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Open window buses without air-conditioning are a major mode of urban and inter-city transport in most countries. High occupancy combined with hot and humid conditions makes travel in these buses quite uncomfortable. In this study air flow through a bus has been studied that could be the basis for low cost and eco-friendly methods of increasing passenger comfort and possibly reduce drag. The aerodynamics of such a road vehicle has not been studied as previous investigations have been confined to vehicles with closed windows that present a smooth exterior to air flow. Using a 1:25 scaled Perspex model of an urban bus in Delhi, flow visualization was performed in a water channel. The Reynolds numbers were one-tenth of a real bus moving at 10 m/s. Smoke and tuft visualizations were also performed on an urban bus at 40 km/h. Numerical simulations were performed at the actual Reynolds number. Even though there were Reynolds number differences, the broad features were similar. Air enters the bus from the rear windows, moves to the front (relative to the bus) and exits from the front windows. Inside air velocity relative to the bus is about one-tenth of the free-stream velocity. The flow is highly three-dimensional and unsteady.  相似文献   
A technique is presented for jointly optimizing the signaling in the two directions of transmission on a twisted-pair communications channel. It is then applied to twisted-pair channel models with monotonic channel response and crosstalk transfer functions. While the signaling strategy presented in this paper can achieve only a lower bound on the true channel capacity, it is a significant improvement over existing signaling schemes. In particular, in contrast with existing schemes, the maximum information rate for the joint signaling strategy increases without bound as the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) approaches infinity. It is also shown through numerical results that the proposed signaling strategy generalizes naturally to more practical nonmonotonic twisted-pair channel models incorporating bridge taps and other nonidealities. Finally, the form of the optimal signaling strategy suggests a relatively straightforward implementation using multicarrier modulation  相似文献   
Fault-tolerant scheduling is an imperative step for large-scale computational Grid systems, as often geographically distributed nodes co-operate to execute a task. By and large, primary-backup approach is a common methodology used for fault tolerance wherein each task has a primary and a backup on two different processors. In this paper, we address the problem of how to schedule DAGs in Grids with communication delays so that service failures can be avoided in the presence of processors faults. The challenge is, that as tasks in a DAG have dependence on each other, a task must be scheduled to make sure that it will succeed when any of its predecessors fails due to a processor failure. We first propose a communication model and determine when communications between a backup and backups of its successors are necessary. Then we determine when a backup can start and its eligible processors so as to guarantee that every DAG can complete upon any processor failure. We develop two algorithms to schedule backups, which minimize response time and replication cost, respectively. We also develop a suboptimal algorithm which targets minimizing replication cost while not affecting response time. We conduct extensive simulation experiments to quantify the performance of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   
The problem of optimal divisible load distribution in distributed bus networks employing a heterogeneous cluster of processors is addressed. The objective is to minimize the total processing time of the entire load subject to the communication and computation delays. In the mathematical model we adopt, both the granularity of the load fractions and all the associated overheads (also referred to as start-up costs) in the process of communication and computation, are considered explicitly in the problem formulation. We introduce a directed flow graph model for representing the load distribution process. This representation is novel to this literature. With this model, we first derive a closed-form solution for an optimal processing time. We propose an integer approximation algorithm and derive ultimate performance bounds for the class of homogeneous networks. We then extend the problem to a special class of application problems in which the data partitioning is restricted to a finite number of partitions. For this case, we present a recursive procedure to obtain optimal processing time. We then present two different integer approximation algorithms-PIA and IIA that could generate integer load fractions and yield suboptimal solutions. The choice of these algorithms are also analyzed. All the results are extended to a class of homogeneous networks to obtain ultimate performance bounds. Several illustrative examples are provided for ease of explanation  相似文献   
A detection problem in sensor networks is considered, where the sensor nodes are placed on a line and receive partial information about their environment. The nodes transmit a summary of their observations over a noisy communication channel to a fusion center for the purpose of detection. The observations at the sensors are samples of a spatial stochastic process, which is one of two possible signals corrupted by Gaussian noise. Two cases are considered: one where the signal is deterministic under each hypothesis, and the other where the signal is a correlated Gaussian process under each hypothesis. The nodes are assumed to be subject to a power density constraint, i.e., the power per unit distance is fixed, so that the power per node decreases linearly with the node density. Under these constraints, the central question that is addressed is: how dense should the sensor array be, i.e., is it better to use a few high-cost, high-power nodes or to have many low-cost, low-power nodes? An answer to this question is obtained by resorting to an asymptotic analysis where the number of nodes is large. In this asymptotic regime, the Gaumlrtner-Ellis theorem and similar large-deviation theory results are used to study the impact of node density on system performance. For the deterministic signal case, it is shown that performance improves monotonically with sensor density. For the stochastic signal case, a finite sensor density is shown to be optimal  相似文献   
