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城市自然工作室坐落于日本大阪市郊区的北加贺屋街区(原造船厂所在地),致力于探索生态艺术与传播.工作室与来自不同学科、领域、国家和地区的从业人员及公私营组织合作,开展了多项生态艺术项目,借此重建人、过程、场所与人类赖以生存的生态系统之间的联系.本文呈现了在北加贺屋开展的两个项目研究.在大阪分部项目中,工作室利用从当地回收...  相似文献   
李宾  蔡哲铭 《中国园林》2024,40(5):13-19
借助现有园林图像和文本,对中国古典园林植物材 料营造技艺与维护管理进行深入讨论,重点关注整体园林营造 与维护过程中多样的时间性和具身性体验。首先,以竹材作为 切入点,在分析竹子自身材料特性的基础上,总结归纳“周期 性”“可生长”竹庐与柏亭的营造和维护,并进一步关注园林 营造中以竹作材的竹篱与竹屏。其次,聚焦“柳枝”这一关 键的园林营造材料,重点探讨了柳的形态、“去稍”修剪管理 及其相关审美,并将柳的种植与管理置于区域性景观生产和 基础设施营造的文脉中进行探讨。以竹材与柳枝作为研究对 象,发掘其材料特质、技艺与自然审美,为中国古典园林研 究提出一个从文人到非文人,从图像到物质,从文本到技艺 的研究新视角。  相似文献   
Nature is a cultural construct, and a symbolic form to our cultural landscape. It plays a critical role in the profession of Landscape Architecture, shaping both the practice in the constructed environment as well as the conception of landscape in Pedagogy. This article evaluates contemporary landscape architecture practice in the U.S. through the lens of planting design and ecological design approaches. This retrospect situates selected individuals and their practices in the field of landscape architecture in the past two decades, in parallel with the evolving ecological understanding. These individuals and their works demonstrate the changes in planting design and ecological thinking in the professional practice, and most importantly how these changes contribute to current ecological design methodologies, landscape aesthetics, and public perception of landscape. In addition, the article aims to illustrate a shifting conception of Nature over time and in different cultural context, in which different conceptions of Nature facilitate various approaches to addressing environmental issues. By situating in such context, the article hopes to provide a critical view of contemporary American landscape architecture practice and the current ecological agenda, in order to enable discussions regarding the professional practice in the future.  相似文献   
受同时代生态学家利用航摄像片来研究空间模式的启发,德国地理学家卡尔·特罗尔于1939年首次提出"景观生态学"(Landschafts?kologie)概念[1].如今,景观生态学已成为一门研究生物群落与环境之间相互关系的学科,它以生物学和地理学为基础,衍生出了多种理论和方法论体系,对实施区域规划和生态保护至关重要.自此...  相似文献   
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