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Circularly symmetric, dual-reflector, high-gain antenna systems often require feeds placed off the system's axis because of the need for multiple feeds to use the reflector antenna. Also, the constraint requiring the hyperboloid or shaped subreflector to remain circularly symmetric is sometimes added. In a Cassegrainian system, the subreflector and feed may be rotated off-axis around the paraboloid focus and retain main reflector focusing. However, substantial spillover results in considerable noise in a high-gain/low-noise temperature system. In a shaped system, the tilt of the shaped subreflector and feed together results in substantial defocusing as well as spillover noise. If the subreflector is tilted approximately one-half the angle of the feed tilt in either the Cassegrainian or the dual-shaped reflector antenna, it is found that spillover and noise are substantially reduced with tolerable defocusing. An extensive numerical analysis of these effects was conducted to determine the characteristics of a 70-meter, dual-shaped reflector versus Cassegrainian antenna and to gain some understanding of the cause of the observed effects.  相似文献   
The diffraction analysis of reflector surfaces which are described only at a discrete set of locations usually leads to the requirement of an interpolation to determine the surface characteristics over a continuum of locations. Two methods of interpolation, the global and the local methods, are presented. The global interpolation representation is a closed-form or series expression valid over the entire surface. The coefficients of a series expression are found by an integration of all of the raw data. Since the number of coefficients used to describe the surface is much smaller than the number of raw data points, the integration effectively provides a smoothing of the raw data. The local interpolation provides a closed-form expression for only a small area of the reflector surface. The subreflector is divided into sectors each of which has constant discretized data. Each area segment is then locally described by a two-dimensional quadratic surface. The second derivative data give the desired smoothed values  相似文献   
A potentially economic method for upgrading the gain of the large earth reflector antenna Cassegrain system to a gain comparable to that obtainable with a dualshaped reflector antenna system is presented herein. It involves a redesign of only the subreflector portion of a Cassegrain antenna or the introduction of a subreflector feed system for a paraboloid. A pair of offset subreflectors are synthesized which will give a controllable high gain amplitude distribution in the aperture of the large paraboloid. The synthesis method that is used is based on an approximate formulation for an offset dual shaped high gain antenna where the geometrical optics energy was scattered from a subreflector and then from a second large reflector which reflected a uniform phase distribution. In the present offset dual shaped subreflector (DSS) antenna, the second reflection is from a smaller subreflector and it scatters a spherical wave that feeds a hyperboloid or feeds a large paraboloid directly. Excellent results are shown for the approximate synthesis of the DSS.  相似文献   
The scanning properties of shaped reflectors, both offset and circularly symmetric, are examined and compared to conic section scanning characteristics. Scanning of the pencil beam is obtained by lateral and axial translation of a single point source feed. The feed is kept pointed toward the center of the subreflector. The effects of power spillover and aperture phase error as a function beam scanning are examined for several different types of large reflector design including dual-offset, circularly symmetric large f/D, and smaller f/D dual reflector antenna system. It is shown that the Abbe-sine condition for improved scanning of an optical system cannot, inherently, be satisfied in a dual-shaped reflector system that is shaped for high gain and low feed spillover. The gain loss, with scanning, of a high-gain shaped reflector pair is demonstrated to be due to both aperture phase error loss and power spillover loss  相似文献   
Since Kinber (Radio Technika and Engineering-1963) and Galindo (IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.-1963/1964) developed the solution to the circular symmetric dual shaped synthesis problem, the question of existence (and of uniqueness) for offset dual (or single) shaped synthesis has been a point of controversy. Many researchers thought that the exact offset solutions may not exist. Later, Galindo-Israel and Mittra (IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.-1979) and others formulated the problem exactly and obtained excellent and numerically efficient but approximate solutions. Using a technique similar to that first developed by Schruben for the single reflector problem (Journal of the Optical Society-1973), Brickell and Westcott (Proc. Institute of Electrical Engineering-1981) developed a Monge-Ampere (MA) second-order nonlinear partial differential equation for the dual reflector problem. They solved an elliptic form of this equation by a technique introduced by Rall (1979) which iterates, by a Newton method, a finite difference linearized MA equation. The elliptic character requires a set of finite difference equations to be developed and solved iteratively. Existence still remained in question. Although the second-order MA equation developed by Schruben is elliptic, the first-order equations from which the MA equation is derived can be integrated progressively (e.g., as for an initial condition problem such as for hyperbolic equations) a noniterative and usually more rapid type solution. In this paper, we have solved, numerically, the first-order equations. Exact solutions are thus obtained by progressive integration. Furthermore, we have concluded that not only does an exact solution exist, but an infinite set of such solutions exists. These conclusions are inferred, in part, from numerical results.  相似文献   
