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Legal reasoning with subjective logic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Judges and jurors must make decisions in an environment of ignoranceand uncertainty for example by hearing statements of possibly unreliable ordishonest witnesses, assessing possibly doubtful or irrelevantevidence, and enduring attempts by the opponents to manipulate thejudge's and the jurors' perceptions and feelings. Three importantaspects of decision making in this environment are the quantificationof sufficient proof, the weighing of pieces of evidence, and therelevancy of evidence. This paper proposes a mathematical frameworkfor dealing with the two first aspects, namely the quantification ofproof and weighing of evidence. Our approach is based on subjectivelogic, which is an extension of standard logic and probability theory,in which the notion of probability is extended by including degrees ofuncertainty. Subjective Logic is a framework for modelling humanreasoning and we show how it can be applied to legalreasoning.  相似文献   
Hak Gu Lee  Ji‐sang Park 《风能》2016,19(2):371-380
Fatigue testing of a 48.3 m wind turbine blade needs to utilize the blade's oscillation range of 8.4 m along the flapwise direction for one million cycles. Control of such a remarkable oscillation range makes flapwise fatigue testing difficult and requires a large supply of energy. This study minimized the actuating force required for flapwise fatigue testing using an on‐board‐type resonance exciter with constant amplitude. Constraints related to the exciter's stroke and capacity and the maximum error between target loads and test loads were also considered. Based on a new algorithm suggested in this study, first, we found test setup candidates minimizing the maximum error under a given testing frequency and then found more candidates having slightly larger maximum errors as the exciter's location moved toward the blade's tip. Next, using damping ratio equations for the test blade, a required actuating force of the exciter at each test setup candidate was calculated. Considering the exciter's capacity, we found an optimum test setup that requires a minimum actuating force in the vicinity of the minimum of the maximum error between target loads and test loads. To conclude, the approach suggested in this study was able to conclusively achieve the required fatigue testing of the test blade, avoiding the adverse increase of fatigue testing time possible to happen due to a required actuating force larger than the exciter's capacity. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
