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泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带是油气大规模运移的指向地区,受鼻状构造、断层和砂体的影响,该带以复杂断鼻断块、断层-岩性和断层-不整合油气藏为主.在划分泌阳凹陷北部斜坡带油藏类型和分析其分布特征的基础上,建立了北部斜坡的成藏模式,分为3类:汇集式运聚成藏模式;沿断层运聚成藏模式;斜坡自生自储式成藏模式.总结了北部斜坡油气富集规律,即是油气富集于继承性的沉积-构造斜坡的鼻状隆起区,斜坡内带和凹陷中心则是形成低位扇岩性油气藏和断层-岩性油气藏的有利地区.根据以上分析,该区带二次油气勘探存在3大领域,有望探明一定规模的石油地质储量,对油田的增产上储有重要的意义.  相似文献   
白莲洼陷流沙港组烃源岩热史及成烃史研究可为福山凹陷油气资源评价提供基础参数。利用BasinMod盆地模拟软件,在重建地史的基础上应用EASY% Ro模型恢复白莲洼陷热史和成烃史。研究结果表明,福山凹陷在裂陷阶段早始新世初期热流值较高,最大为68.6 mW/m2,随后古热流逐渐减小,到晚中新世晚期热流值降为55.6 mW/m2,从上新世初期开始,热流值有所回升,现今热流值为57.8 mW/m2. 白莲洼陷流沙港组烃源岩进入生油门限(Ro=0.5%)时间为38×106a,达到生油高峰(Ro=1.0%)时间为30×106a,进入生气门限(Ro=1.3%)时间为20×106a. 白莲洼陷深洼地区流沙港组烃源岩埋深较大,成熟度更高,生烃能力更强,可为福山凹陷提供丰富的油气资源。  相似文献   
为明确三水盆地勘探方向,依据岩心、测井、录井、地震以及分析测试资料,对古近系布心组沉积相类型及分布特征进行了系统研究。结果表明:布心组发育三角洲、扇三角洲和湖泊3种沉积相类型,并可进一步划分出8种亚相和15种微相;沉积相平面上具有"分区分带"的特点,纵向上具有继承性特征。布心组沉积时期湖水由浅变深再变浅,沉积范围逐渐扩大,三角洲、扇三角洲先退积后进积。布心组各个层段含油性具有明显的差异,布三段沉积时期盆内西北侧发育的三角洲前缘亚相是石油富集的最有利相带,布二段时期发育的碳酸盐岩构造裂缝储集体也是不容忽视的有利勘探目标。  相似文献   
从构造与沉积的控制和响应关系角度,论述了渤海湾盆地歧口凹陷在构造格局、伸展构造样式两方面所表现出的构造自相似性;研究了在构造自相似性的影响和控制下,渤海湾盆地歧口凹陷的盆地构造活动和沉积充填之间的控制和响应关系。研究表明,歧口凹陷的沉积体系展布、沉积旋回等沉积特征也显示出自相似性。并进一步探讨了沉积特征的自相似性对盆地油气勘探研究的意义。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to forecast the profitable oil and gas reservoir,which is the key of finding hydrocarbon,based on the conception of special geologic bodies.With the guiding methodology of the research thinking of integration of point-line-surface by using the methods and techniques of logging,seismic,seismic attribute,and logging constrained inversion in 3D data volume,the special geologic bodies of Member 3 of Dongying Formation in Littoral Slope Zone of Qikou Sag,which has important hydrocarb...  相似文献   
The purpose of this study is to forecast the profitable oil and gas reservoir, which is the key of finding hydrocarbon, based on the conception of special geologic bodies. With the guiding methodology of the research thinking of integration of point-line-surface by using the methods and techniques of logging, seismic, seismic attribute, and logging constrained inversion in 3D data volume, the special geologic bodies of Member 3 of Dongying Formation in Littoral Slope Zone of Qikou Sag, which has important hydrocarbon exploration potential, are recognized and described under the constraint of sequence stratigraphic framework. As a result, the developed scale, geometric shape and space distribution feature of the special geologic bodies are forecasted; the inner structure and sequence structure patterns of the geologic bodies are also ascertained. From the lowstand system tract (LST) and lacustrine expanding system tract (EST) to the highstand system tract (HST), the geologic bodies have evolved from relative centralization of lake basin reducing period to three relative dispersive isolated parts of broad lake basin period. According to the relevance and regularity of the development of geologic bodies, the conclusions can be obtained that three types of potential profitable reservoir traps, including the lithologic lens traps, lithologic updip pinchout traps and structural-lithologic composite traps, are forecasted. In addition, scientific basis for further hydrocarbon exploration in new area (few-well area and no-well area) is offered in the guidance of sequence stratigraphic model.  相似文献   
综合利用钻井、岩心及地震等资料,结合沉积学及层序地层学相关方法和理论,对琼东南盆地崖城组聚煤环境特征及成煤作用展开研究。琼东南盆地崖城组煤层主要见于潮坪潮上带和潮间带的泥炭坪、辫状河三角洲平原泥炭沼泽及扇三角洲平原泥炭沼泽。以聚煤环境为主线,考虑到古构造的影响,总结出琼东南盆地的聚煤模式:潮上带及潮间带面积最大,为主要的聚煤环境;缓坡带成煤沉积体系的分布广于断控陡坡带;崖二段具有较强的聚煤潜力。  相似文献   
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