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Journal of Chemical Ecology - The obligate pollination mutualism between Yucca and yucca moths is a classical example of coevolution. Oviposition and active pollination by female yucca moths occur...  相似文献   
This article presents an automated Sentinel-1-based processing chain designed for flood detection and monitoring in near-real-time (NRT). Since no user intervention is required at any stage of the flood mapping procedure, the processing chain allows deriving time-critical disaster information in less than 45 min after a new data set is available on the Sentinel Data Hub of the European Space Agency (ESA). Due to the systematic acquisition strategy and high repetition rate of Sentinel-1, the processing chain can be set up as a web-based service that regularly informs users about the current flood conditions in a given area of interest. The thematic accuracy of the thematic processor has been assessed for two test sites of a flood situation at the border between Greece and Turkey with encouraging overall accuracies between 94.0% and 96.1% and Cohen’s kappa coefficients (κ) ranging from 0.879 to 0.910. The accuracy assessment, which was performed separately for the standard polarizations (VV/VH) of the interferometric wide swath (IW) mode of Sentinel-1, further indicates that under calm wind conditions, slightly higher thematic accuracies can be achieved by using VV instead of VH polarization data.  相似文献   
The frequent mapping of the spatial extent of land cover and its change from satellite data at the regional level provides essential input to spatially explicit land use analysis and scenario modelling. The accuracy of a land cover map is the key factor describing the quality of a map, and hence affecting the results of land use modelling. In tropical regions, land cover mapping from optical satellites is hampered by cloud coverage and thus alternative data sources have to be evaluated. In the present study, data from Landsat‐ETM+ and Envisat‐ASAR satellite sensors were tested for their ability to assess small scaled landscape patterns in a tropical environment. A focus was on the detection of intensively managed perennial and intra‐annual cropping systems (cocoa, rice). The results confirm previous knowledge about the general potential and advantages of multi‐temporal SAR data compared to mono‐temporal SAR‐based mapping but also show the limitations of different polarization modes in SAR analysis for land cover mapping. In the present case study, cross‐polarized data from Envisat‐ASAR did not yield notable profit for tropical land cover mapping compared to common, co‐polarized time series of ASAR data. However, the general outcome of the study underlines the synergy of optical and radar satellite data for land cover mapping in tropical regions.  相似文献   
Reproductive division of labor in advanced eusocial honey bees and stingless bees is based on the ability of totipotent female larvae to develop into either workers or queens. In nearly all species, caste is determined by larval nutrition. However, the mechanism that triggers queen development in Melipona bees is still unresolved. Several hypotheses have been proposed, ranging from the proximate (a genetic determination of caste development) to the ultimate (a model in which larvae have complete control over their own caste fate). Here, we showed that the addition of geraniol, the main compound in labial gland secretions of nurse workers, to the larval food significantly increases the number of larvae that develop into queens. Interestingly, the proportion of queens in treated brood exactly matched the value (25%) predicted by the two-locus, two-allele model of genetic queen determination, in which only females that are heterozygous at both loci are capable of developing into queens. We conclude that labial gland secretions, added to the food of some cells by nurse bees, trigger queen development, provided that the larvae are genetically predisposed towards this developmental pathway. In Melipona beecheii, geraniol acts as a primer pheromone representing the first caste determination substance identified to date.  相似文献   
In recent years, the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has gained a lot of experience in water surface extraction from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data for various application domains. In this context, four approaches have been developed, which jointly form the so-called DFD Water Suite: The Water Mask Processor (WaMaPro) is based on a simple and high-performance algorithm that processes multi-sensor SAR data in order to provide decision-makers with information about the location of water surfaces. The Rapid Mapping of Flooding tool (RaMaFlood) has been developed for flood extent mapping using an interactive object-based classification algorithm. The TerraSAR-X Flood Service (TFS) is used for rapid mapping activities and provides satellite-derived information about the extent of floods in order to support emergency management authorities and decision-makers. It is based on a fully automated processing chain. The last approach is the TanDEM-X Water Indication Mask processor (TDX WAM). It is part of the processing chain for the generation of the seamless, accurate, and high-resolution global digital elevation model (DEM) produced based on data of the TanDEM-X mission. Its purpose is to support the subsequent DEM editing process by the generation of a global reference water mask. In this study, the design of the four approaches and their methodological backgrounds are explained in detail, while simultaneously elaborating on the preferred application domains for the different algorithms. The advantages and disadvantages of the four approaches are identified by qualitatively as well as quantitatively evaluating the water masks derived from data of the TanDEM-X mission for five test sites located in Vietnam, China, Germany, Mali, and the Netherlands.  相似文献   
This article presents for the first time the combination of dual-polarimetric C-band Sentinel-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data and quad-polarimetric L-band ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 imagery for mapping of flooded areas with a special focus on flooded vegetation. L-band SAR data is well suited for mapping of flooded vegetation, while C-band enables an accurate extraction open water areas. Polarimetric decomposition-based unsupervised Wishart classification is combined with object-based post-classification refinement and the integration of spatial contextual information and global auxiliary data. In eight different scenarios, focusing on single datasets or fusion of classification results of several ones, respectively, different polarimetric decomposition and classification principles, including the entropy/anisotropy/alpha and the Freeman–Durden–Wishart classification, were investigated. The helix scattering component of the Yamaguchi decomposition, derived from ALOS-2 imagery, showed high suitability to refine the Sentinel-1-based detection of flooded vegetation. A test site at the Evros River (Greek/Turkish border region) was chosen, which was affected by a flooding event that occurred in spring 2015. The validation was based on high spatial resolution optical WorldView-2 imagery acquired with short temporal delay to the SAR data.  相似文献   
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