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Human osteoblastic cells were isolated enzymatically from adult human spongy bone and grown in MEM-Ham F12 1:1 medium supplemented with 2% Ultroser (USM). They were subcultured and examined for osteoblast features by morphological, histological, and biochemical approaches. The cells had a characteristic polyhedral morphology and produced a high level of alkaline phosphatase (ALKP). Confluent cultures were uniformly stained for ALKP and flow cytometry analysis with fluorescein diphosphate gave a single peak signal, reflecting a highly positive population, distinct from cultures of fibroblasts. The ALKP activity was stimulated by 1,25 (OH)2 vitamin D3. CD 44 was strongly expressed in these cultures, although osteoblasts are negative in vivo and osteocytes are positive. The main collagen synthesized was type I collagen and osteocalcin was produced after stimulation by vitamin D3. 10 mM betaGP induced mineralization and microprobe analysis of the crystals showed a composition close to hydroxyapatite. Changing the culture conditions to MEM-10% calf serum acted on cell behavior: it reduced the production of these biochemical markers of osteoblasts and the morphology became fibroblastlike with more rapid cell multiplication. The parameter most affected by the change in culture medium was ALKP, which was selected as the determinant criterion for defining an osteoblast culture. ALKP activity was then used to characterize a culture of cells seeded in a collagen gel.  相似文献   
The use of coherent detection in analog optical links offers several advantages over direct detection: improved receiver sensitivity, inherent frequency translation, and the ability to utilize angle modulation and separate wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) signals. In this paper, we investigate an externally modulated coherent AM optical link. We study the dynamic range of the coherent AM link, considering receiver noise, laser phase noise, laser relative intensity noise (RIN), and system nonlinearities. With proper selection of the receiver's IF bandwidth, the coherent AM link can be made insensitive to the laser linewidth. For optical powers less than 5 mW, RIN of less than -160 dB/Hz reduces the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) by less than 3 db with the use of a balanced receiver. The external modulator nonlinearity is the dominant nonideal effect; it reduces the SFDR by 5-19 dB from the theoretical limit for 100% modulation index. We compare the performance of the coherent AM link with that of a conventional direct detection link for two applications: point-to-point links and distribution networks. When the received optical power is less than 1 mW, the coherent link can provide higher SFDR than the direct detection link. Thus, coherent links are well-suited for long distance point-to-point links and FM video distribution systems  相似文献   
CORD: contention resolution by delay lines   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The implementation of optical packet-switched networks requires that the problems of resource contention, signalling and local and global synchronization be resolved. A possible optical solution to resource contention is based on the use of switching matrices suitably connected with optical delay lines. Signalling could be dealt with using subcarrier multiplexing of packet headers. Synchronization could take advantage of clock tone multiplexing techniques, digital processing for ultra-fast clock recovery, and new distributed techniques for global packet-slot alignment. To explore the practical feasibility and effectiveness of these key techniques, a consortium was formed among the University of Massachusetts, Stanford University, and GTE Laboratories. The consortium, funded by ARPA, has three main goals: investigating networking issues involved in optical contention resolution (University of Massachusetts), constructing an experimental contention-resolution optical (CRO) device (GTE Laboratories), and building a packet-switched optical network prototype employing a CRO and novel signaling/synchronization techniques (Stanford University). This paper describes the details of the project and provides an overview of the main results obtained so far  相似文献   
Overexposure to manganese (Mn) causes neurotoxicity (a Parkinson-like syndrome) or psychiatric damage ("manganese madness"). Several studies have shown alterations to motor and neural behavior associated with exposure to Mn in the workplace. However, there are few studies on the effects of environmental exposure of whole populations. We studied the risk of motor alterations in people living in a mining district in Mexico. We studied 288 individual people (168 women and 120 men) from eight communities at various distances from manganese extraction or processing facilities in the district of Molango. We measured manganese concentrations in airborne particles, water, soil and crops and evaluated the possible routes of Mn exposure. We also took samples of people's blood and determined their concentrations of Mn and lead (Pb). We used "Esquema de Diagnóstico Neuropsicológico" Ardila and Ostrosky-Solís's neuropsychological battery to evaluate motor functions. Concentrations of Mn in drinking water and maize grain were less than detection limits at most sampling sites. Manganese extractable by DTPA in soils ranged between 6 and 280 mg kg(-1) and means were largest close to Mn extraction or processing facilities. Air Mn concentration ranged between 0.003 and 5.86 microg/m(3); the mean value was 0.42 microg/m(3) and median was 0.10 microg/m(3), the average value (geometric mean) resulted to be 0.13 microg/m(3). Mean blood manganese concentration was 10.16 microg/l, and geometric mean 9.44 microg/l, ranged between 5.0 and 31.0 mcrog/l. We found no association between concentrations of Mn in blood and motor tests. There was a statistically significant association between Mn concentrations in air and motor tests that assessed the coordination of two movements (OR 3.69; 95% CI 0.9, 15.13) and position changes in hand movements (OR 3.09; CI 95% 1.07, 8.92). An association with tests evaluating conflictive reactions (task that explores verbal regulations of movements) was also found (OR 2.30; CI 95% 1.00, 5.28). It seems from our results that people living close to the manganese mines and processing plants suffer from an incipient motor deficit, as a result of their inhaling manganese-rich dust.  相似文献   
