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Original methods for radar detection performance analysis are derived for a fluctuating or non-fluctuating target embedded in additive and a priori unknown noise. This kind of noise can be, for example, the sea or ground clutter encountered in surface-based radar for the detection of low grazing angle targets and/or in high-resolution radar. In these cases, the spiky clutter tends to have a statistic which strongly differs from the Gaussian assumption. Therefore, the detection theory is no longer appropriate since the nature of statistics has to be known. The new methods proposed here are based on the parametric modelling of the moment generating function of the noise envelope by Padé approximation, and lead to a powerful estimation of its probability density function. They allow to evaluate the radar detection performances of targets embedded in arbitrary noise without knowledge of the closed form of its statistic and in the same way to take into account any possible fluctuation of the target. These methods have been tested successfully on synthetic signals and used on experimental signals such as ground clutter.  相似文献   
A new algorithm to infer structural parameters such as refractive index and asphericity of cloud particles has been developed by use of in situ observations taken by a laser backscattersonde and an optical particle counter during balloon stratospheric flights. All three main particles, liquid, ice, and a no-ice solid (NAT, nitric acid trihydrate) of polar stratospheric clouds, were observed during two winter flights performed from Kiruna, Sweden. The technique is based on use of the T-matrix code developed for aspherical particles to calculate the backscattering coefficient and particle depolarizing properties on the basis of size distribution and concentration measurements. The results of the calculations are compared with observations to estimated refractive indices and particle asphericity. The method has also been used in cases when the liquid and solid phases coexist with comparable influence on the optical behavior of the cloud to estimate refractive indices. The main results prove that the index of refraction for NAT particles is in the range of 1.37-1.45 at 532 nm. Such particles would be slightly prolate spheroids. The calculated refractive indices for liquid and ice particles are 1.51-1.55 and 1.31-1.33, respectively. The results for solid particles confirm previous measurements taken in Antarctica during 1992 and obtained by a comparison of lidar and optical particle counter data.  相似文献   
Recently, a new adaptive scheme [Conte (1995), Gini (1997)] has been introduced for covariance structure matrix estimation in the context of adaptive radar detection under non-Gaussian noise. This latter has been modeled by compound-Gaussian noise, which is the product c of the square root of a positive unknown variable tau (deterministic or random) and an independent Gaussian vector x, c=radictaux. Because of the implicit algebraic structure of the equation to solve, we called the corresponding solution, the fixed point (FP) estimate. When tau is assumed deterministic and unknown, the FP is the exact maximum-likelihood (ML) estimate of the noise covariance structure, while when tau is a positive random variable, the FP is an approximate maximum likelihood (AML). This estimate has been already used for its excellent statistical properties without proofs of its existence and uniqueness. The major contribution of this paper is to fill these gaps. Our derivation is based on some likelihood functions general properties like homogeneity and can be easily adapted to other recursive contexts. Moreover, the corresponding iterative algorithm used for the FP estimate practical determination is also analyzed and we show the convergence of this recursive scheme, ensured whatever the initialization.  相似文献   
This paper deals with covariance matrix estimates in impulsive noise environments. Physical models based on compound noise modeling [spherically invariant random vectors (SIRV), compound Gaussian processes] allow to correctly describe reality (e.g., range power variations or clutter transitions areas in radar problems). However, these models depend on several unknown parameters (covariance matrix, statistical distribution of the texture, disturbance parameters) that have to be estimated. Based on these noise models, this paper presents a complete analysis of the main covariance matrix estimates used in the literature. Four estimates are studied: the well-known sample covariance matrix MSCM and a normalized version MN, the fixed-point (FP) estimate MFP, and a theoretical benchmark MTFP. Among these estimates, the only one of practical interest in impulsive noise is the FP. The three others, which could be used in a Gaussian context, are, in this paper, only of academic interest, i.e., for comparison with the FP. A statistical study of these estimates is performed through bias analysis, consistency, and asymptotic distribution. This study allows to compare the performance of the estimates and to establish simple relationships between them. Finally, theoretical results are emphasized by several simulations corresponding to real situations.  相似文献   
