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Segmental colonic transit has been measured in 101 patients. Two MBq of 111Indium absorbed on resin pellets and encapsulated in an enteric coated capsule was given at 7 00 am. Hourly images during the first day, and three images during each subsequent day were acquired for up to three days. Using all scan and patient data the scans were categorised in one of the five patterns of colonic transit: normal, rapid, right delay, left delay, or generalised delay. The geometric centres and per cent activity at each time point was compared between the five groups of colonic transit patients to find the best time for imaging and so to distinguish the five groups. During the first day, early images did not help in diagnosis of patterns of transit, however, in the later images (six hours onwards after the ingestion of the activity) the rapid transit groups could be identified. Images at 27 and 51 hours were both required to distinguish all five groups of patients from each other. Only in the 'normal' transit patients was there some excretion of the activity during the course of the second day, otherwise there was no difference in the images taken in the course of a day (second or third day). A simplified protocol requires a minimum of three images to distinguish all five patterns of colonic transit. The activity should be ingested in the morning (7 00 am) and the first image taken at the end of the working day (8-10 hours after ingestion), the second image on the morning of the second day, and the third image during the course of the third day. This simple protocol would provide all the clinically relevant information necessary for correct classification of the colonic transit.  相似文献   
A patient who developed a mixed neuroendocrine carcinoma and adenocarcinoma at the site of a previous long-standing ileostomy is reported. The neuroendocrine features are documented by both ultrastructural and immunocytochemical findings. Carcinoma arising in an ileostomy site is rare but has been recorded in patients with long-standing ileostomies after colectomy for chronic inflammatory bowel disease, as in this patient. Neuroendocrine carcinoma developing in this setting apparently has not been described before, however.  相似文献   
We analysed a well-characterized group of 83 patients (43 men, 40 women; mean age +/- SEM: 65.5 +/- 0.6 years at the 10-year examination) with non-insulin-dependent (Type 2) diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) and in 123 control subjects (56 men, 67 women; mean age +/- 0.9 years) retrospectively for the relationship of apolipoprotein E (apo E) genotypes (E2/3, E3/3 vs E3/4, E4/4) to the incidence of clinical macrovascular disease and its risk factors and the incidence of microvascular complications of diabetes during the first 10 years of NIDDM, as well as carotid intima-media thickness measured by B-mode ultrasound at the 10-year examination. In patients with NIDDM, apo E4 genotype showed no relationship to clinical events or carotid intima-media thickness. However, in the control subjects with apo E4, the incidence of non-fatal myocardial infarction during the follow-up was increased (apo E4 positivity: 17.1%; apo E4 negativity 5.1%; p = 0.035) and they had higher common carotid intima-media thickness than those with apo E2/3 or apo E3/3 (1.15 +/- 0.05 mm vs 1.01 +/- 0.03 mm, p = 0.008). Apo E genotype groups showed no relationship to microvascular complications of diabetes, although control subjects with apo E4 positivity showed a higher frequency of microalbuminuria than those lacking apo E4. We conclude that apo E4 was a marker of vascular disease and increased atherosclerosis in non-diabetic subjects, whereas in the diabetic patients these relationships were absent. It is likely that NIDDM per se influences the vascular risk so overwhelmingly that the effects of other risk factors are obscured.  相似文献   
The external region of a cell membrane, known as the glycocalyx, is dominated by glycosylated molecules, which direct specific interactions such as cell-cell recognition and contribute to the steric repulsion that prevents undesirable non-specific adhesion of other molecules and cells. Mimicking the non-adhesive properties of a glycocalyx provides a potential solution to the clinical problems, such as thrombosis, that are associated with implantable devices owing to non-specific adsorption of plasma proteins. Here we describe a biomimetic surface modification of graphite using oligosaccharide surfactant polymers, which, like a glycocalyx, provides a dense and confluent layer of oligosaccharides. The surfactant polymers consist of a flexible poly(vinyl amine) with dextran and alkanoyl side chains. We show that alkanoyl side chains assemble on graphite through hydrophobic interaction and epitaxial adsorption. This constrains the polymer backbone to lie parallel to the substrate, with solvated dextran side chains protruding into the aqueous phase, creating a glycocalyx-like coating. The resulting biomimetic surface is effective in suppressing protein adsorption from human plasma protein solution.  相似文献   
Methods for preventing and treating Ebola virus hemorrhagic fever are not still available despite the fact that this virus have been studied for 20 years. Methods of immunization of the animals (sheep, goats) non-susceptible to Ebola virus with live virus preparations were developed to obtain the hyperimmune anti-Ebola virus sera required to have highly immune antivirus gamma-globulins. These methods made it possible to obtain the immune sera having high virus-neutralizing antibodies. Caprine immunoglobulins were obtained from sera by fractionation of immune sera by Kohn's method. The neutralization indices of the immunoglobulins obtained were at least Ig. When administered in the first hours of infection, the protective effect of these preparations was shown on guinea pigs infected with LD50 of the strain pathogenic to the animals. Preclinical trials of these immunoglobulins on laboratory animals and clinical trials on volunteers were performed. The preparation was used as a preventive agent when accidents took place at the laboratory working with Ebola virus. The similar preparation from equine sera having high neutralizing and protective properties was elaborated at the Virological Center, Microbiological Institute, Russian Ministry of Defense. Its prophylactic efficiency was also shown in infected gamadrias.  相似文献   
