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Evaluation of fibrate treatment in humans has focused primarily on its anti-lipidaemic effects. A potentially favourable haemostasis-modulating activity of fibrates has also been recognized but the data are not consistent. We sought to learn more about this variability by examining the effects of gemfibrozil and ciprofibrate on plasma levels of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and fibrinogen in primary hyperlipidaemic patients after six and twelve weeks of treatment using different assay systems for PAI-1 and fibrinogen. Although both fibrates effectively lowered triglyceride and cholesterol levels, no effect on the elevated baseline antigen levels of t-PA and PAI-1 was observed after fibrate treatment. However, both fibrates influenced plasma fibrinogen levels, albeit in a different way. Fibrinogen antigen levels were elevated by 17.6% (p <0.05) and 24.3% (p <0.001) with gemfibrozil after six and twelve weeks, respectively, whereas with ciprofibrate there was no effect. Using a Clauss functional assay with either a mechanical end point or a turbidity-based end point, no significant change in fibrinogen levels was seen after six weeks of gemfibrozil treatment. However, after twelve weeks, gemfibrozil enhanced functional fibrinogen levels by 7.2% (p <0.05) as assessed by the Clauss mechanical assay, but decreased functional fibrinogen levels by 12.5% (p <0.0001) when a Clauss assay based on turbidity was used. After six or twelve weeks of ciprofibrate treatment, functional fibrinogen levels were decreased by 10.1% (p <0.001) and 10.5% (p <0.0001), respectively on the basis of Clauss mechanical and by 14.2% (p <0.001) and 28.2% (p <0.0001), respectively with the Clauss turbidimetric assay. A remarkable and consistent finding with both fibrates was the decrease in functionality of fibrinogen as assessed by the ratio of functional fibrinogen (determined by either of the two Clauss assays) to fibrinogen antigen. Taken together, our results indicate that at least part of the variability in the effects of fibrates on haemostatic parameters can be explained by intrinsic differences between various fibrates, by differences in treatment period and/or by the different outcomes of various assay systems. Interestingly, the two fibrates tested both reduced the functionality of fibrinogen.  相似文献   
Oestrogen replacement therapy is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women. Patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) have an increased cardiovascular risk. However, oestrogen replacement therapy is only reluctantly prescribed for patients with NIDDM. In a double blind randomized placebo controlled trial we assessed the effect of oral 17 beta-estradiol during 6 weeks in 40 postmenopausal women with NIDDM. Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c), insulin sensitivity, suppressibility of hepatic glucose production, lipoprotein profile and parameters of fibrinolysis were determined. The oestrogen treated group demonstrated a significant decrease of HbA1c and in the normotriglyceridaemic group a significantly increased suppression of hepatic glucose production by insulin. Whole body glucose uptake and concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids did not change. LDL-cholesterol- and apolipoprotein B levels decreased, and HDL-cholesterol, its subfraction HDL2-cholesterol and apolipotrotein A1 increased. The plasma triglyceride level remained similar in both groups. Both the concentration of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 antigen and its active subfraction decreased. Tissue type plasminogen activator activity increased significantly only in the normotriglyceridaemic group. Oestrogen replacement therapy improves insulin sensitivity in liver, glycaemic control, lipoprotein profile and fibrinolysis in postmenopausal women with NIDDM. For a definite answer as to whether oestrogens can be more liberally used in NIDDM patients, long term studies including the effect of progestogens are necessary.  相似文献   
Based on published gene sequences of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) type I and classical swine fever virus (CSFV), genus- and species-specific primers were designed to detect and identify pestivirus cDNA sequences in a nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR primers were validated using cDNA synthesized from 146 pestivirus isolates, comprising representatives of all four so far described genotypes (BVDV type I, BVDV type II, CSFV and border disease virus), as well as others of uncertain classification. PCR products of the predicted size were amplified from all viruses with the genus-specific primers. All 53 cattle isolates, including 5 typed antigenically as BVDV type II were amplified by the internal BVDV-specific primers, but not the CSFV-specific primers. The same result was found for other BVDV type I and II viruses isolated from sheep and pigs. Seventy-seven CSF viruses were amplified by their respective internal primers. Available information strongly indicate that 4 CSF viruses also amplified by the BVDV-specific primers had been contaminated with BVDV in cell cultures. Border disease viruses were mostly not detected by the BVDV-specific primers, but were detected weakly by the CSFV-specific primer pair. Using carrier RNA for extraction of viral RNA, the sensitivity of detection of the single and nested PCR was, respectively, 5 and 50 times higher than obtained with a cell culture assay. The RT-PCR also detected BVDV in all of 15 commercial batches of fetal calf serum examined, and verified three earlier diagnoses of CSFV by detecting specific gene sequences in 30 year old frozen archival organ samples.  相似文献   
A protein epitope which is involved in an antigenic relationship between equine ocular tissues and Leptospira interrogans was detected in homogenates of the bacterium. The antigenic determinant was harboured on a peptide structure which was shown to be sensitive to the action of denaturing and reducing agents by means of Western blotting. The outer surface of the leptospires appeared to be free of this epitope as was proved by dot-blot and electron microscopic studies.  相似文献   
