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To improve the stability of fixed geometry journal bearings in high-speed rotating machinery, pressure dam or stepped bearings have often been used in place of plain or other bearings. Despite their long history and wide range of applications in industry, only isoviscous analyses have been reported in the literature. Since stability problems usually occur at relatively high speeds where considerable heating occurs, it is desirable to include the thermal effects in pressure dam bearing analysis. This study presents a full adiabatic thermohydrodynamic analysis for pressure dam bearings. The theoretical results show that the pressure and temperature distributions on a stepped pad are quite different from those on a smooth pad. The thermal effects have significant influence on the predicted bearing performance, such as journal eccentricity, dynamic coefficients, and rotor stability. The example of a flexible rotor indicates improved stability prediction with the thermal effects included.  相似文献   
CLOUD 《建造师》2001,(9):3-32
经过八个日日夜夜的奋战,CLOUD终于把这份《FFⅩ》的攻略完整地完成了。看着版面上那密密麻麻的字,心中的感觉真是甭提了。当真像是打翻了五味瓶,酸甜苦辣咸一应俱全.酸的是故事的爱情主线:甜的是通关过后的成就感;苦的是八天八夜不眠不休的奋战;辣的是工作过程当中的热火朝天:咸的是我自己的汗水……为了让广大的读者在第一时间内看到最新、最全、最好的《FFⅩ》攻略.就是让CLOUD我赴汤蹈火也在所不辞!《FFⅩ》补充计划始动——敬请关注《电子游戏一点通3》当中收录的《FFⅩ》全CG动画和《电子游戏广场》28期的《FFⅩ》全资料收集!!  相似文献   
Results are described for experiments aimed at determining the effects of increased speed and load on ball-and-socket pivots in tilting-pad journal bearings. Experimental measurements of journal static operating position were made for a 70-mm (2.75-in.), five-pad tilting-pad journal bearing with ball-and-socket pivots. Testing consisted of journal rotational speeds from 1650 to 7840 rpm and bearing static loads as high as 4.45 kN (1000 lbs). These speeds and loads were sufficient to attain a range of heat generation and pivot thermal growths. Results showed that at low speeds substantial cross-coupling effects were present. However, with increased heat generation at elevated speeds and loads, these cross-coupling effects were significantly reduced.  相似文献   
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