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The dimensional changes of liver sections during the course of processing with glycol methacrylate (GMA) or with ethanol are described. Tissue processing with ethanol served as a control. During prolonged processing steps (24 h each), linear shrinkage of tissue specimens dehydrated with GMA at room temperature was 13.2%. Subsequent infiltration with GMA resulted in trivial swelling, and polymerization in slight shrinkage (2.3%). In comparison, processing with cold GMA resulted in shrinkage during dehydration (about 10.8%), a slight swelling in pure GMA, followed by shrinkage during polymerization (2.2%). Short routine processing schedules resulted in similar shrinkage/swelling patterns, although precise values differed slightly. In all experiments, ethanolic dehydration resulted in smaller dimensional tissue changes than did GMA dehydration. The dimensional changes of tissue sections during stretching on water, mounting and drying compensated for the major part of the shrinkage manifested during processing.  相似文献   
H Tsuda  WL Jongebloed  I Stokroos  J Arends 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,10(4):1015-23; discussion 1023-4
Hydrazine has been used to remove organic components and to isolate the mineral(s) from human calculus. Micro-Raman measurements were performed on the mineral phase. After the hydrazine-treatment, not only a large reduction in fluorescence but also an increase in Raman signal was observed. The treatment was essential in minimizing thermally-induced chemical changes which could otherwise occur to the original calculus mineral due to the intense laser light. The Raman spectral features of the mineral were nearly all identical among the Raman spectra obtained at many randomly-selected sites by the micro-Raman microbe with a lateral resolution of approximately 1 micron, and were consistent with those of impure hydroxyapatite containing CO3(2-) and HPO4(2-). The spectra contained typical hydroxyapatite bands including PO4(3-)bands of the v1, v2, v3 and v4 modes and one OH- stretch band. Other minor bands due to the CO3(2-) v1 and v3 modes and bands possibly due to the HPO4(2-) v1, v2 and v4 modes were observable by the technique despite the hydrazine-treatment that could in principle remove the HPO4 and CO3 ions from the mineral. In comparison with pure synthetic hydroxyapatite, the intensity of the OH- stretch band relative to that of the PO4(3-) v1 band was approximately 70% weaker, and the bandwidth of the phosphate v1 band was 200% broader, reflecting various crystal imperfections presumably present in the calculus mineral.  相似文献   
On the ceiling of the Oriental hornet comb cell, there are mineral granules of polycrystalline material known to belong to the group of perovskites. In a comb cell intended to house a worker hornet, the roof base usually carries one or several such perovskite granules containing titanium (Ti), whereas in the roof base of a cell housing a developing queen, there are usually several granules containing a high percentage of silicon (Si), aluminum (Al), calcium (Ca), and iron (Fe), but very little if any Ti. In worker comb cells, Ti usually appears as ilmenite (FeTiO3). Besides documenting the above-mentioned facts, this report discusses possible reasons for the appearance of ilmenite crystals in worker cells only and not in queen cells.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To evaluate dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy and urography in the detection of renal involvement in children with urinary tract infection (UTI) in order to identify patients with a high risk of developing renal damage. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 157 children (median age 0.4 years, range 5 days to 5.8 years) with first-time symptomatic UTI were examined scintigraphy (with an assessment of renal area involvement) and urography at the time of UTI and 1 year later. All evaluations were made blindly. RESULTS: Of the total 314 kidneys, 80 (25%) were abnormal at initial scintigraphy. Of these 80 kidneys, 44 (55%) had normalized at follow-up. Of the 234 initially normal kidneys, 29 (12%) were abnormal at follow-up. One year after UTI, abnormalities were seen in 59 children at scintigraphy and in 18 children at urography. Renal area involvement was larger and split function abnormalities more common in kidneys that were abnormal at both scintigraphy and urography than in kidneys with only scintigraphic abnormalities. CONCLUSION: Quantitation of renal area involvement and split renal function at early scintigraphy would seem to be useful in identifying patients at risk of developing renal damage. Urography at 1 year after infection identified mainly those with the most severe scintigraphic abnormalities. The clinical importance of scintigraphic abnormalities that are not confirmed by urography is not known.  相似文献   