Increased plasma factor VII coagulant activity (FVII:C) has been associated with the risk of ischemic heart disease (IHD). Differences in plasma FVII:C among individuals are associated with three common polymorphisms in the FVII gene. Therefore, we investigated FVII polymorphisms in four populations that differ in their risk of developing cardiovascular disease, namely, Europeans, Greenland Inuit, Gujarati Indians, and Afrocaribbeans. We studied (1) the promoter polymorphism, which is the result of a decanucleotide insertion in the FVII promoter at position -323 from the start of translation; (2) the hypervariable region 4 polymorphism (HVR4), which is the result of a variable number of tandem repeats in intron 7; and (3) the RQ353 polymorphism, a guanine-to-adenine substitution in the position of the codon for amino acid 353 resulting in an amino acid replacement of arginine (R) by glutamine (Q) in the FVII protein. The frequencies of these three polymorphisms and their linkage disequilibrium were different in the four populations studied. The frequencies of the alleles associated with higher plasma FVII:C were lower in the Europeans than in the Inuit, a population with a lower incidence of IHD. There was an association between both the promoter polymorphism and the RQ353 polymorphism and the plasma FVII:C in the Europeans, the Inuit, and the Gujarati Indians, and an association only between the RQ353 polymorphism and plasma FVII:C in the Afrocaribbeans. Only in the Inuit was the HVR4 polymorphism associated with plasma FVII:C. In multiple regression analysis, the additional information provided by the promoter polymorphism when the other polymorphisms were already included in the model was the most pronounced, suggesting that the promoter polymorphism may be the functional mutation having the greatest effect on determining plasma FVII:C.  相似文献   
As evidence accumulates to implicate fibrinogen as a risk indicator for cardiovascular disease, it is of interest to study its seasonal variation. A population based cross-sectional study was performed among participants of the Rotterdam Study, a cohort of 7,983 men and women, aged 55 years and over. Fibrinogen levels were measured by the prothrombin time derived method in the first 2,325 participants of the study. Fibrinogen levels were considerably higher in winter. The seasonal difference was 0.34 g/l (95% confidence interval 0.29, 0.39) and was more pronounced in subjects aged 75 years and over than in subjects aged 55 to 75 years, 0.43 g/l (0.34, 0.52) and 0.29 g/l (0.24, 0.35), respectively. Additional adjustment for body mass index, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and total and HDL cholesterol did not materially change the findings. After adjustment for seasons, outdoor temperature was not associated with fibrinogen. Adjustment for outdoor temperature did not change the seasonal variation of fibrinogen, seasonal difference 0.31 g/l (0.24, 0.37). In conclusion, fibrinogen levels are highest in Winter. The seasonal variation of fibrinogen is more pronounced in the elderly. Outdoor temperature does not seem to play a role in the seasonal variation of fibrinogen. Seasonal variation of fibrinogen may partly explain the increased cardiovascular disease mortality in Winter.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Impaired fibrinolytic capacity, as assessed by euglobulin clot lysis time or plasma concentration of fibrinolytic parameters, has been associated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction (MI). We studied the association of a polymorphism in the gene for TPA and of plasma concentrations of TPA (antigen and activity) with the prevalence of MI. METHODS AND RESULTS: A case-control study was performed. Subjects with a history of MI (n = 121) and controls (n = 250) were drawn from the Rotterdam Study, a population-based cohort study of 7983 subjects > or = 55 years old. We determined TPA antigen and activity in plasma and genotyped all subjects for the Alu repeat insertion/deletion polymorphism in intron h in the TPA gene. Homozygosity for the insertion was associated with twice as many cases of MI as was homozygosity for the deletion (odds ratio, 2.24; 95% CI, 1.11-4.50). TPA antigen was positively associated with the risk of MI; compared with that in the lowest quartile, the relative risks (odds ratio) in the second, third, and upper quartiles were 1.7 (CI, 0.9-3.3), 2.3 (1.2-4.4), and 2.0 (1.0-3.8), respectively. When adjusted for body mass index, HDL and total cholesterol, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and current smoking, the risk associated with TPA antigen concentration was attenuated. Increased concentrations of TPA activity tended to be associated with an increased risk of MI. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence for an independent association of the insertion allele of the insertion/deletion polymorphism in the TPA gene with nonfatal MI. Increased TPA antigen is associated with an increased risk of MI; however, this association was not independent of cardiovascular disease risk factors.  相似文献   
In this study, a method was developed for the efficient entrapment of active tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) into liposomes. Experimental conditions were varied to optimize t-PA entrapment: different buffer solutions were used (pH 4 and 7.5), the effect of the incubation concentrations of phospholipid (PL) and t-PA was monitored and the influence of liposome-size was examined. Furthermore, the effect of ultracentrifugation on t-PA containing liposomes was determined in the presence and absence of Tween 80. t-PA entrapment strongly depended on experimental conditions and ranged from 30 up to 90%. Almost quantitative+ (90%) entrapment (entrapment percentage defined as absolute entrapment (IU t-PA/mumol PL) divided by total incubation ratio (IU t-PA/mumol PL), times 100%) was obtained in Hepes buffer pH 7.5, devoid of arginine, with low ionic strength. Ultracentrifugation, used for removal of non-entrapped t-PA, was shown to have a damaging effect on the liposomes (especially in the presence of 0.05% Tween 80), leading to t-PA loss. However, because acceptable alternatives were not available, ultracentrifugation was used during this study. Therefore, the encapsulation-percentage values shown in this study are in fact underestimates for the true entrapment of t-PA. In conclusion: almost quantitative t-PA entrapment in liposomes can be achieved by selecting the proper milieu and inducing a strong interaction between t-PA and bilayer.  相似文献   
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