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Since their advent in 2001, virtual power plant (VPP) auctions have been implemented widely. In this paper, we describe the simultaneous ascending-clock auction format that has been used for virtually all VPP auctions to date, elaborating on other design choices that most VPP auctions have had in common as well as discussing a few aspects that have varied significantly among VPP auctions. We then evaluate the various objectives of regulators in requiring VPP auctions, concluding that the auctions have been effective devices for facilitating new entry into electricity markets and for developing wholesale power markets.  相似文献   
In a recent comment (Amer. Psychologist, 1961, 16, 601) Rothstein attributes a view to me which I explicitly repudiate in my article, "Personality disorder is disease" (see record 1962-03334-001). This is a reply to that error. It is quite clear, as I show here with quotes from the article, that I said precisely the opposite of what Rothstein attributes to me. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
We used plants as an in vivo pathogenesis model for the identification of virulence factors of the human opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nine of nine TnphoA mutant derivatives of P. aeruginosa strain UCBPP-PA14 that were identified in a plant leaf assay for less pathogenic mutants also exhibited significantly reduced pathogenicity in a burned mouse pathogenicity model, suggesting that P. aeruginosa utilizes common strategies to infect both hosts. Seven of these nine mutants contain TnphoA insertions in previously unknown genes. These results demonstrate that an alternative nonvertebrate host of a human bacterial pathogen can be used in an in vivo high throughput screen to identify novel bacterial virulence factors involved in mammalian pathogenesis.  相似文献   
To identify plant defense responses that limit pathogen attack, Arabidopsis eds mutants that exhibit enhanced disease susceptibility to the virulent bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv maculicola ES4326 were previously identified. In this study, we show that each of four eds mutants (eds5-1, eds6-1, eds7-1, and eds9-1) has a distinguishable phenotype with respect to the degree of susceptibility to a panel of bacterial phytopathogens and the ability to activate pathogenesis-related PR-1 gene expression after pathogen attack. None of the four eds mutants exhibited observable defects in mounting a hypersensitive response. Although all four eds mutants were also capable of mounting a systemic acquired resistance response, enhanced growth of P. s. maculicola ES4326 was still apparent in the secondarily infected leaves of three of the eds mutants. These data indicate that eds genes define a diverse set of previously unknown defense responses that affect resistance to virulent pathogens.  相似文献   
The influence of costimulation on the T cell response to altered peptide ligands that act as either partial or weak agonists for human CD4+ T cell clones was examined. Using stable Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell transfectants expressing DR2 (DRB1*1501) and human B7-1 or B7-2 as APC, presentation of native myelin basic protein (MBP) p85-99 peptide Ag or a partial agonist of MBP p85-99 induced equivalent T cell activation as measured by [3H]TdR incorporation and cytokine secretion. In marked contrast, presentation of cross-reactive peptides of MBP p85-99 that act as weak agonists with B7-1, but not B7-2, costimulation resulted in significant T cell activation as measured by [3H]TdR incorporation and cytokine secretion. These data suggest that decreasing the strength of the signal provided to the TCR allows differences in B7-1 and B7-2 signaling to be observed. Thus, the costimulatory environment during T cell activation may be a mechanism of regulating T cell cross-reactivity in the periphery.  相似文献   
Comments on S. Peele's (see record 1982-06662-001) argument that biochemical treatments for mental illness illustrate primitive reductionist thinking in contemporary psychology. In agreeing with Peele, the author points out 4 methodological and substantive weaknesses in neurochemical and neurobiological approaches to the study of mental disorder that he views as threats to the foundations of biopsychiatry and as portents of a return to psychogenic theories of etiology. However, it is argued that, contrary to Peele, the psychopharmacological and psychosocial approaches to mental disorders are not dichotomous or mutually preclusive. (1 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
