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Sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate (100, 200, 300 and 400 mg/l) were added to cultures of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 on apple juice (from syrup) and incubated quiescently at 25 degrees C for 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15 days. The cultures were analyzed for pH, mycelial dry weight and accumulation of aflatoxin B1 and G1. The initial pH of 2.5 remained constant in all instances throughout the incubation period. Sodium benzoate, at all concentrations, suppressed fungal growth and stimulated the biosynthesis of G1, whereas little influence was exerted upon the accumulation of B1. Potassium sorbate stimulated fungal growth at 100 mg/l, while at all concentrations it considerably inhibited toxin production (no detectable amounts of B1 and 3 to 5 times less G1 than in controls). The concentration of G1 surpassed that of B1 without exception.  相似文献   
Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) may improve symptoms in functional dyspepsia (FD) through duodenal eosinophil-reducing effects. However, the contribution of the microbiome to FD symptoms and its interaction with PPI remains elusive. Aseptic duodenal brushings and biopsies were performed before and after PPI intake (4 weeks Pantoprazole 40 mg daily, FD-starters and controls) or withdrawal (2 months, FD-stoppers) for 16S-rRNA sequencing. Between- and within-group changes in genera or diversity and associations with symptoms or duodenal factors were analyzed. In total, 30 controls, 28 FD-starters and 19 FD-stoppers were followed. Mucus-associated Porphyromonas was lower in FD-starters vs. controls and correlated with symptoms in FD and duodenal eosinophils in both groups, while Streptococcus correlated with eosinophils in controls. Although clinical and eosinophil-reducing effects of PPI therapy were unrelated to microbiota changes in FD-starters, increased Streptococcus was associated with duodenal PPI effects in controls and remained higher despite withdrawal of long-term PPI therapy in FD-stoppers. Thus, duodenal microbiome analysis demonstrated differential mucus-associated genera, with a potential role of Porphyromonas in FD pathophysiology. While beneficial effects of short-term PPI therapy were not associated with microbial changes in FD-starters, increased Streptococcus and its association with PPIeffects in controls suggest a role for duodenal dysbiosis after long-term PPI therapy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Kulturen vonAspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 in Apfelsaft (aus Sirup) wurden Natriumbenzoat bzw. Kaliumsorbat (100, 200, 300 und 400 mg/l zugesetzt, danach wurden diese bei 25 °C, 3, 6, 9, 12, oder 15 Tage bebrütet und Myceltrokkengewicht, pH und Konzentration der Aflatoxine B1 und G1 bestimmt. Der pH-Anfangswert von 2,5 blieb in allen Fällen während der ganzen Inkubationsdauer unverändert. Natriumbenzoat unterdrückte bei allen getesteten Konzentrationen das Wachstum und förderte die Biosynthese von Aflatoxin G1, während es die Anhäufung von B1 wenig beeinflußte. Kaliumsorbat förderte das Wachstum bei 100 mg/kg, doch alle getesteten Konzentrationen inhibierten die Produktion der Toxine erheblich (keine nachweisbaren Mengen von B1 und 3- bis 5 mal weniger G1 als in der Kontrollreihe). Ausnahmslos wurde Aflatoxin G1 stärker als B1 angehäuft.
The cultivation ofAspergillus parasiticus on apple juiceI. Influence of sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate on fungal growth and aflatoxin biosynthesis
Summary Sodium benzoate or potassium sorbate (100, 200, 300 and 400 mg/l) were added to cultures ofAspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 on apple juice (from syrup) and incubated quiescently at 25 °C for 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15 days. The cultures were analyzed for pH, mycelial dry weight and accumulation of aflatoxin B1 and G1. The initial pH of 2.5 remained constant in all instances throughout the incubation period. Sodium benzoate, at all concentrations, supressed fungal growth and stimulated the biosynthesis of G1, whereas little influence was exerted upon the accumulation of B1. Potassium sorbate stimulated fungal growth at 100 mg/l, while at all concentrations it considerably inhibited toxin production (no detectable amounts of B1 and 3 to 5 times less G1 than in controls). The concentration of G1 surpassed that of B1 without exception.
Zusammenfassung Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 wurde im Apfelsaft (aus Sirup) in Gegenwart von BHA bzw. BHT (100, 200, 300 oder 400 mg/1) bis zu 15 Tage bei 25 °C ruhend bebrütet. Myceltrockengewicht, pH and Konzentrationen der Aflatoxine B1 und G1 wurden in dreitägigen Abständen bestimmt. Der pH-Anfangswert von 2,5 blieb durchwegs unverändert. BHA unterdrückte das Wachstum and die Toxinanhäufung in der beobachteten Zeitspanne. Es kam jedoch zu konzentrationsabhängigen Wachstumsverzögerungen und zu früheren Toxin-Höchst-werten als in der Kontrollreihe, was auf eine Anpassung ans Milieu hinweist. BHT führte erst ab 200 mg/l zu einer ca. 25%igen Wachstumshemmung (Löslich-keitsgrenze von BHT zwischen 200 and 300 mg/1) und bei 200 mg/l zur ca. 45%igen Hemmung der Toxinanhäufung. Bei 100 mg/l wirkte BHT fördernd auf die Toxinsynthese (1,90 mal mehr G1 and 6,65 mal mehr B1 als in der Kontrollreihe). Bei allen getesteten Konzentrationen von BHA bzw. BHT sowie in der Kontrollreihe wurde Aflatoxin G1 starker als B1 angehauft.
The cultivation ofAspergillus parasiticus on apple juice II. Influence of butylated hydroxyanisole and butylated hydroxytoluene on fungal growth and aflatoxin biosynthesis
Summary Aspergillus parasiticus (NRRL 2999) was incubated in apple juice (from syrup), quiescently at 25 °C for up to 15 days in the presence of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) or butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) at concentrations of 100, 200, 300, or 400 mg/l. Mycelial dry weight, pH and concentration of aflatoxin B1 and G1 were measured every 3 days with the initial pH of 2.5 remaining unchanged in all samples. BHA suppressed fungal growth and toxin accumulation during the observed incubation period. However, a concentration-dependent growth delay and earlier peaks of toxin accumulation suggested environmental adaptation of the mould. BHT (from 200 mg/l onwards), led to growth inhibition by about 25% (solubility limit of BHT lies between 200 and 300 mg/1), and at a concentration of 200 mg/1, it led to a reduction of toxin accumulation by approximately 45%. At 100 mg/l, however, BHT stimulated aflatoxin production (1.90 times more G, and 6.65 times more B1 than in the controls). At all tested concentrations of BHA or BHT, as well as in the controls, the accumulation of aflatoxin G1, without exception, surpassed that of B1.
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