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Bertold Vinokur, formerly Professor, Institute of Casting Problems, Academy of Science of the Ukraine, Kiev, the Ukraine, recently relocated to the United States.  相似文献   
We describe our implementation of a high repetition rate (54 kHz-6.5 MHz), high power (>10 W), laser system at the 7ID beamline at the Advanced Photon Source for laser pump/x-ray probe studies of optically driven molecular processes. Laser pulses at 1.06 μm wavelength and variable duration (10 or 130 ps) are synchronized to the storage ring rf signal to a precision of ~250 fs rms. Frequency doubling and tripling of the laser radiation using nonlinear optical techniques have been applied to generate 532 and 355 nm light. We demonstrate that by combining a microfocused x-ray probe with focused optical laser radiation the requisite fluence (with <10 μJ/pulse) for efficient optical excitation can be readily achieved with a compact and commercial laser system at megahertz repetition rates. We present results showing the time-evolution of near-edge x-ray spectra of a well-studied, laser-excited metalloporphyrin, Ni(II)-tetramesitylporphyrin. The use of high repetition rate, short pulse lasers as pump sources will dramatically enhance the duty cycle and efficiency in data acquisition and hence capabilities for laser-pump/x-ray probe studies of ultrafast structural dynamics at synchrotron sources.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Aberrant expression of CD23 (low affinity IgE receptor) on cells of the monocyte/macrophage series in peripheral blood and lesional skin of patients with atopic eczema has been demonstrated. It is not known whether this abnormality results from a fundamental systemic problem of the monocytes of these patients or reflects local changes to cell populations within the skin tissues. OBJECTIVES: This study was designed to determine whether this aberrant expression was caused by local cutaneous influences on mature cells or fundamental changes in monocyte differentiation. The possible relationship between these aberrations and clinical severity was also investigated by repeating these immunopathological studies after a course of efficacious treatment with Chinese herbal therapy (CHT). METHODS: Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were obtained from patients with atopic eczema before, and after 8 weeks of treatment. Efficacy of CHT was quantified on clinical grounds. Monocytes were isolated by adherence to plastic and cultured for up to 7 days. Samples were harvested at 2, 5 and 7 days of culture and cytospins prepared. Immunocytochemical staining to identify phenotypic subsets was performed on the monocytes at time 0 and on maturing cells from culture. This immunocytology was quantified using computerized image analysis equipment to determine the emergence of macrophage subsets and their level of CD23 expression. Biopsies were taken from lesional skin before and after treatment and immunohistology was performed on cryostat sections to determine the number of antigen presenting cells expressing CD23 as well as the level of expression of these molecules. RESULTS: The results showed that increased numbers of monocytes from patients with atopic eczema express CD23 at day 0 and that cultured monocytes from these patients differentiate faster during the 7 day culture period as compared to normal controls. Efficacious treatment did not affect the number of peripheral blood monocytes expressing CD23. However, treatment did lead to a significant decrease in the number of CD23+ mature macrophages in the skin as well as a reduction in the level of expression of this moiety. These results demonstrate that changes in clinical severity are more closely related to the expression of CD23 on mature antigen presenting cells in lesional skin rather than to differentiating peripheral blood monocyte CD23 expression. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggests that local factors within lesional skin govern the accumulation and the expression of CD23 on mature macrophages and that these factors may be more relevant to the pathogenesis of the disease than aberrations in CD23 expression that may occur systemically.  相似文献   
Levels of arsenic, lead and cadmium in climbing beans of harvest years 1913 to 1986, home-sterilized in glass jars, were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Concentrations of arsenic showed a decreasing trend from 1913 (highest value) to 1955, all levels being above 5μg kg-1, whereas after 1955 only levels below 5 μg kg-1 were found. Presumably the formerly allowed arsenic containing pesticides are responsible for this. No clearly increasing or decreasing trend in the concentrations of lead and cadmium were observed.  相似文献   
A method of modeling heat- and mass-transfer problems with boundary conditions of the second and third kinds is described. Simplified model circuits are presented.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Blei- und Cadmium-Gehalte von 30 Suppenerzeugnissen (Suppenpulver und -würfel) verschiedener Hersteller wurden bestimmt. Der Mittelwert der Blei-Gehalte betrug 0,28 ppm. In 29 Proben lag der Bleigehalt im Bereich 0,095 ppm bis 0,45 ppm, während bei einem Produkt 1,4 ppm gemessen wurden. Der Mittelwert der Cadmium-Gehalte von 21 Erzeugnissen betrug 0,025 ppm (Extremwert 0,052 ppm). Bei den restlichen Erzeugnissen lag der Cadmium-Gehalt unterhalb der analytischen Nachweisgrenze von 0,004 ppm.