The present study characterised seven species of the Chabertiidae (Nematoda: Strongyloidea) belonging to either the subfamily Oesophagostominae (Oesophagostomum radiatum, Oesophagostomum venulosum, Oesophagostomum dentatum, Oesophagostomum quadrispinulatum, Oesophagostomum columbianum, Oesophagostomum bifurcum) or to the subfamily Chabertiinae (Chabertia ovina) by their second internal transcribed spacer rDNA sequence, assessed the extent of intraspecific variation and interspecific differences in the sequence, and inferred the phylogenetic relationship of C. ovina with respect to members of the Oesophagostominae. In both the phenetic and cladistic analyses of the sequence data, Chabertia was nested within Oesophagostomum, suggesting either that the species examined represent members of the same genus, or alternatively, that Oesophagostomum may represent more than one genus.  相似文献   
We investigated the effect of changes in membrane-voltage on intracellular sodium concentration ([Na+]i) of dopamine-sensitive neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta in a slice preparation of rat mesencephalon. Whole-cell patch-clamp techniques were combined with microfluorometric measurements of [Na+]i using the Na+-sensitive probe, sodium-binding benzofuran isophthalate (SBFI). Hyperpolarization of spontaneously active dopamine neurons (recorded in current-clamp mode) caused the cessation of action potential firing accompanied by an elevation in [Na+]i. In dopamine neurons voltage-clamped at a holding potential of -60 mV elevations of [Na+]i were induced by long-lasting (45-60 s) voltage jumps to more negative membrane potentials (-90 to -120 mV) but not by corresponding voltage jumps to -30 mV. These hyperpolarization-induced elevations of [Na+]i were depressed during inhibition of I(h), a hyperpolarization-activated inward current, by Cs+. Hyperpolarization-induced elevations in [Na+]i might occur also in other cell types which express a powerful I(h) and might signal lack of postsynaptic activity.  相似文献   
Methyl oct-cis-2-enoate was synthesized by selective hydrogenation of methyl oct-2-ynoate at atmospheric pressure with quinoline poisoned palladium as catalyst. The resulting product contained only 7% of thetrans form, as determined by GLC. The structure was confirmed by infrared spectra. Analysis of the infrared spectra is given. The cis andtrans forms of methyl oct-2-enoate were separable by GLC in polar or non-polar columns. GLC runs in polar and non-polar phases showed that the α position of the double bond of methyl oct-2-enoate so affects its properties, that practically no interaction was observed between the double bond and the polar phase. Consequently volatility was the main factor determining the retention times of cis andtrans methyl oct-2-enoate in the polar and non-polar phases studied.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) synthesis and polyphosphoinositide (PPI) formation were measured as the incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate ([32P]Pi) or [3H]inositol into non-stimulated intact human neutrophil membrane phospholipids. The rate of PtdIns "de novo" synthesis appeared to be a slow mechanism when compared to the rapid incorporation of [32P]Pi into PPIs. Of the "de novo" synthesized [3H]PtdIns, 70% was further phosphorylated to PPI. Nevertheless, this PPI pool represented less than 0.01% of the total nmols of PPIs formed evaluated as [32P]Pi labeling, indicating that PPI formation mainly involves a no "de novo" synthesized phosphatidylinositol pool. When evaluated at short incubation times, oscillations in the formation of PPIs were detected. A rapid phase was characterized after 30 s of incubation with [32P]Pi Phosphorylation levels returned to an equilibrium state within a minute, and the second phase peaked at 5 min., returning to equilibrium at 15 min. The fluctuant kinetics though not the equilibrium level of PPI formation, could be abolished by neomycin. On the other hand, a selective inhibition of the rapid phase of PPI synthesis occurred in the presence of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. When the incorporations of [gamma-32P]-adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or [32P]Pi into human neutrophil particulate fraction membranes were evaluated, PPIs synthesis showed fluctuations independently of the precursor used. Noticeably, [32P]from [32P]Pi was incorporated more efficiently into PPIs than that from [gamma-32P]ATP, when evaluated in parallel using equal specific activities for both radiolabeled precursors and under non-ATP synthesizing conditions. Moreover, the incorporation of [32P]Pi into particulate fraction PPIs was not abolished by high concentrations of non-radiolabeled ATP, and metabolically inhibited PMNs showed high rates of PPI synthesis. These data suggest that PPI formation is not necessarily a futile cycle in PMNs.  相似文献   
One or two healthy structures frequently have been observed attached to nucleoli in facial motor neurons of the golden hamster. These round-to-oval structures, called "coiled bodies", were seen at 15, 19, and 24 days postnatal and in the adult, both in normal neurons and in chromatolytic neurons which had been axotomized 4 days previously. With one exception, the coiled bodies were seen to be attached via fibrillar material to the nucleolar periphery. Although the numbers of coiled bodies may be altered during neuronal maturation and as a result of axon section, the bodies revealed no structural alterations that could be attributed to developmental age or to experimental trauma.  相似文献   
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