摘要:研究超细尾砂在不同配比聚丙超烯酰胺条件的絮凝沉降浓密实验,探索在不同给料速度、浓度及絮凝剂单耗条件下对料浆浓密效果的影响,借助物理实验参数进行对比回归分析获得最优匹配数据模型,对模型关系中涉及的参数进行正交试验优化设计,考察单因素及组合因素对响应值絮凝度的影响,建立多因素变化对浓度响应值的影响,进一步获得各元素最优条件的絮凝度值,依据函数模型拟合出响应最优值与元素之间的非线性关系,得到优化条件下以絮凝度为指标的各个元素影响作用大小。结果表明:①无动力浓密条件下料浆达到极限浓度絮凝剂参数确定为最佳添加量为30g/t,阴离子型絮凝剂XS、最佳料浆稀释浓度6.0%;②固体通量由0.127t/(m2?h)增加到0.360t/(m2?h)时,底流浓度表现出稳定的增长趋势,同步确定浓密处理量为0.3t/(m2?h);③回归方程及元素曲面响应关联结果的模型关联系数因子R2值为0.9978,证明模型因子各元素与响应结果紧密关联性较高;④提出了不同单耗絮凝剂对超细尾砂浓密的机理影响测试方法,将该测试方法成功应用到工程实际中。  相似文献   
Michacl  sang  James  C.  Sung  姜荣超 《超硬材料工程》2010,22(2):45-49
金刚石磨料主要靠机械夹持力把持在金属(烧结或电镀)胎体中。由于这一弱点,在切割过程中,金刚石不可避免地会从胎体中脱落或掉出。此外,金刚石突出高度较低,故金刚石工具的切割速度受到限制。而且,金属胎体和工作对象(被切割岩石)相互磨擦,将会导致金刚石和其它材料的热损伤,而且工作的功率消耗将增加。金刚石采用钎焊的办法牢固地把持在金属胎体中,可形成强力的化学结合,金刚石磨料的突出高度将成倍提高,而不会从胎体中脱落或碎裂。因此,金刚石工具的切割速度将会成倍提高。当钎焊料熔融时,碳化物形成物将向金刚石方向迁移而在界面上形成碳化物。这种反应可能过分而使金刚石质量明显下降。此时,可能需要对金刚石进行镀覆以便缓和与控制这种反应。当金刚石钎焊在基体的表面时,熔化趋向于将金刚石聚集在一起,可促使钎焊层局部加厚。这种金刚石晶粒的成簇聚集将降低金刚石工具的切割效率。一种金刚石矩阵有序排列设计(grid)是必要的,它可保持钎焊层具有均匀的厚度。因此钎焊合金可控熔融,可使每一粒金刚石晶体周围形成较缓的坡度。这种整体均匀焊层的支承可使金刚石工具高速有效切割,而功率消耗较低。  相似文献   
本文总结了水资源规划的六个模式,全面综述了水资源规划发展思路,深入阐述了基于ET的水资源与水环境综合规划理论内涵和五大调控机制,提出了综合规划的四个原则、五大目标、决策思路和技术路线,系统建立起基于ET的区域水资源与水环境综合规划研究框架。  相似文献   
本文根据基于ET的区域水资源综合规划的理念、研究框架、目标及调控体系,构建了基于ET的区域水资源与水环境综合模拟模型(WQQCM),该模型由分布式水文SWAT模型、人工水平衡AWB模型及分布式地下水MODFLOW模型耦合而成,实现地表水和地下水、天然水循环和人工水循环、水量和水质联合模拟,作为区域水资源与水环境综合规划的工具。本文以天津市为例对模型从地表水径流、地表水水质、地下水以及模型模拟ET结果等方面进行了校验,校验结果表明模型可支撑不同节水、水资源配置、点源和非点源水污染控制、水生态修复规划方案的情景模拟,为区域水资源与水环境规划提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
摘要:SWAT模型是一个具有较强物理机制的、长时段的流域水文模型。针对中国人类活动强烈的流域水循环特点,在二元水循环理论的指导下,以SWAT模型为基础,进行了灌溉和人工耗用水模块的开发和改进,构建了适用于此类区域的二元水循环模型。利用改进后的模型对全世界用水最为强烈的区域之一——天津市的水循环过程进行了模拟,结果表明,改进后的模型模拟的NASH效率系数从0.62提高到0.89,相关系数从0.79提高到0.91,比改进前有明显的提高。模型构建和改进的成功,对分布式水文模型在高强度人类活动影响流域的水资源水环境研究和管理将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
对固态还原生成的海绵铁中的硫化物、氧化物进行了显微分析。分析结果证明,海绵铁中的杂质以多元复合物的形式存在。还原过程中的原子行为,使杂质扩散聚集组成共晶形态或多元点状形态的夹杂物。氧化物的数量基本上受到还原工艺的控制,当还原非常彻底时,氧主要以氧化钙的形式存在;而还原不充分时,也会存在大量氧化铁。  相似文献   
Lack of consumer trust in e-commerce merchants, e-commerce technology, and the social, financial and legal infrastructures of the e-commerce environment, poses a major challenge to the large-scale uptake of business to consumer e-commerce. Most traditional cues for assessing trust in the physical world are not available online. This paper gives an overview of some of the work being done to devise alternative methods for assessing, communicating and establishing trust in this environment. Examples are drawn from a wide range of disciplines including human–computer interaction, usability, marketing, information technology, mathematics, linguistics and law. Industry, self-regulatory and government initiatives aimed at building consumer trust and confidence in e-commerce are also discussed.  相似文献   
王茂桑 《山西建筑》2004,30(15):52-53
结合工程实例,介绍了地基试桩情况,从试桩施工工艺、试验结果等方面进行了论述,指出只有搞好施工全过程的质量控制,才能取得满意的试桩效果。  相似文献   
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