Visualization of structural details of specimens in field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) requires optimal conductivity. This paper reports on the differences in conductive layers of Au/Pd, Pt and Cr, with a thickness of 1.5–3.0 nm, deposited by planar magnetron sputtering devices. The coating units were used under standard conditions for source–substrate distance, current, HT and argon pressure. Carbon films, deposited by high-vacuum evaporation on small, freshly cleaved pieces of mica, were used as substrate and mounted on copper grids for TEM and SEM inspection. Au/Pd, Pt and, to a lesser extent, Cr coatings varied in particle density, size and shape. Au/Pd coatings have a slightly more granular appearance than Cr and Pt coatings, but this is strongly dependent on the type of sputtering device employed. In FE-SEM images there is almost no difference in contrast and particle size between the Au/Pd layer and the Pt layers of a similar thickness. The nuclei of Au/Pd are rather small with almost no growth to the sides or in height, making Au/Pd coatings a good alternative to chromium and platinum for FE-SEM of biological tissues because of its higher yield of secondary electrons.  相似文献   
Raman spectra containing the distinct band at 322 cm-1 due to CaF2 or CaF2-like material formed in/on fluoridated bovine enamel were recorded using a micro-Raman spectrograph. Due to increasing levels of background fluorescence with increasing thickness of enamel, the Raman measurements were carried out on thin regions of wedged enamel sections. The distribution of the CaF2 or CaF2-like material was estimated using a simple model. The results indicate that 1/3 of the total CaF2 was concentrated within the narrow depth < 2 microns with high CaF2 concentrations (> 10 wt%), and that the majority of the CaF2 was distributed over the depths up to 26 microns (1 wt% CaF2). SEM observations on fractured fluoridated enamel confirmed that morphological changes were present in the depth range comparable to that of the high CaF2 concentration region expected from the Raman analysis. In deeper regions where lower concentration (< 10%) but a large amount of CaF2 was still expected, the SEM images failed to distinguish between the normal and fluoridated enamel. After KOH treatment, the Raman spectra did not show evidence of the CaF2 peak and the SEM micrographs also confirmed the removal of globules. The peak position of the Raman band of the CaF2 formed by the fluoridation was identical to that of pure CaF2. However, the linewidth was 23 cm-1 (FWHM) and a factor of 2 broader than that of pure CaF2 (12 cm-1). This implies that the lattice dynamics of the CaF2 formed by fluoridation is different from of pure CaF2, and that the material formed is 'CaF2-like' or 'disordered CaF2'.  相似文献   
Non-coating fixation methods, in particular the tannic acid/arginine/osmium tetroxide procedure, are employed for a number of reasons on the guinea-pig organ of Corti hair cell stereocilia glycocalyx and the imprints of the stereocilia at the bottom side of the tectorial membrane, and on the rat and cat intestinal epithelial microvilli glycocalyx and mucus-producing goblet cells.
These methods are used firstly to confirm that non-coating prepared specimens can be embedded for TEM observation at 60–100 kV without loss of detail information, and these images can be compared with cryo-FE-SEM images of the same structure/tissue. Secondly, they show that specimens treated according non-coating techniques become optimally preserved and electrically conductive, so that no external conductive coating is required. In this way a comparison of images of subsequent fresh fracture faces is possible without a decrease in information on detail, which otherwise could happen after subsequent coating layers required after standard fixation. Thirdly, they show that non-coating methods can be used quite well with low accelerating voltages because the osmium–tannic acid complex in the specimen surface produces a large number of backscattered and secondary electrons in the surface layer, showing in particular surface phenomena. Fourthly, they show that with an optimal non-coating preservation, in combination with a well-balanced pre-fixation mixture, preparation artefacts due to extraction and even dehydration and drying are minimized. This is compared with images of the organ of Corti hair cells treated with a so-called three-aldehyde pre-fixation mixture, which causes disrupted stereocilia to cling onto the bottom side of the tectorial membrane.  相似文献   
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