The singular nature of the UTD (uniform geometrical theory of diffraction) subreflector scattered field at the vicinity of the main reflector edge (for a high-grain antenna design) is investigated. It is shown that the singularity in the UTD edge-diffracted and slope-diffracted fields is due to the reflection distance parameter approaching infinity in the transition functions. While the GO (geometrical optics) and UTD edge-diffracted fields exhibit singularities of the same order, the edge slope-diffracted field singularity is more significant and is substantial for greater subreflector edge tapers. The diffraction analysis of such a subreflector in the vicinity of the main reflector edge has been carried out efficiently and accurately by a stationary phase evaluation of the φ-integral, whereas the &thetas;-integral is carried out numerically. Computational results from UTD and PO (physical optics) analysis of a 34-m ground station dual-shaped reflector confirm the analytical formulations for both circularly symmetric and offset asymmetric subreflectors. It is concluded that the proposed PO&thetas;GOφ technique can be used to study the spillover or noise temperature characteristics of a high-grain reflector antenna efficiently and accurately  相似文献   
The application of the theory of the synthesis of offset dual-shaped reflectors to the design of compact ranges is examined. The object of the compact range is to provide a uniform plane wave with minimum amplitude and phase ripple over as large a volume as possible for a given size reflector. Ripple can be lowered by reducing the edge diffraction from the reflector producing the plane wave. This has been done either by serrating or rolling the edge. An alternative approach is to use dual offset-shaped reflector synthesis techniques to produce a reflector aperture distribution that is uniform over most of the aperture, but with a Gaussian taper near the edge. This approach can be used together with rolling and/or serration if desirable. The amount of phase and amplitude ripple obtained with two different dual-shaped reflector designs is studied as a function of position in the plane wave zone and reflector size in wavelengths. The amount of both transverse and longitudinal (z-component) cross polarization is studied  相似文献   
A generalized solution is found for retrofitting a large dual-shaped reflector antenna for a beamwaveguide. The design is termed as a bypass beamwaveguide. Both highpass design feed imaging and bandpass design feed imaging are considered. Each design was studied using geometrical optics, Gaussian wave analysis, and both low-frequency and high-frequency diffraction analysis. An important extension of the Mizusawa-Kitsuregawa criteria was discovered (M.M. Zusama and T. Kitsuregawa, ibid., vol.AP-21, pp.844-8, Nov. 1973). The principle revealed shows how a two-reflector cell, although in itself distorting, may be combined with a second cell which compensates for the first and delivers an output beam which is a good image of the input beam  相似文献   
Results are presented of an investigation on improvements in a geometrical optics design of a beam-waveguide antenna for operation at multiple frequency bands. Improvements might be possible by changing the design of the lower-frequency input pattern to the beam waveguide. The effects of amplitude and phase shaping the input pattern have been studied with an aperture diffraction model. Accurate vector near-field computations were made rapidly with a spherical wave expansion of the input and scattered fields. Numerical results indicate that for aperture sizes of less than 30 wavelengths, there is insufficient control on defocusing due to amplitude and phase shaping. Design tradeoffs on spillover loss and defocusing are possible by changing the amplitude and phase distribution of the input wavefront for larger size apertures  相似文献   
Given the true or any approximate current on a reflector, the radiated far-field is determined from a rapidly convergent series representation of the radiation integral. The leading term is a well-shapedJ_{1}(x)/xbeam pointing in a desired direction. Higher order terms provide perturbations to the leading term. The coefficients of the series are independent of the observation angles. Hence, once they are computed, the field may be determined very rapidly at large numbers of points. Initially, a suitable small angle approximation is made that places the radiation integral in the form of a Fourier transform on a circular disk. The theory is then extended such that the results are valid in both the near and the wide angle regions. Application to a rotationally symmetric paraboloid is presented herein. Other applications include the offset and dual reflectors and near- to far-field integrations. A modified form of the series can also be used for Fresnel zone computations.  相似文献   
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