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It is well known that under certain circumstances, magnetic fields applied perpendicularly to the plane of superconducting films can trigger flux avalanches. In such cases, the penetration has a tree-like profile. However, in samples where a regular array of antidots, ADs, is present, the avalanches follow the rows of ADs as if they were guiding lines for the abrupt penetration. In this work, we used the magnetooptical imaging technique to study the morphology of flux avalanches in two Nb films with a square lattice of square ADs, each one with a different lateral size, and a plain film for reference. We show that the morphology of the flux avalanches is greatly influenced by the size of the interstitial region.  相似文献   
We made quantitative analysis of seizure frequency 1 week and 6, 12, and 24 months after seizure surgery. Seizure recurrence was significantly higher when seizures occurred in the first postoperative week. Seizure recurrence increased progressively with longer follow-ups, but the 6 month postoperative follow-up period was an excellent index of long-term outcome. In operative follow-up studies, seizure frequency should be reported at fixed follow-up periods, e.g., at 6 months and 1, 2, 5, and 10 years. Meaningful comparison of outcomes between different studies is possible only when reports include outcome at fixed postoperative follow-up periods (as opposed to ranges of follow-up periods).  相似文献   
We propose a standardized method for reporting language lateralization by intracarotid amobarbital procedure (IAP). We retrospectively reviewed 165 IAPs, and classified language lateralization as left, right, or bilateral by three different methods, all based on the duration of speech arrest following each injection: absolute duration, side-to-side difference, and a "laterality index" defined as (L-R/L+R). Cutoff values were obtained by studying a pure subgroup of left hemisphere dominant right-handed subjects. In 142 patients (86%), the classification remained unchanged among all three methods: left in 112 (79%), right in 19 (13%), and bilateral in 11 (8%). In the other 23 patients (14%), language classification varied among the three criteria used. The change of category was never between left and right, and always involved bilateral language. Thus, this index may be helpful in standardizing and comparing IAP results from different series.  相似文献   
Ceramic Fe–Al–O nanofibers with a core‐shell architecture were obtained by electrospinning. The fibers consist of an Fe–Al–O core with novel lamellar‐like mesopores and an Fe‐rich shell. A mechanism of this unique core and shell formation is outlined and confirmed. The described mesoporous nanofibers are highly promising for new research and applications involving catalysis, sensing and absorption of mobile components on the accessible porous core surface.  相似文献   
Annual Dinner     
The Ninety–seventh Annual Dinner of the Society was held in the Peacock Suite, Hotel Piccadilly, Piccadilly Plaza, Manchester, on Friday 24 April 1981, under the presidency of Dr J V Butcher. The principal guest was Norman Tebbit, Esq, MP, Minister of State, Department of Industry. Some 370 members and guests were present.  相似文献   
A quantitative structure–property relationship (QSPR)was used to design model protein sequences that fold repeatedlyand relatively rapidly to stable target structures. The specificmodel was a 125-residue heteropolymer chain subject to MonteCarlo dynamics on a simple cubic lattice. The QSPR was derivedfrom an analysis of a database of 200 sequences by a statisticalmethod that uses a genetic algorithm to select the sequenceattributes that are most important for folding and a neuralnetwork to determine the corresponding functional dependenceof folding ability on the chosen attributes. The QSPR dependson the number of anti-parallel sheet contacts, the energy gapbetween the native state and quasi-continuous part of the spectrumand the total energy of the contacts between surface residues.Two Monte Carlo procedures were used in series to optimize boththe target structures and the sequences. We generated 20 fullyoptimized sequences and 60 partially optimized control sequencesand tested each for its ability to fold in dynamic MC simulations.Although sequences in which either the number of anti-parallelsheet contacts or the energy of the surface residues is non-optimalare capable of folding almost as well as fully optimized ones,sequences in which only the energy gap is optimized fold markedlymore slowly. Implications of the results for the design of proteinsare discussed.  相似文献   
Bifunctional agent adipic dihydrate was used to form hydrazon bond between polyglutamic acid (PGA) and pharmorubicin (PAR). Under controlled condition, a relatively high rate of conjugation was obtained with no self-condensation. The value of PGA/PAR was in positive portion with the molecular weight (MW) of PGA: per 8-11 glutamic acid monomer linking one pharmorubicin. When PGA of MW 14,300 was used as carrier, the ratio of PGA/PAR was 1:11. After conjugating with anti-hepatoma monoclonal antiboty (McAb), an immunoconjugate of McAb:PGA:PAR being 1:2:22 was obtained. The immunoconjugate retained the binding activity to targeted cell compared with the purified and the oxidized antibody. Pharmacological studies in vitro showed lower cytotoxicity of the immunoconjugate than the free drug, but selective cytotoxicity directed by antibody was observed. Consequently, the immunoconjugate McAb-PGA-PAR with high ratio of drug/McAb as well as moderate targeting cytotoxity in vitro was successfully prepared. That makes it possible for the preparation of cell-targeted drug which is expected to be benificial to tumor treatment.  相似文献   
We report here for the first time on a metal corrosion screening study of a novel nitrogen-based fuel under high temperature and pressure continuous combustion. The fuel consists of an aqueous urea and ammonium nitrate solution. Three austenitic stainless steels (SS) 316L, 310S, 330 were tested for 200 h under 20 MPa. One coupon set was positioned in the hot reactor zone, while a second set was placed in a colder zone. The temperatures in the hot and cooler zones were 745 ± 5 and 545 ± 5 °C, respectively. Microstructure, chemical composition, depth profile, and oxide scale thickness were studied by SEM/EDS and TOF-SIMS analyses. The heaviest corrosion was observed in the hot reaction zone for 316L SS. No protective Cr-rich oxide films were found in the scales formed on all tested SS.  相似文献   
We propose an epileptic seizure classification based exclusively on ictal semiology. In this semiological seizure classification (SSC), seizures are classified as follows: a. Auras are ictal manifestations having sensory, psychosensory, and experiential symptoms. b. Autonomic seizures are seizures in which the main ictal manifestations are objectively documented autonomic alterations. c. "Dialeptic" seizures have as their main ictal manifestations an alteration of consciousness that is independent of ictal EEG manifestations. The new term "dialeptic" seizure has been coined to differentiate this concept from absence seizures (dialeptic seizures with a generalized ictal EEG) and complex partial seizures (dialeptic seizures with a focal ictal EEG). d. Motor seizures are characterized mainly by motor symptoms and are subclassified as simple or complex. Simple motor seizures are characterized by simple, unnatural movements that can be elicited by electrical stimulation of the primary and supplementary motor area (myoclonic, tonic, clonic and tonic-clonic, versive). Complex motor seizures are characterized by complex motor movements that resemble natural movements but that occur in an inappropriate setting ("automatisms"). e. Special seizures include seizures characterized by "negative" features (atonic, astatic, hypomotor, akinetic, and aphasic seizures). The SSC identifies in detail the somatotopic distribution of the ictal semiology as well as the seizure evolution. The advantages of a pure SSC, as opposed to the current classification of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE), which is actually a classification of electroclinical syndromes, are discussed.  相似文献   
The high-temperature microwave complex permittivity of YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconductors was characterized using a coaxial probe system designed and built in our laboratory. An anomalous difference in complex permittivity between a green sample and a sintered sample was analyzed with respect to oxygen content being a possible key factor to affect the dielectric properties.  相似文献   
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