T cells recognize antigen by formation of a trimolecular complex in which the T-cell receptor (TCR) recognizes a specific peptide antigen within the groove of a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. It has generally been assumed that T-cell recognition of two distinct MHC-antigen complexes is due to similarities in the three-dimensional structure of the complexes. Here we report results of experiments examining the crossreactivity of TCRs recognizing the myelin basic protein peptide MBPp85-99 and several of its analogs in the context of MHC. We demonstrate that single conservative amino acid substitutions of the antigenic peptide at the predominant TCR contact residues at positions 91 and 93 totally abrogate reactivity of specific T-cell clones. Yet, when a conservative substitution is made at position 91 concomitant with a substitution at position 93, the T-cell clones regain reactivity equivalent with that of the original stimulating peptide. Thus, the exact nature of the amino acid side chains engaging one TCR functional pocket may change the apparent selectivity of the other predominant TCR functional pocket, thus suggesting a remarkable degree of receptor plasticity. This ability of the TCR-MHC-peptide complex to undergo conformational changes provides a conceptual framework for reconciling the apparent paradox of the extreme selectivity of the TCR and its remarkable crossreactivity with different MHC-peptide complexes.  相似文献   
The "… underlying bases of friction between professions of psychology and psychiatry" are explored. Friction emanating from psychiatry stems from the medical pretense of omniscience, an elevated regard for the M.D. degree, and the psychiatrist's position as "… low man on the medical totem pole." Activities of psychologists entering private practice represent "… an economic threat to psychiatrists." The "psychiatrist's theoretical dogmatism… can be attributed to lack of training and sophistication in the content and methods of psychology." Friction emanating from psychology stems from a claim to omniscience, an elevated regard for the degree in psychology, and psychologists trained in areas other than clinical becoming clinical psychologists "… by fiat alone… ." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
We investigated the relative importance of specific Arabidopsis thaliana genes in conferring resistance to bacterial versus fungal pathogens. We first developed a pathosystem involving the infection of Arabidopsis accession Columbia with a virulent isolate of the obligate biotrophic fungal pathogen Erysiphe orontii. E. orontii elicited the accumulation of mRNAs corresponding to the defense-related genes PR1, BGL2 (PR2), PR5 and GST1, but did not elicit production of the phytoalexin camalexin or the accumulation of defensin (PDF1.2) or thionin (THI2.1) mRNAs. We tested a set of 15 previously isolated Arabidopsis phytoalexin deficient (pad), non-expresser of PR (npr) and enhanced disease susceptibility (eds) mutants that are more susceptible to Pseudomonas syringae for their susceptibility to E. orontii. Four of these mutants (pad4-1, npr1-1, eds5-1 and a double npr1-1 eds5-1 mutant) as well as Arabidopsis lines carrying a nahG transgene exhibited enhanced susceptibility to E. orontii and reduced levels of PR gene expression. Comparison of the PR gene induction patterns in response to E. orontii in the various mutants and in the nahG transgenics suggests the existence of NPR1-independent salicylate-dependent and NPR1-independent salicylate-independent defense gene activation pathways. Eleven other eds and pad mutants did not show measurable enhanced susceptibility to E. orontii, suggesting that these mutants are defective in factors that are not important for the limitation of E. orontii growth.  相似文献   
There is no inconsistency in maintaining, on the one hand, that man is morally accountable for most of his misdeeds and that psychological rather than medical training is basic to competence in the personality disorders, "and affirming, on the other hand, that the latter disorders are genuine manifestations of illness." On these points, issue is taken with the positions of Szasz (1960) and Mowrer (1960). "Szasz' (1960) contention that the concept of mental illness 'now functions merely as a convenient myth' is grounded on four unsubstantiated and logically untenable propositions" which are specified and criticized. "Definition of behavior disorder in terms of sin or difficulties associated with ethical choice and responsibility would substitute theological disputation and philosophical wrangling about values for specifiable quantitative and qualitative criteria of disease." From Psyc Abstracts 36:02:2JA69A. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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