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This is the first report of the application of silverion impregnated high-performance liquid chromatography (Ag+-HPLC) to the separation of complex mixtures of conjugated linolenic acid (CLA) isomers present in commercial CLA sources and foods and in biological specimens. This method showed a clear separation of CLA isomers into three groups related to their trans,trans, cis,trans or trans,cis, and cis,cis configuration of the conjugated double-bound system. In addition, this method separated within each geometrical isomeric group. Following Ag+-HPLC isolation, gas chromatography (GC)-electron impact mass spectrometry, and GC-direct deposition-Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy were used to confirm the identity of two major positional isomers in the cis/trans region, i.e., Δ8,10- and Δ11,13-octadecadienoic acid, which had not been chromatographically resolved previously, Furthermore, the potential of this method was demonstrated by showing different Ag+-HPLC profiles exhibiting patterns of isomeric distributions for biological specimens from animals fed a diet containing a commerical CLA preparation, as well as for a commerical cheese product.  相似文献   
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been reported to have anticarcinogenic and antiatherogenic properties, to repartition body fat, to build bone mass, to normalize glucose tolerance, and to reduce hyperglycemia and diabetes. CLA products are now commercially available, and there is considerable interest in studying CLA because of this range of reported beneficial effects. However, little is known about the composition of these preparations. Representative commercial CLA products in capsule or liquid (aqueous or oily) form were analyzed for their CLA content and isomer composition using gas chromatography (GC), silver ion-high performance liquid chromatography (Ag+-HPLC) and spectroscopic techniques. The content of CLA in the preparations varied widely. Based on the GC-internal standard technique, total CLA varied from 20 to 89% by total weight and 28 to 94% of total fat. One product contained no CLA. The isomer distributions were generally of two types: those with two major CLA positional isomers, and those with four major CLA positional isomers. All the CLA preparations in capsule form contained the four isomer mixture, while the liquid preparations contained from two to four CLA positional isomers.  相似文献   

In this paper, the salt effect of lithium bromide (LiBr) on the dimethyl formamid (DMF) solution polymerization of acrylonitrile was studied. From the experimental data, we proposed a possible mechanism and derived its rate expression to determine the kinetic parameters for this system. The results show that the values of kv/ktr (1.984~79.365) and kt/k2 tr (3.311×l02~3.156×l05 sec·mole/1) of the DMF‐LiBr solution polymerization of acrylonitrile are larger than those of the DMF‐LiCl solution polymerization of acrylonitrile shown by Bamford and others. These results can be explained by the basicity of salt and the dissociation of polyacrylonitrile in the DMF‐LiBr solution.  相似文献   
Chang-Ching Youh 《Fuel》1978,57(11):731-733
A systematic determination is made of the free and combined silica, alumina, titania and acid-insoluble iron in the Miocene coals of Taiwan. From the analytical estimates of the combined silica and alumina, the mole ratio of silica to alumina can be roughly calculated, which may form a useful indicator of the type of clay minerals that compose the mineral matter in the coal samples investigated. A comparison of the analytical results for total silica, alumina, titania and iron formerly published and newly determined is also made.  相似文献   
A carbonyl iron/carbon fiber material consisting of carbon fibers grown on micrometer-sized carbonyl iron sphere, was synthesized by chemical vapor deposition using a mixture of C2H2 and H2. The hollow-core carbon fibers (outer diameter: 140 nm and inner diameter: 40 nm) were composed of well-ordered graphene layers which were almost parallel to the long axis of the fibers. A composite (2 mm thick) consisting of the carbonyl iron/carbon fibers and epoxy resin demonstrated excellent electromagnetic (EM) wave absorption. Minimum reflection losses of -36 dB (99.95% of EM wave absorption) at 7.6 GHz and -32 dB (99.92% of EM wave absorption) at 34.1 GHz were achieved. The well-dispersed and network-like carbon fibers in the resin matrix affected the dielectric loss of the EM wave while the carbonyl iron affected the magnetic loss.  相似文献   
Thin-walled carbon nanotubes (TWCNTs) were synthesized using a zirconium (Zr) plate by cold-wall chemical vapor deposition of a mixture gas consisting of C2H2 and H2 under a pressure of 1.20 torr. The Zr plate was used for the formation of Zr nanocatalysts during the thermal process and used as substrate to eliminate the effects of interactions between catalyst and substrate during CNT synthesis. The TWCNTs were 4-9 nm in diameter and a few micrometers long. Nanometer-sized defects on the Zr bulk material may have a low melting temperature, allowing them to form droplet-like catalysts and achieve high carbon solubility for the formation of CNTs.  相似文献   
