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Effect of trace rare earth element Er on high pure Al   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
1 INTRODUCTIONAsit swellknown ,Chinaisrichinrareearths ,whoseprovedreservesare 80 %ofthetotalreservesoftheworld ,rankingfirstintheworld .Atpresent,theresearchandapplicationofREinsteel&ironareratherprofoundinChina .ThoughtheapplicationandstudiesaboutREinaluminumanditsalloysbeganearly ,it snotuntillateinthe 1970 sthattheinvesti gationandexploitationbeganonalargescaleandgraduallycametoaclimax[13] .Inthepast ,there searchofREaluminummainlyfocusedontheapplica tionofsomeelementssuchasLa ,…  相似文献   
微量钪对Al-3%Cu合金组织与性能的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
采用硬度、拉伸性能测试、金相组织观察、扫描电镜与能谱分析以及X-射线衍射等方法,研究了微量稀土元素Sc对Al-3%Cu合金组织与性能的影响。结果表明,稀土元素Sc能够强烈地细化Al-Cu合金的晶粒,改善枝晶网胞。微量Sc元素添加到Al-3%Cu合金中,合金的抗拉强度σb和屈服强度σ0.2均有所提高(△σ约为30MPa),对合金的伸长率几乎没有影响;微量Sc元素添加到Al-3%Cu合金中,除部分固溶于Al基体中外,大部分与Al形成对合金起强化作用的Al3Sc共格相,对合金起强化作用,没有发现其他相,包括W(AlCuSc)相生成。  相似文献   
Microstructure and properties of Al-4Cu alloy containing Sc   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The effects of different contents of Sc addition on the microstructures and properties of the Al-4 %Cu alloy were studied by tensile properties measurement, optical microscope, X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electronmicroscope (SEM) and energy spectrum analysis. The experimental results show that rare-earth element Sc is capable of refining the dendritic structure of the Al-4%Cu alloy, the tensile strength σb and yield strength σ0.2 just increase a little when the content of Sc is lower than 0.2%; when the content reaches 0.3%-0.4%, σb and σ0.2 slightly decrease; but σb and σ0.2 rise again when the Sc content is 0.5%, though both of them are lower than those of theAl-4%Cu alloy without Sc addition. However, Sc addition has little influence on the elongation of the Al-4 %Cu alloy. Adding Sc to the Al-4%Cu alloy, when the amount of Sc is lower than 0.2%, Sc mostly exists in the α(Al)solid solution; when the Sc content is in the range of 0.3%- 0.5%, only a part of Sc exists in the α-Al solid solution, the rest appears in two ways: one is that Sc and Al form Al3Sc which can strengthen the alloy, and the other,Sc interacts with Al and Cu to form AlCuSc phase.  相似文献   
稀土铒在Al-Zn-Mg合金中的存在形式与细化机理   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
采用钢模铸造法制备了不同含量的稀土元素铒的Al-6Zn-2Mg合金, 利用金相组织观察、扫描电镜、透射电镜与能谱分析等分析测试手段, 研究了铒在合金中的存在形式与细化机理.结果表明: 铒在合金中主要有3种存在形式, 即固溶到基体α(Al)中、形成初生Al3Er相或以共晶化合物的形式分布在晶界、以细小Al3Er形式在晶内析出; 不同含量的铒能不同程度地细化晶粒, 当铒含量不超过0.25%时, 枝晶间距减少, 但晶粒没有明显细化, 当铒含量达0.4%时, 细化效果已非常显著, 随着铒含量的增大, 晶粒略为细小; 不同含量的铒对合金的细化机理取决于它在合金中的存在形式, 当铒含量较低时, 其细化机理符合传统的稀土铝合金细化机理, 当铒含量较高时, 由于在熔体中形成了初生Al3Er相, 这些Al3Er相可以作为非均质核心而使晶粒得到细化, 是合金的主要细化机理.  相似文献   
含稀土Er的Al-Zn-Mg合金的组织与性能   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了探讨稀土Er对热处理可强化(沉淀强化)的铝合金系作用,采用铸锭冶金法制备了6种含Er量不同的Al-Zn-Mg合金进行了深入分析.通过硬度测试、拉伸力学性能测试、金相观察、X射线衍射和扫描电镜观察,研究了稀土元素Er对Al-Zn-Mg合金显微组织和力学性能的影响.实验结果表明,稀土元素Er可以显著地细化Al-Zn-Mg合金的铸态晶粒,减小其枝晶网胞,当Er的添加量达到w(Er)=0.7%时,枝晶网胞几乎完全消失,晶粒变得非常细小且分布均匀;对于合金的冷轧态组织以及时效态晶粒也有同样的细化效果;添加Er后,Al-Zn-Mg合金在冷轧态及时效态下的屈服强度(σ0.2)及抗拉强度(σh)都得到了显著的提高,但塑性有所降低;稀土元素Er添加到Al-Zn-Mg合金中,主要与Al相互作用形成了Al3Er相.合金显微组织的细化及合金的强化都与该相的形成和析出有关.  相似文献   
Six alloys with different compositions of Al-0.1%Sc, Al-0.3%Sc, Al-0.3%Zr, Al-0.1%Sc-0.1%Zr,Al-0.3%Sc-0.1%Zr and Al-0.3%Sc-0.3%Zr were prepared by casting in a wedge shaped copper mould. The hardness test, microstructure observation, and DSC thermal analysis were applied to fully investigate the solidification behavior of the wedge tip (whose cooling rate is 1000 K/s) and the top surface (cooling rate 100 K/s) of each casting. The results show that the cast structures in the hypoeutectic region of AI-Sc alloys are slightly affected by cooling rates during the solidification. In the case of hypereutectic alloy of Al-0.3%Sc-0.3%Zr, the cast grains were remarkably refined under the condition of a 100 K/s cooling rate, however, under a 1000 K/s cooling rate condition,solute atoms contribute nothing to the grain-refinement, due to the eutectic concentration becomes higher. The hardness can be improved to a greater degree by Sc single addition, compared to single Zr addition, but it can be improved even greater when Sc added together with Zr. It is sensitive to cooling rate, the higher the cooling rate, thegreater the hardness. By combining the results of TEM examination and DSC analysis, it can be seen that a supersaturated Al solid solution forms during the solidification, and the solubility of Sc in Al solution can be improved by increasing the cooling rate.  相似文献   
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