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1. Main parameters ofHT-7U deviceThe scientific cession of the HT-7U(HefeiTOkamak-7 Upgrade ), being a next generation advanced tokamak, is to study physical issues on thesteady-state operation of a non-burning plasma. The'. -.engineering mission of the HT-7U tokamak is to establish the technology basis of full superconductingtokamaks for the future reactor. The HT-7U toka-mak will have a long pulse (60 ~ 1000 s ) capability,a flexible PF system, an auxiliary heating and current drive …  相似文献   
HT-7超导托卡马克装置是我国第一台具有超导环向场磁体系统的专用于进行核聚变科学研究实验的大型科学研究设备。它的最主要的结构特点是多层嵌套结构,外真空室是HT-7装置的多层嵌套结构的最外一层,它的密封性能和结构的可靠性对于整个装置具有决定性的影响。所以,确定密封结构和选择密土间外真空室改造设计的关键问题。  相似文献   
为优化国际热核聚变实验堆校正场线圈的真空压力浸渍工艺,对线圈圆弧段的充模过程进行了基于Darcy定律的数值模拟和工艺实验。对比了4种注胶方案的流动前沿和压力分布,确定了高效并能减少残留空隙的方案。优化的注胶口位置为沿长度方向1/4和3/4处,出胶口位置为沿长度方向两端和中间处。按优化工艺进行了试验,实测充模时间7.62×103 s,与模拟时间7.67×103 s接近。CT扫描显示试样内部被树脂完全填充,仅有少量空隙,大小约为100~200μm。试样绝缘性能优良,在10kV下漏电流小于1μA。试验结果表明了工艺模拟的可靠性,模拟方法可应用到整个线圈中,确定方案和技术参数。  相似文献   
装配间隙是影响国际热核聚变实验反应堆(ITER)校正场线圈盒激光封焊质量的重要因素之一。采用热丝填充激光焊接,在离焦量分别为+5、+10、+16mm的情况下对5mm厚核聚变用钢316LN在不同对接间隙条件下进行光斑直径与对接间隙裕度的研究。焊后进行了焊缝表面、截面形貌的分析,同时进行了金相组织、接头拉伸强度、显微硬度测试及断面电镜与成分分析。结果表明,在热丝填充激光焊接中,光斑直径大小不仅可以与对接间隙量相当,还可以在小于对接间隙量0.1~0.2mm的情况下,得到表面成形较好且抗拉强度值较高的焊缝,当光斑直径小于对接间隙量达到0.3mm时,焊缝表面成形变差且抗拉强度值下降。  相似文献   
为了评估ITER超导接头所采用的铜材的热损耗影响,设计并搭建了用于测试剩余电阻率的实验平台。通过对所选用的铜材进行低温4.2 K和常温下的电阻率测试,计算了铜材的剩余电阻率。结果表明,所选用的铜材能够满足ITER双盒搭接接头铜材的设计要求。  相似文献   
校正场线圈是ITER大型超导磁体系统的重要组成部分,在线圈盒焊接过程中,若线圈盒内表面与对地绝缘接触部分的温度过高,将影响校正场线圈的超导绝缘性能。文中应用有限元焊接模拟软件SYSWELD对线圈盒的电子束焊接过程进行了数值模拟,利用双椭球热源与3D高斯热源的组合热源模拟真空电子束焊独有的钉形热源,得到了与实际较为相符的熔池形貌;确定了接触点上的温度分布,并分析其对校正场线圈的影响;同时,对比了不同线圈盒结构的温度场分布,从而得到能够保护对地绝缘的合理肩部尺寸。  相似文献   
The superconducting dipole prototype magnet of the collector ring for the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) is an international cooperation project.The collaborative simulation and testing of the developed prototype magnet is presented in this paper.To evaluate the mechanical strength of the coil case during quench,a 3-dimensional (3D) electromagnetic (EM) model was developed based on the solid97 magnetic vector element in the ANSYS commercial software,which includes the air region,coil and yoke.EM analysis was carried out with a peak operating current at 278 A.Then,the solid97 element was transferred into the solid185 element,the coupled analysis was switched from electromagnetic to structural,and the finite element model for the coil case and glass-fiber reinforced composite (G10) spacers was established by the ANSYS Parametric Design Language based on the 3D model from the CATIA V5 software.However,to simulate the friction characteristics inside the coil case,the conta173 surface-to-surface contact element was established.The results for the coil case and G10 spacers show that they are safe and have sufficient strength,on the basis of testing in discharge and quench scenarios.  相似文献   
1. IntroductionOn the basis of international collaboration, a superconducting Tokamak HT-7 (Hefei TOkamak-7)was constructed successfully in 1994, and has beenoperated in institute of Plajsma Physics, AcademiaSinica (ASIPP). An experimental plan of long pulseoperation has been carried out in HT--7. Now a newproject for upgrading the machine, which is calledHT-7U (Hefei TOkamak--7 Upgrade), has been designed in ASIPP. It is a full superconducting device, including superconducting TF…  相似文献   
1.IntroductionHT-7Usuperconductingtokamakisanationalsci-entificresearchprojectofChina.ThislargefusionexperimentaldevicewillbebuiltinthelnstituteofPlasmaPhyslcsofChineseAcademyofSciences.ThemissionofHT-7Uistodevelopthescientificba-sisforacontinuouslyoperatingtokamakfusionreac-tor,achievingasteadystateandanextremelylongpuIseoperatlonwlthhigh-betadouble-null,aswellassingle-nullplasmasatfllllcllrrent.HT-7Uisafullsuperconductingtokamakdevlce.ltstoroidalfieldsystemisoneoftheimportantpartsofthe…  相似文献   
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