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It is well known that macromolecules like albumin are markedly restricted in their passage across the glomerular capillary wall. However, the relative importance of solute size, charge and shape is currently debated since much of the previous work is based on dextran in neutral or charge-modified forms. These polymers have certain drawbacks that make them less suitable for analysis of capillary permeability and the notion of a glomerular charge barrier has therefore been questioned. Moreover, macromolecules larger than albumin (mol. wt. 69,000) have been suggested to pass through nonselective 'shunt' pathways. In order to study glomerular permeability, isolated rat kidneys were perfused with albumin solutions containing trace amounts of two differently radiolabelled isoenzymes of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) at low temperature to inhibit tubular function. The isoenzymes have similar size (mol. wt. 140,000) and shape but differ in charge, one carrying a negative net surface charge (LDH1, -19) and the other being slightly cationic (LDH5, +2). The urine and perfusate samples were subjected to high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) gel-filtration to allow for measurements of intact LDH. The fractional clearance was 0.11% +/- 0.04% for the anionic LDH1 and 0.56% +/- 0.07% for LDH5, whereas that for albumin was 0.21% +/- 0.03% at a glomerular filtration rate of 0.11 +/- 0.01 mL min-1 g-1 kidney wet weight. The results were analysed using a homogenously charged membrane model and are compatible with a charge density of 35 mEq L-1, with 95% confidence interval of 26-41 mEq L-1. These findings suggest a significant glomerular charge selectivity for proteins substantially larger than albumin. The charge density is, however, far less than estimated from dextran studies.  相似文献   
Lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMN) depress lordosis but increase ultrasonic vocalization in female hamsters. These changes are consistent with the behavioral incompatibility of lordosis and ultrasound production and suggest that the VMN coordinates short-term changes in these behaviors. In keeping with past results, unilateral lesions disrupted lordosis responses to contralateral flank stimulation. The change appeared within 15 min after the lesion and was much more rapid than the corresponding effect in rats. For hamsters, these findings support other evidence suggesting VMN mediation of somatosensory, not just hormonal, influences on lordosis. In a companion study, ultrasound rates became depressed within 15 min of bilateral lesion of the VMN, suggesting a role for the VMN in the short-term control of ultrasound production. Calling at later time intervals was facilitated by the lesions. The direction and time course of the lesion effects on lordosis and ultrasound production suggest that the VMN cannot easily account for the behavioral incompatibility of these 2 responses.  相似文献   
In Exp I, 2 random-bred (Lak:LVG) female hamsters emitted high-frequency sounds at average intensities of 53 db (SPL). These calls tended to be 80–200 msec long and to emphasize frequencies of 34–42 kHz. However, female "ultrasounds" typically included rapid fluctuations in frequency and amplitude. In Exp II, male hamsters also emitted high-frequency vocalizations, with dominant frequencies of 32–38 kHz and average durations of 70–250 msec. Although male cells generally included fewer rapid changes in amplitude and frequency than did female calls, male call structures depended on contextual factors. Calls produced by males in the presence of estrous females tended to have lower minimum frequencies, higher maximum frequencies, longer durations, and fewer rapid frequency changes than calls by solitary males. These results show that both sex differences and situational factors influence the structures of hamster ultrasounds. The frequency and amplitude changes typical of calls by females and solitary males should facilitate the localization of a calling individual over moderate distances. Calls by males in the presence of females should be more difficult to localize and might operate over shorter distances to serve a different social function. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Factor analysis was applied to standard measures of sexual behavior in 73 male hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) as they interacted with hormone-primed females. The results suggest that 5 factors, or conceptual mechanisms, function in the organization of the behaviors observed in the first 2 copulatory series. Of these, the 3 that relate to the behaviors in the first copulatory series were compared to those emerging from prior analyses of other rodents. These comparisons revealed similarities and differences in factor structure across species. Whereas all of these analyses identify factors related to the initiation and efficiency of copulatory behavior, hamsters seem to differ from other species in the measures that best define these factors. In addition, the copulatory rate factor that has been prominent in previous analyses of rats seems to be absent in hamsters. These results suggest that male sexual behavior in hamsters is organized differently from that in other rodents. In more general terms, they suggest that even species with generally similar copulatory patterns can show significant differences in behavioral organization, in turn suggesting the need for additional factor analytic studies to better establish the extent of these species differences. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
