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研究了上海地下街的发展现状,提出了上海地下街的发展策略,以及地下街发展过程中的难点及相应对策。  相似文献   
今天我们召开“上海市粉煤灰综合利用工作会议”是总结我们贯彻上海市府第89号令《上海市粉煤灰综合利用管理规定》所取得的成绩,对排放、利用、科研、管理、经营的先进单位和个人进行表彰,做到总结经验,发扬成绩,把本市粉煤灰综合利用工作提高到一个新水平。1三年的工作回顾1994年12月5日,前上海市市长黄菊同志以市长令发布《上海市粉煤灰综合利用管理规定》(下称《规定》),自1995年2月1日起实施。按照《规定》,上海市建设委员会是本市粉煤灰综合利用的主管部门;市建委所属的上海市建材业管理办公室是日常工作机构,负责本规定的…  相似文献   
1 引言 低应变反射波法,是基桩动测的主导方法之一。由于反射波法具有界面反射清晰、明了的特点,又能结合谱图对时域曲线结论进行映证性分析,故在现场为较多的检测单位采用。对低应变反射法而言,“盲区”一词原指用该方法很难测得桩顶2m范围内的缺陷情况,这与仪器采样间隔设置,软件编制等问题有关。在检测实践中,笔者发现,对桩长,砼强度等级的推定,或在非单根桩检测状态下,或桩身缺陷呈过度性变化,存在同样意义的“盲区”现象。本文以某综合楼基础工程1#桩为例,对“盲区”现象展开讨论与分析。以供同行参考。 2 工程简况及测试情况  相似文献   
The particle image velocimetry (PIV) method was used to investigate the full-field displacements and strains of the limestone specimen under external loads from the video images captured during the laboratory tests. The original colorful video images and experimental data were obtained from the uniaxial compression test of a limestone. To eliminate perspective errors and lens distortion, the camera was placed normal to the rock specimen exposure. After converted into a readable format of frame images, these videos were transformed into the responding grayscale images, and the frame images were then extracted. The full-field displacement field was obtained by using the PIV technique, and interpolated in the sub-pixel locations. The displacement was measured in the plane of the image and inferred from two consecutive images. The local displacement vectors were calculated for small sub-windows of the images by means of cross-correlation. The video images were interrogated in a multi-pass way, starting off with 64×64 images, ending with 16×16 images after 6 iterations, and using 75% overlap of the sub-windows. In order to remove spurious vectors, the displacements were filtered using four filters: signal-to-noise ratio filter, peak height filter, global filter and local filter. The cubic interpolation was utilized if the displacements without a number were encountered. The full-field strain was then obtained using the local least square method from the discrete displacements. The strain change with time at different locations was also investigated. It is found that the normal strains are dependant on the locations and the crack distributions. Between 1.0 and 5.0 s prior to the specimen failure, normal strains increase rapidly at many locations, while a stable status appears at some locations. When the specimen is in a failure status, a large rotation occurs and it increases in the inverse direction. The strain concentration bands do not completely develop into the large cracks, and meso-cracks are not visible in some bands. The techniques presented here may improve the traditional measurement of the strain field, and may provide a lot of valuable information in investigating the deformation/failure mechanism of rock materials.  相似文献   
1 地下空间开发利用的现状及存在问题 2 地下空间开发利用的发展战略 2.1 地下空间开发利用的功能模式(以上见上期) 2.2 地下空间开发利用的形态模式 上海的城市建设,已基本完成了基础设施拾遗补缺性的建设阶段,而正在进行构筑现代化城市基础设施体系的新一轮城市建设,如快速轨道交通系统的规模化持续建设,以改进城市环境为目标的城市绿化系统的建设等,这些都是现代化城市基础设  相似文献   
1 硬聚氯乙烯排水管雨水管国内外开发应用情况 硬聚氯乙烯排水管、雨水管与传统的铸铁排水管、雨水管相比具有明显的优点:a.产品能耗低,每生产一吨塑料管是生产铸铁管的31.5%。塑料管轻,重度只有铸铁的五分之一。平均每平方米建筑可节省铸铁排水管、雨水管约4.8吨。b.改善环境。每吨铸铁管从开矿、冶炼、铸管、运输等总能耗达3.4吨标煤。在  相似文献   
橡胶帘布压延机和胎面挤出机在生产过程中都必须供给流动蒸汽,使蒸汽通过管道通入转动辊筒的内腔以加热辊筒的工作表面。江西轮胎厂原来采用的旋转接头密封性能较差,蒸汽泄漏较为严重,既浪费了能源又污染了生产环境。该厂自1986年以来,先后在XY-4F1730四辊压延机、XY-3F-1120三辊压延机和  相似文献   
新建居住小区地下车库的建设,应从规划——总体布局、与地上建筑关系、安全等,主体结构——楼盖、侧墙、停车空间、车道布置、配电等,坡道——面积、坡度、单双道、直弯道、安全距离等以及出入口等方面作系统的分析后,作出设计。  相似文献   
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