VLA molecules are involved in the adhesion of hematopoietic cells to the bone marrow stroma and play a role in the mediation of cellular interactions and migrations that are potentially important in the biology of acute leukemia (AL). We studied the expression of VLA-2 (CD49b), VLA-4 (CD49d), and VLA-5 (CD49e) by indirect immunofluorescence on leukemic cells from 67 patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and 40 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). VLA-2, VLA-4, and VLA-5 were expressed, respectively, on 13 +/- 17%, 33 +/- 29%, and 36 +/- 30% of AML cells with 20, 54 and 61% positive cases and on 22 +/- 27%, 40 +/- 30%, and 39 +/- 29% of ALL cells with 29, 60, and 61% positive cases. Significant difference was neither noted between French-American-British (FAB) subtypes in AML or ALL nor between immunologic subtypes in ALL. There were highly significant correlations between the expression of the three beta 1-integrins tested in both AML and ALL. In AML, expression of both VLA-4 and VLA-5 was associated with that of CD14 (p = 0.003 and p = 0.01, respectively) and CD19 (p = 0.006 and p = 0.009, respectively). Expression of VLA-5 was correlated with that of CD15 (p = 0.004). Expression of VLA-4 was associated with both a high initial blast cell count (p = 0.01) and high percentage of bone marrow blast cell involvement (p = 0.003). In ALL, expression of VLA molecules was correlated neither with differentiation antigen nor with hematologic features. In AML, as in ALL, no significant correlation was noted between expression of VLA molecules and evolution of the disease.  相似文献   
There are two main kinds of vulnerable web applications, usual applications developed with a specific aim and applications which are vulnerable by design. On one hand, the usual applications are those that are used everywhere and on a daily basis, and where vulnerabilities are detected, and often mended, such as online banking systems, newspaper sites, or any other Web site. On the other hand, vulnerable by design web applications are developed for proper evaluation of web vulnerability scanners and for training in detecting web vulnerabilities. The main drawback of vulnerable by design web applications is that they used to include just a short set of well-known types of vulnerabilities, usually from famous classifications like the OWASP Top Ten. They do not include most of the types of web vulnerabilities. In this paper, an analysis and assessment of vulnerable web applications is conducted in order to select the applications that include the larger set of types of vulnerabilities. Then those applications are enlarged with more types of web vulnerabilities that vulnerable web applications do not include. Lastly, the new vulnerable web applications have been analyzed to check whether web vulnerability scanners are able to detect the new added vulnerabilities, those vulnerabilities that vulnerable by design web applications do not include. The results show that the tools are not very successful in detecting those vulnerabilities, less than well-known vulnerabilities.  相似文献   
We constructed an experimental linewidth-insensitive coherent analog optical link. The transmitter utilizes an external electro-optic amplitude modulator and a semiconductor laser. The receiver consists of a heterodyne front-end, a wideband filter, square law detector and narrowband lowpass filter. We performed experimental measurements and theoretical analyses of the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR), link gain and noise figure for both the coherent AM and the direct detection links; we investigated the dependencies of the foregoing parameters on the received optical signal power, laser linewidth, IF bandwidth, and the laser relative intensity noise (RIN). By selecting a wide enough bandpass filter, we made the coherent AM link insensitive to laser linewidth. The coherent AM link exhibits a higher SFDR than the corresponding direct detection link when the received optical signal power is less than 85 μW. The noise figure for the coherent link is greater than that for the direct detection link under all conditions investigated. For received optical signal powers greater than 4 μW, the link gain for the direct detection link is greater than that for the coherent AM link. The following are the link parameters that have been achieved for the coherent AM link investigated: SFDR=88 dB·Hz2/3, link gain=-25 dB and noise figure=78 dB; this performance has been obtained with a received optical signal power of 85 μW, and a local oscillator power at the photodetector of 228 μW. The link performance can be further improved by auxiliary subsystems such as a balanced receiver and impedance matched transmitter and receiver ends; and/or by using better optical and electrical devices like higher power lasers, linearized optical modulators, low-noise and high gain RF amplifiers, and optical amplifiers,  相似文献   
The authors have experimentally demonstrated a 28.7 dB power budget for simultaneous transmission of 2.5 Gbit/s/node payload data and 80 Mbit/s/node control channels using the multichannel subcarrier multiplexing (MSCM) signalling technique. The power budget is sufficient to support a 234 node MSCM-WDM network with 2.5 Gbit/s/node 10 km radius coverage and 0.25 dB/km fibre attenuation with 0.45 dB/km attenuation, the network can support up to 93 nodes  相似文献   
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