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利用外源菌来增产煤层气是生物促产煤层气领域研究热点,以寺河煤层水富集培养菌群为外源菌,内蒙胜利、河南义马、云南昭通褐煤作为产气底物,分析 3 种褐煤的产气特征。 对内蒙胜利褐煤产气组采用高通量测序,分析微生物菌群结构,判断可能的产气途径。 研究结果表明:70 d 的产气周期内,内蒙有 2 个产甲烷高峰,云南和义马均有 1 个产气高峰。 最大产甲烷量分别为81.01、22、31.54 mL,产甲烷率分别为 8.012、2.111、3.065 mL/g。 产气周期内,氢气逐渐减少,二氧化碳与甲烷含量呈现负相关,产气途径偏向于 H2/CO2还原途径。 内蒙褐煤产气微生物群落结构中存在的 W22,Citrobacter,Syntrophomonas,Desulfovibrio,Methanomicrobiales 等菌群,也说明了产甲烷类型可能以H2/CO2还原途径为主。  相似文献   
The growth and surface properties of new thermoacidophilic Archaea strain Acidianus manzaensis YN-25 isolated from an acid hot spring in Tengchong,Yunnan Province,China were investigated cultured on different substrates including soluble substrate ferrous sulfate and nonsoluble solid substrates S~0,pyrite and chalcopyrite.The growth characteristics of the cells in each substrate were characterized with the changes in cell number,pH,E_h,and concentrations of Fe~(2+)or SO_4~(2-),or ratios of[Fe~(2+)]to[Fe~...  相似文献   
The biosorption mechanism of Cr (Ⅵ) ions on Synechococcus sp. biosorbent was studied by analyzing the biosorption kinetics as well as speciation change and bond formation during the biosorption process. The kinetics study shows that the adsorption process of Cr (Ⅵ) consists of a very fast stage in the first several minutes, in which more than half of the saturation adsorption is attained, and a slower stage that approximately follows the first order kinetic model, basically Freundlich isotherm models were observed. Comparative studies of FT-IR spectra of K_2Cr_2O_7, free cells of Synechococcus sp., and Cr-bound cells of Synechococcus sp. show that the speciation of chromium that binds to the cells of Synechococcus sp. is Cr (Ⅲ), instead of Cr (Ⅵ), and the carboxylic, alcoholic, amido and amino groups may be involved in the binding of Cr (Ⅲ). Integrative analyses of the surface electric potential, the effect of pH value on adsorption behavior of Cr (Ⅵ), and the results of FT-IR show that the biosorption of Cr (Ⅵ) follows two subsequent steps, biosorption of Cr_2O_(7~)2-))by electrostatical force at the protonated active sites and reduction of Cr_2O_(7~(2-)) to Cr3+ by the reductive groups on the surface of the biosorbents.  相似文献   
福建某铅锌浮选尾矿中铅、锌、银的品位分别为0.23%、2.11%、36.3 g/t,其中锌和银有较高回收价值。该尾矿中主要金属矿物为闪锌矿、黄铁矿和方铅矿,非金属矿物以方解石和石英为主。针对矿石特点,采用优先浮选开展工艺优化试验。结果表明:在磨矿细度为-0.074 mm占69.92%的条件下,以石灰为pH调整剂,硫酸锌为抑制剂,乙硫氮为捕收剂,2#油为起泡剂,经1粗3精1扫浮铅,可获得铅品位4.56%、银品位320 g/t,铅回收率15.55%、银回收率6.63%的银铅精矿;针对选铅尾矿,以石灰为pH调整剂,硫酸铜为活化剂,丁基黄药为捕收剂,2#油为起泡剂,经1粗3精2扫浮锌,可获得锌品位37.32%、银品位152 g/t,锌回收率73.25%、银回收率18.80%的锌精矿。试验指标较好,可为该尾矿的综合利用提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
赵庄煤层气井水中富集产甲烷菌群,可优化产气能力。采用厌氧富集得到本源菌群,通过正交试验优化产气条件。水样中存在产甲烷菌群,实验室条件下最优产气条件:NH4Cl为1.0 g/L,K2HPO4为1.5 g/L,MgCl2为0.1 g/L,煤粉添加量160 g/L,60 d产甲烷量达18.07%。赵庄井田产甲烷菌群通过富集可以降解无烟煤产气,通过条件优化可提高其降解无烟煤产气的能力。  相似文献   