The problem of employing multiple servers to serve a pool of clients on a network based multimedia service is addressed. We have designed and practically implemented a prototype system employing multiple servers to render a long duration movie to the customers. We have employed a multiple server retrieval strategy proposed in the literature [39] to realize this system. In the system, server coordination, client behavior and service facilities are completely controlled by an Agent based approach in which we have used the recent Jini technology. Several issues, ranging from data retrieval from individual server, behavior of the underlying network infrastructure, to client management and resource (client buffers) management, are considered in this implementation. We describe in detail our experiences in this complete design process of every module in the software architecture, its purpose, and working style. Further, the system is shown to be robust amidst unpredictable failures, i.e., in the event of server crashes. The load balancing capability is built-in as a safe guard measure to assure a continuous presentation. We present a comprehensive discussion on the software architecture to realize this working system and present our experiences. A system comprising a series of Pentium III PCs on a fast Ethernet network is built as a test-bed. Through this prototype, a wider scope of research challenges ahead are highlighted as possible extensions. Bharadwaj Veeravalli Member, IEEE & IEEE-CS, received his BSc in Physics, from Madurai-Kamaraj Uiversity, India in 1987, Master's in Electrical Communication Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 1991 and PhD from Department of Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India in 1994. He did his post-doctoral research in the Department of Computer Science, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, in 1996. He is currently with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer and Information Engineering (CIE) division, at The National University of Singapore, Singapore, as a tenured Associate Professor. His main stream research interests include, Multiprocessor systems, Cluster/Grid computing, Scheduling in parallel and distributed systems, Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, and Multimedia computing. He is one of the earliest researchers in the field of divisible load theory. He has published over 75 papers in high-quality International Journals and Conferences. He had secured several externally funded projects. He has co-authored three research monographs in the areas of Parallel and Distributed Systems, Distributed Databases, and Multimedia systems, in the years 1996, 2003, and 2005, respectively. He had guest edited a special issue on Cluster/Grid Computing for IJCA, USA journal in 2004. He has been recently invited to contribute to Multimedia Encyclopedia, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005. He is currently serving the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on SMC-A and International Journal of Computers & Applications, USA, as an Associate Editor. He had served as a program committee member and as a session chair in several International Conferences. Long Chen received the B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering and M.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Northwestern Polytechnic University, P. R. China, in 1998 and 2001, respectively, and the M.E. degree in Computer Engineering from the National University of Singapore, Singapore, in 2004. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, the University of Delaware, United States. His research interests include multimedia systems, distributed system, network security, and computer architecture.  相似文献   
In this paper, we propose a novel distributed resource-scheduling algorithm capable of handling multiple resource requirements for jobs that arrive in a Grid computing environment. In our proposed algorithm, referred to as multiple resource scheduling (MRS) algorithm, we take into account both the site capabilities and the resource requirements of jobs. The main objective of the algorithm is to obtain a minimal execution schedule through efficient management of available Grid resources. We first propose a model in which the job and site resource characteristics can be captured together and used in the scheduling algorithm. To do so, we introduce the concept of a n-dimensional virtual map and resource potential. Based on the proposed model, we conduct rigorous simulation experiments with real-life workload traces reported in the literature to quantify the performance. We compare our strategy with most of the commonly used algorithms in place on performance metrics such as job wait times, queue completion times, and average resource utilization. Our combined consideration of job and resource characteristics is shown to render high-performance with respect to above-mentioned metrics in the environment. Our study also reveals the fact that MRS scheme has a capability to adapt to both serial and parallel job requirements, especially when job fragmentation occurs. Our experimental results clearly show that MRS outperforms other strategies and we highlight the impact and importance of our strategy.  相似文献   
The effects of lauric (LUA), myristic (MA), palmitic (PA), and a mixture of myristic:palmitic (MA:PA) acids on hydrogen (H2) production from glucose degradation using anaerobic mixed cultures were assessed at 37 °C with an initial pH set at 5.0 and 7.131 mM of each acid. The maximum H2 yield (2.53 ± 0.18 mol mol−1 glucose) was observed in cultures treated with PA. A principal component analysis (PCA) of the by-products and the microbial population data sets detected similarities between the controls and PA treated cultures; however, differences were observed between the controls and PA treated cultures in comparison to the MA and LUA treated cultures. The flux balance analysis (FBA) showed that PA decreased the quantity of H2 consumed via homoacetogenesis compared to the other LCFAs. The control culture was dominated by Thermoanaerovibrio acidaminovorans (60%), Geobacillus sp. and Eubacterium sp. (28%), while Clostridium sp. was less than 1%. Treatment with PA, MA, MA:PA, or LUA increased the H2 producers (Clostridium sp. and Bacillus sp.) population by approximately 48, 67, 86, and 86%, respectively.  相似文献   
In this paper, we address the problem of multiple sequence alignment (MSA) for handling very large number of proteins sequences on mesh-based multiprocessor architectures. As the problem has been conclusively shown to be computationally complex, we employ divisible load paradigm (also, referred to as divisible load theory, DLT) to handle such large number of sequences. We design an efficient computational engine that is capable of conducting MSAs by exploiting the underlying parallelism embedded in the computational steps of multiple sequence algorithms. Specifically, we consider the standard Smith–Waterman (SW) algorithm in our implementation, however, our approach is by no means restrictive to SW class of algorithms alone. The treatment used in this paper is generic to a class of similar dynamic programming problems. Our approach is recursive in the sense that the quality of solutions can be refined continuously till an acceptable level of quality is achieved. After first phase of computation, we design a heuristic scheme that renders the final solution for MSA. We conduct rigorous simulation experiments using several hundreds of homologous protein sequences derived from the Rattus Norvegicus and Mus Musculus databases of olfactory receptors. We quantify the performance based on speed-up metric. We compare our algorithms to serial or single machine processing approaches. We testify our findings by comparing with conventional equal load partitioning (ELP) strategy that is commonly used in the parallel processing literature. Based on our extensive simulation study, we observe that DLT paradigm offers an excellent speed-up characteristics and provides avenues for its use in several other biological sequence processing related problem. This study is a first time attempt in using the DLT paradigm to devise efficient strategies to handle large scale multiple protein sequence alignment problem on mesh-based multiprocessor systems.  相似文献   
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