Lead- and cadmium-content of foodstuffs2. Lead- and cadmium-content of commercially prepared soups
Summary The lead and cadmium contents in 30 commercially prepared soup products (soup powders and cubes) of several producers were determined. The average lead value was 0.28 ppm. 29 samples contained between 0,095 ppm and 0.45 ppm, whereas in 1 product 1.4 ppm was found. The average cadmium concentration in 21 products was 0.025 ppm (highest value 0.052 ppm). In the other samples cadmium was not found (< 0.004 ppm Cd).

1. Mitt.: Blei- und Cadmium-Gehalte von Gewürzen [1].  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach Bestrahlen von Schweinefett, Kokosfett, Sonnenblumenöl und Olivenöl mit 6 Mrad bzw. Erhitzen während 24 Std auf 170 °C wurden 15 gesättigte, 26 ungesättigte aliphatische Kohlenwasserstoffe und 4 Alkylcyclohexene isoliert und gaschromatographischmassenspektrometrisch identifiziert. Die Abbauprodukte beim Bestrahlen und Erhitzen sind bei Glyceriden mit gesättigten Fettsäuren qualitativ gleich. Erst die Anwesenheit von ungesättigten Fettsäuren läßt z. B. bei Kokosfett zwischen Bestrahlen und Erhitzen qualitativ unterscheiden. Beim Bestrahlen entsteht Hexadecadien als Unterscheidungsmerkmal zum Erhitzen, beim Erhitzen Butyl-, Hexyl- und Heptyl-cyclohexen als Unterscheidungsmerkmal zum Bestrahlen. Nach Bestrahlen von Schweinefett mit 0,5, 3 und 6 Mrad besteht bei den vergleichend untersuchten Spaltprodukten Tetradecen, Pentadecan, Heptadecen und Hexadecadien Proportionalität zwischen Menge und Strahlendosis.
Gas chromatographical-mass spectrometrical investigations of irradiated respectively heated fats, oils and model substances II. Hydrocarbons from lard, coconut fat, sunflowerseed oil, olive oil and methyl linoleat
Summary After irradiation with a dosage of 6 Mrad to lard, coconut fat, sunflowerseed oil and olive oil, respectively, after heating these products for 24 hrs at 170 °C, 15 saturated, 26 unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons and 4 alkyl cyclohexenes have been isolated and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.The degradation products at irradiation and heating are the same in glycerides which contain saturated fatty acids. Only by the presence of unsaturated fatty acids, like in coconut fat, for example, one is able to differentiate qualitatively between irradiation and heating. Hexadecadiene, formed on irradiation serves as distinguishing mark in contrast to heating. Butyl-, hexyl and heptyl cyclohexenes, formed during the heating process serve as distinguishing marks in contrast to irradiation.Proportionality is exhibited between the amounts of the obtained degradation products —tetradecene, pentadecane, heptadecene and hexadecadiene — and the applied dosages of irradiation. These compounds have been investigated in comparative tests after the irradiation of lard by the application of dosages of 0,5, 3, and 6 Mrad, respectively.

Auszug aus der Diss. von B. Bock, TU München, 1973 (B. Beck, Institut für Wehrpharmazie und Lebensmittelchemie, 8 München 19, Dachauerstr. 128). Die Arbeiten wurden weitgehend im Institut f. Lebensmittelchemie der Universität Karlsruhe durchgeführt; wir danken Herrn Prof. Dr. Ing. W. Heimann. Dem Bundesministerium für Jugend, Familie und Gesundheit sowie Euratom danken wir für die Förderung dieser Untersuchungen. Frau H. Bock danken wir für sorgfältige experimentelle Mitarbeit.  相似文献   
Cranberry pomace is a byproduct of cranberry processing and is comprised of seeds, skins and stems of the cranberry fruit. While cranberry pomace contains beneficial polyphenols, including proanthocyanidins and anthocyanins, it is not a palatable source of these compounds and is typically discarded. In this study, we have developed and optimized a method to extract polyphenols from cranberry pomace using aqueous ethanol, a food grade solvent. Biochemical characterization of the pomace extract showed the presence of a broad range of polyphenols also present in cranberry juice concentrate. By co-drying cranberry pomace extract with a protein-rich food matrix, such as soy protein isolate (SPI), we have developed a method to produce a cranberry polyphenol–SPI complex (CBP-SPI) containing 10% cranberry polyphenols. Unlike dried cranberry pomace extract alone, proanthocyanidins, anthocyanins and total polyphenols were found to be highly stable at 37 °C in the CBP-SPI powder. The extraction and stabilization of cranberry pomace polyphenols using SPI provides an innovative approach for utilizing pomace in the development of novel food ingredients.  相似文献   
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