行动应力扩散和夯后路基的沉降试验研究。试验结果表明:强夯对红砂岩填土路基的加固效果明显,动应力在水平方向上的有效加固宽度从2~3 m变化至3~4 m,在竖直方向上的有效加固深度从3.5~4.0 m变化至5.0~6.0 m;随着夯击次数的增加,动应力在有效加固范围内的增加亦更加明显,但在3~5击后基本稳定;4种夯击能量在土体中产生的变形为4.0~6.0 m的变化比较显著,但当深度超过6.0 m的之后,产生的沉降量就几乎相等,而且在不同夯击能量以及在不同夯击次数下,其最终的下沉位移在5.5 m处都为5.0~7.0 cm,因此这4种夯击能量在红砂岩碎石土高填方路基中的有效加固深度基本上都在4.0~6.0 m之间。这些试验成果可为以后同种条件下的山区公路加固提供参考。  相似文献   
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