A previous study by the authors (see record 1978-09410-001) showed that basal rates of high-frequency vocalization by estrous female hamsters exceeded those typical of nonestrous females. In the present 6 studies with random-bred (Lak:LVG) hamsters, even higher rates of calling by estrous females were provoked by male odors (male shavings or anesthetized males). This suggested that cues which normally indicate a male's proximity can increase the rate of high-frequency calls by an estrous female. These findings are consistent with a view of female "ultrasounds" as sexual advertisements which indicate the locations, sexual receptivity, and relative passivity of estrous females to nearby male conspecifies. Male hamsters also produced ultrasounds at rates that seemed to depend on the availability of potential males. Brief exposure to an awake female stimulated male calling; however, estrous females provoked higher call rates than did nonestrous females. Exposure to anesthetized females also increased the rate of male calling, which suggests that the stimulation of male calling by awake females depends in part on female odors. These results suggest that both male and female ultrasounds are parts of a communication system that facilitates reproduction by helping to coordinate social behavior with endocrine state. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Male and female golden hamsters showed clear behavioral responses to playback of recorded ultrasounds. In particular, it was found that (a) estrous females increased their rates of ultrasound production upon exposure to recorded ultrasounds (Exp I); (b) hamsters of both sexes, exposed to natural or artificial high-frequency calls in a Y-maze, were able to localize the ultrasound source and were attracted to it (Exp II); and (c) estrous females performing lordosis after brief male–female contact maintained that posture significantly longer in the presence of recorded ultrasounds than in silence (Exp III). On the basis of these findings and the results of other studies of hamster social behaviors, the functional significance of hamster ultrasounds is discussed in relation to other elements of a hormone-dependent communication chain regulating hamster reproduction. (30 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
The frequency and sequencing of aggressive behaviors by naive female hamsters has been found to change during series of brief encounters, probably because of the lack of stable dominance relations. Such initial encounters seem most representative of interactions likely in free-ranging hamsters and have been emphasized in studies of the hormonal mediation of female aggression. The present 4 experiments, conducted with a total of 72 random-bred female hamsters, found that nonestrous females exhibited intense aggression toward conspecifics of either sex. Estrous females were not aggressive and spent much time in lordosis, indicative of sexual receptivity. While oil-injected adrenalectomized-ovariectomized females fought at high levels, comparable with intact nonestrous females, the combination of 17-β-estradiol benzoate and progesterone suppressed fighting completely. In contrast, replacement of estradiol, progesterone, or testosterone propionate individually had no consistent effect. Hypophysectomized females also fought at high levels, indicating that pituitary hormones are not required for vigorous aggression. Further, individual anterior pituitary hormones did not produce marked changes in fighting. Results emphasize the roles of estrogen and progesterone in synchronizing aggression with current reproductive state. (36 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Results from 5 studies (e.g., determining whether 32 US presidents died on critical days) show that biorhythm status did not appear to be useful for predicting behavior. (8 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
Ovariectomized female hamsters received small unilateral implants of estradiol at a variety of anterior-posterior levels of the medial preoptic area and hypothalamus. The results of an initial experiment using 27-ga. implants showed that females with estradiol implants in the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMN) or nearby anterior hypothalamus consistently showed higher levels of sexual receptivity than did females with implants farther rostral, in the preoptic area, or farther caudal, in the posterior hypothalamus. A second experiment used smaller, 28-ga. implants to compare directly the two areas at which implants were effective in the first experiment. The results confirm the findings of other recent studies of hamsters and rats by identifying the VMN as the most effective hypothalamic site for the estrogen priming of sexual receptivity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   
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