利用PcR_DGGE技术,对酿造废水处理系统的微生物多样性进行分析研究。分别对厌氧罐中活性污泥以及加入酿造废水后不同时间段的活性污泥进行微生物总DNA提取,特异扩增16SrDNA基因的V4-6可变区,并结合DGGE技术,对优势条带进行克隆测序及序列分析。结果表明:酿造废水厌氧处理系统中的微生物种类较为丰富,但有明显的优势种群,在不同时间段微生物多样性丰度也有明显变化。DGGE图谱中17优势条带测序比对后,初步确定了12种菌属。  相似文献   
为了得到煤矸石山酸性废水处理的专属功能微生物,从湖南湘潭某煤矸石山周边土壤中分离筛选硫酸盐还原菌,分析菌株的16S rRNA基因序列,形态和生理生化特性,并利用得到的菌株处理矸石山酸性废水。16S rRNA基因序列分析表明,所分离得到的硫酸盐还原菌株S-7与Desulfuromonas alkenivorans同源性达到99.0%。该菌株为杆状稍有弯曲,能运动,大小(0.5~0.8)μm×(3.0~4.0)μm,革兰氏染色显阴性,最适生长温度为30℃,最适p H值范围6~8,酵母粉为最好的碳源和氮源,硫酸钠为最适合硫源,菌株经培养96 h后细胞浓度高达1.76×109个/m L。培养初始p H为7时,6 d可去除体系中90%硫酸根离子,而不同硫酸根离子浓度对菌株生长和硫酸盐去除效率影响不明显。S-7菌株对矸石山酸性废水中Fe,Mn,Pb和Zn四种重金属离子均存在处理效果,整体上去除效率为PbFeZnMn,其中Pb离子经7 d处理后去除率达到100%。  相似文献   
The biosorption mechanism of Cr (Ⅳ) ions on Synechococcus sp. biosorbent was studied by analyzing the biosorption kinetics as well as speciation change and bond formation during the biosorption process. The kinetics study shows that the adsorption process of Cr (Ⅳ) consists of a very fast stage in the first several minutes, in which more than half of the saturation adsorption is attained, and a slower stage that approximately follows the first order kinetic model, basically Freundlich isotherm models were observed. Comparative studies of FT-LR spectra of K2Cr2O7, free cells of Synechococcus sp., and Cr-bound cells of Synechococcus sp show that the speciation of chromium that binds to the cells ofSynechococcus sp. is Cr (Ⅲ), instead of Cr (Ⅳ), and the carboxylic, alcoholic, amido and amino groups may be involved in the binding of Cr (Ⅲ). Integrative analyses of the surface electric potential, the effect of pH value on adsorption behavior of Cr (Ⅵ), and the results of FT-IR show that the biosorption of Cr (Ⅵ) follows two subsequent steps, biosorption of Cr2O7 ^2- by electrostatical force at the protonated active sites and reduction of Cr2O7^2- to Cr^3+ by the reductive groups on the surface of the biosorbents.  相似文献   
从中国南方典型矿区——广东梅州玉水生物提铜示范基地酸性矿水中分离得到一株金属硫化矿浸出微生物YS-1.对菌株YS-1的形态、生理生化特征、16S rDNA种系序列以及对黄铁矿和铁闪锌矿的浸出等进行了研究.结果表明:细菌长1.0~2.5μm,直径0.4~0.6μm,能运动,革兰氏染色显阴性,最适宜生长的pH和温度分别为2.0和30℃,能利用亚铁盐、单质硫和硫代硫酸钠,不能利用有机能源,与嗜酸氧化亚铁硫杆菌的16S rDNA种系序列同源性达到98%,对铁闪锌矿和黄铁矿的浸出率分别为14.38%和3.8%.  相似文献   
煤层气生物工程是将营养液或经过驯化、改良的菌种注入地下煤层或通过地面发酵产气的方式,把煤的部分有机组分转化为甲烷,实现微生物强化煤层气产出的一种特殊发酵工程。该工程作为多学科交叉的新兴边缘学科,涉及到能源、环境和新材料三大领域,具有多重效益,越来越受到关注,详细总结了国内外煤层气生物工程10余年的发展历程,首先从煤层(水)的生物多样性、厌氧发酵系统产气机制和控制因素等方面系统分析了煤层气生物工程的微生物学基础;以研究厌氧发酵系统中气固液菌为核心,整合其他学科的研究方法,初步形成了煤层气生物工程自身的研究方法,最后提出了煤层气生物工程的实施方案及发展趋势。生物多样性为煤层生物甲烷的生成提供了菌种来源,根据发酵系统中气固液菌的变化规律将发酵过程区分为4个阶段,系统中的底物和环境因子控制了微生物群落结构,影响了生物甲烷的产量,甲烷的成因区分为乙酸营养型、氢营养型、甲基营养型3种,这一认识初步构成了煤层气生物工程的理论基础。分子生物学、地球化学与煤化学等的结合为该学科的发展提供了方法支撑。地面发酵池产气工程除了获取生物甲烷这一洁净能源外,还可以与褐煤提质、高硫煤微生物脱硫和新材料合成相结合,使...  相似文献   
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