In an attempt to provide a favorable active material of Li+ supercapacitor for HEV use, we modified the surface of an activated carbon fiber felt by coating with some transition metal oxides after mild-oxidation treatment. Major source of enhancing capacitance is attributed to be due to the nano-ionics mechanism proposed by Maier and coworkers.Cyclic voltammetry and constant current charge-discharge performance were examined for the surface modified samples in view of power capability. The oxides of Ag, Cu, Pd, and Sn were found effective to enhance the capacitance and high rate charge/discharge performance. The cycleability test was performed as well.  相似文献   
Pigs were fed a commercial conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) mixture, prepared by alkali isomerization of sunflower oil, at 2% of the basal diet, from 61.5 to 106 kg live weight, and were compared to pigs fed the same basal diet with 2% added sunflower oil. The total lipids from liver, heart, inner back fat, and omental fat of pigs fed the CLA diet were analyzed for the incorporation of CLA isomers into all the tissue lipid classes. A total of 10 lipid classes were isolated by three-directional thin-layer chromatography and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) on long capillary columns and by silver-ion high-performance liquid chromatography (Ag+-HPLC); cholesterol was determined spectrophotometrically. Only trace amounts (<0.1%; by GC) of the 9,11–18∶2 cis/trans and trans, trans isomers were observed in pigs fed the control diet. Ten and twelve CLA isomers in the diet and in pig tissue lipids were sepatated by GC and Ag+-HPLC, respectively. The relative concentration of all the CLA isomers in the different lipid classes ranged from 1 to 6% of the total fatty acids. The four major cis/trans isomers (18.9% 11 cis, 13 trans-18∶2; 26.3% 10 trans, 12 cis-18∶2; 20.4% 9 cis, 11 trans-18∶2; and 16.1% 8 trans, 10 cis-18∶2) constituted 82% of the total CLA isomers in the dietary CLA mixture, and smaller amounts of the corresponding cis,cis (7.4%) and trans,trans (10.1%) isomers were present. The distribution of CLA isomers in inner back fat and in omental fat of the pigs was similar to that found in the diet. The liver triacylglycerols (TAG), free fatty acids (FFA), and cholesteryl esters showed a similar patterns to that found in the diet. The major liver phospholipids showed a marked increase of 9 cis,11 trans-18∶2, ranging from 36 to 54%, compared to that present in the diet. However, liver diphosphatidylglycerol (DPG) showed a high incorporation of the 11 cis,13 trans-18∶2 isomer (43%). All heart lipid classes, except TAG, showed a high content of 11 cis,13 trans-18∶2, which was in marked contrast to results in the liver. The relative proportion of 11 cis,13 trans-18∶2 ranged from 30% in the FFA to 77% in DPG. The second major isomer in all heart lipids was 9 cis,11 trans-18∶2. In both liver and heart lipids the relative proportions of both 10 trans,12 cis-18∶2 and 8 trans,10 cis-18∶2 were significantly lower compared to that found in the diet. The FFA in liver and heart showed the highest content of trans,trans isomers (31 to 36%) among all the lipid classes. The preferential accumulation of the 11 cis,13 trans-18∶2 into cardiac lipids, and in particular the major phospholipid in the inner mitochondrial membrane, DPG, in both heart and liver, appears unique and may be of concern. The levels of 11 cis,13 trans-18∶2 naturally found in foods have not been established.  相似文献   
Commercial cheese products were analyzed for their composition and content of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers. The total lipids were extracted from cheese using petroleum ether/diethyl ether and methylated using NaOCH3. The fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) were separated by gas chromatography (GC), using a 100-m polar capillary column, into nine minor peaks besides that of the major rumenic acid, 9c, 11t-octadecadienoic acid (18∶2), and were attributed to 19 CLA isomers. By using silver ion-high performance liquid chromatography (Ag+-HPLC), CLA isomers were resolved into seven trans, trans (5–9%), three cis/trans (10–13%), and five cis, cis (<1%) peaks, totaling 15, in addition to that of the 9c, 11t-18∶2 (78–84%). The FAME of total cheese lipids were fractionated by semipreparative Ag+-HPLC and converted to their 4,4-dimethyloxazoline derivatives after hydrolysis to free fatty acids. The geometrical configuration of the CLA isomers was confirmed by GC-direct deposition-Fourier transform infrared, and their double bond positions were established by GC-electron ionization mass spectrometry. Reconstructed mass spectral ion profiles of the m+2 allylic ion and the m+3 ion (where m is the position of the second double bond in the parent conjugated fatty acid) were used to identify the minor CLA isomers in cheese. Cheese contained 7 t,9c-18∶2 and the previously unreported 11t, 13c-18∶2 and 12c, 14t-18∶2, and their trans,trans and cis,cis geometric isomers. Minor amounts of 8,10-, and 10, 12–18∶2 were also found. The predicted elution orders of the different CLA isomers on long polar capillary GC and Ag*-HPLC columns are also presented.  相似文献   
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