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我国酱油行业需要巨人的崛起   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
0前言   酱油是我国最为传统的调味品之一.在两千多年封建制度的束缚下,我国酱油一直采用天然发酵工艺和手工作坊式的生产.解放后,我国的酱油生产虽然走上了工业化大生产之路,但其间也颇多坎坷,历经50多年,酱油行业仍未形成一个稳定、健康的发展局面.品牌众多,但绝大多数产品仍是地域性的,品质平平,缺乏竞争性,技术水平总体较为落后等.倒是从我国流传过去的日本酱油生产技术有了较大的发展,19世纪以来,逐步形成了工业化生产,成为世界酱油强国.   ……  相似文献   
本文报告了在低盐固态发酵的酱油中,添加发酵旺盛的酱醪汁,进行36天的再发酵,其结果氯化物、无盐固形物有所上升,谷氨酸、乙酸乙酯含量均有增加,证实了改善酱油风味的可能性。  相似文献   
介绍了HACCP体系的有关内容、酱油生产过程中存在的安全危害及酱油行业应用HACCP体系的操作程序。  相似文献   
酱渣发酵生产蛋白饲料的试验(1)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
酱渣是酱油生产的下脚料,但其中仍含有一定的营养成分,如含粗蛋白7~10%,粗纤维3~5%,粗脂肪1.5~4.5%,钙0.1%左右,磷0.03%左右,一座年产l万吨的酱油厂,一年大约有1万吨酱渣(含水份75%左右),目前这些酱渣大多直接运往农村,作为饲料.由于酱渣未做任何处理,故作为饲料营养价值不高.且适口性差,有时因季节,天气等原因无法运出去,会在厂区发臭,严重影响酱  相似文献   
EAST超导托卡马克是具有非圆截面的核聚变试验装置,其真空室内部部件在等离子体热壁运行时将承受相当大的热应力和电磁载荷,在某些工况下的应力可能超出材料的强度极限.对EAST超导托卡马克装置中的真空室内部部件的应力状况进行了计算分析,从理论上提出了运用润滑材料的必要性;研制了一种金属基多层固体自润滑复合材料,摩擦学性能测试表明,该自润滑复合材料具有特殊的梯度结构,能保证高的机械强度,且具有优异的摩擦磨损性能和连续润滑功能;有限元计算和模拟件的加热变形试验表明,该自润滑复合材料真空中的滑动摩擦因数不超过0.15,能减少内部部件应力集中的情况,避免应力过大对热沉材料造成的破坏,保障超导托卡马克装置聚变试验的安全.  相似文献   
南京市酿造(集团)公司(以下简称集团)是去年我市组建的五个商业集团之一,也是江苏省第二批现代企业制度试点企业.集团成立之后.围绕“调整结构,盘活存量,整体搞活”的主线,按照以强带弱,优势互补的原则,对基层的经济组织进行调整,除将六个基  相似文献   
介绍了质量管理与工艺管理的关系。就酱油工厂中如何搞好这项管理提出一些具体想法。  相似文献   
豆腐乳生产从依靠自然落下的菌种繁殖发酵到人工培养纯菌种繁殖发酵是一大进步。它可使前期发酵时间从7天以上缩短至1~2天,半成品的质量也有了保证。但是作为豆腐乳生产的菌种,目前也只能在28℃的气温下生长繁殖,一般到了夏秋高温季节,由于菌种生长不好,使前期发酵出现毛坯发粘、干皮、起泡等现象,成品亦呈现硬块及风味不佳,所以每年六月  相似文献   
Modal analysis and seismic response analysis were carried out for the equatorial diagnostic port plug of international thermonuclear experimental reactor (ITER). The aim of the theoretical analysis is to verify structural strength and reliability of the device. The working condition includes one-dimensional seismic wave and two-dimensional seismic wave. Modal analysis of the device shows that primary vibration is inclined to occur in low-order modes. The horizontal (X-direction, Y-direction) maximum vibration appears at the first and the fourth eigen modes, with the natural frequency of 70.59 and 215.88 Hz respectively, and the vertical (Z-direction) primary vibration appears at the second eigen mode with the natural frequency of 82.85 Hz. According to the results of the finite element analysis (FEA) program, the weak portions of the device are distributed in the joint of port body with blanket shielding module (BSM) and inner side wall of ribbed plate for lifting flange, the maximum von Mises stress is 14.8 MPa with the Y-direction seismic wave. In accordance with the design criteria, the destructive effect is far below the failure boundary, and the structural reliability of the equatorial diagnostic port plug can meet the requirements of the design specifications. Foundation item: Project(10405024) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China; Project supported by International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Organization in France  相似文献   
In-vessel components are important parts of the EAST superconducting tokamak. They include the plasma facing components, passive plates, cryo-pumps, in-vessel coils, etc. The structural design, analysis and related R&D have been completed. The divertor is designed in an up-down symmetric configuration to accommodate both double null and single null plasma operation. Passive plates are used for plasma movement control. In-vessel coils are used for the active control of plasma vertical movements. Each cryo-pump can provide an approximately 45 m^3/s pumping rate at a pressure of 10^-1 Pa for particle exhaust. Analysis shows that, when a plasma current of 1 MA disrupts in 3 ms, the EM loads caused by the eddy current and the halo current in a vertical displacement event (VDE) will not generate an unacceptable stress on the divertor structure. The bolted divertor thermal structure with an active cooling system can sustain a load of 2 MW/m^2 up to a 60 s operation if the plasma facing surface temperature is limited to 1500 ℃. Thermal testing and structural optimization testing were conducted to demonstrate the analysis results.  相似文献   
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