We present an experimental study on the shear-induced migration and axial development of particles in the channel flows of non-Brownian suspensions. The suspending fluid is Newtonian. We investigate fracturing flows with a Hele-Shaw type scaling through building a unique channel setup and an advanced optical system. The local particle concentration profiles are measured via the refractive-index matching technique for a wide range of bulk volume fraction, that is, . Simultaneously, the particle image velocimetry is performed to determine the velocity profile of the particle phase. We compare our experimental results with the available two-phase continuum frameworks and show discrepancies and similarities in the fully developed and axial development of the solid volume fraction profiles. We discuss directions in which the continuum frameworks require improvements.  相似文献   
The physical properties of stratospheric aerosols can be retrieved from optical measurements involving extinction, radiance, polarization, and counting. We present here the results of measurements from the balloonborne instruments AMON, SALOMON, and RADIBAL, and from the French Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique and the University of Wyoming balloonborne particle counters. A cross comparison of the measurements was made for observations of background aerosols conducted during the polar winters of February 1997 and January-February 2000 for various altitudes from 13 to 19 km. On the one band, the effective radius and the total amount of background aerosols derived from the various sets of data are similar and are in agreement with pre-Pinatubo values. On the other hand, strong discrepancies occur in the shapes of the bimodal size distributions obtained from analysis of the raw measurement of the various instruments. It seems then that the log-normal assumption cannot fully reproduce the size distribution of background aerosols. The effect ofthe presence of particular aerosols on the measurements is discussed, and a new strategy for observations is proposed.  相似文献   
Usual SAR imaging process makes the assumption that the reflectors are isotropic and white (i.e., they behave in the same way regardless the angle from which they are viewed and the emitted frequency within the bandwidth). The multidimensional continuous wavelet transform (CWT) in radar imaging was initially developed to highlight the image degradations due to these assumptions. In this article the wavelet transform method is widened to polarimetry and interferometry fields. The wavelet tool is first used for polarimetric image enhancement, then for coherence optimization in interferometry. This optimization by wavelets, compared with the polarimetric one, gives better results on the coherence level. Finally, a combination of both methods is proposed. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 14, 206–212, 2004; Published online in Wiley Inter‐Science (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/ima.20025  相似文献   
In the present paper, experimental results from laboratory testing on cement pastes are presented. The validity of both the predictions of the model proposed by Ovarlez and Roussel [Mat. and Struct. 39(2) (2006)] and the assumptions on which the model is based in the case of rough interfaces between the cement paste and the formwork surface are validated. The consistency of the underlying theory is tested in several different configurations (plate test with large and narrow gaps and a column test). Finally, the concept of a new test allowing the measurement of the structuration at rest of a cementitious material is proposed. Such a simple test might be used to assess the input parameters needed to predict formwork pressure without the need for a rheometer.  相似文献   
This work concerns an extension of usual radar imaging in which the pictures of the target do not simply exhibit the position of elementary reflectors but also give the behavior of these reflectors when the frequency and the direction of illumination vary. Essentially, the technique consists of describing the target by a generalized image which can be computed from the knowledge of the backscattering function on a large domain in the angle-frequency space. A discussion of the physical relevance of the approach is given and its conclusions are used to derive a practical formulation relying on a special wavelet transform. The implementation of the technique is developed by using the fast Mellin transform. Special features of the method are the use of data in polar format without resampling and the fact that the computation can be easily parallelized.©1994 John Wiley & Sons Inc  相似文献   
The aerosol extinction measurements in the ultraviolet and visible wavelengths by the balloonborne spectrometer Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et NOx (SALOMON) show that aerosols are present in the middle stratosphere, above 25-km altitude. These observations are confirmed by the extinction measurements performed by a solar occultation radiometer. The balloonborne Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMD) counter instrument also confirms the presence of aerosol around 30-km altitude, with an unrealistic excess of micronic particles assuming that only liquid sulfate aerosols are present. An unexpected spectral structure around 640-nm observed by SALOMON is also detectable in extinction measurements by the satellite instrument Stratospheric Aerosols and Gas Experiment III. This set of measurements could indicate that solid aerosols were detected at these altitude ranges. The amount of soot detected up to now in the lower stratosphere is too low to explain these measurements. Thus, the presence of interplanetary dust grains and micrometeorites may need to be invoked. Moreover, it seems that these grains fill the stratosphere in stratified layers.  相似文献   
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