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BACKGROUND: Many species of bats have two sets of submandibular glands, principal and accessory. The accessory gland may resemble the principal one but more often shows wide morphological divergence. The free-tailed bat, Tadarida thersites, is very unusual in that it has two sets of parotid glands rather than binary submandibular glands. We studied the ultrastructure of the principal parotid gland to establish a baseline for comparison with the accessory parotid. METHODS: Two specimens of adult free-tailed bats, one male and one female, were live-trapped in western Kenya. Parotid glands were fixed for electron microscopy using a protocol expressly designed for field fixation and then embedded by conventional means. RESULTS: Histologically, the principal parotid is a typical serous gland. The secretory granules of the endpiece cells have an unusual substructure in that they contain variable numbers of lucent halos and one or several spherules. Intercalated duct cells contain a significant number of dense, serous-like granules. Striated ducts have the usual basal configuration of mitochondria and folded plasma membranes, but the supranuclear cytoplasm contains many small, dense granules, so that these ducts resemble the granular convoluted tubules found in the submandibular glands of many families of rodents. The apices of the duct cells have a peculiar contour--the luminal surfaces obliquely invaginate into the apical cytoplasm, so that in thin section the luminal membranes appear to be underlaid by a layer of vacuoles. CONCLUSION: Although the principal parotid gland of the free-tailed bat shows some distinctive, species-specific ultrastructural features, it basically is similar to the parotid gland in two other molossid bats, Tadarida brasiliensis and Molossus molossus. The distinctive features in the principal parotid gland of T. thersites might relate to its feeding on hard-bodied insects and perhaps to the production of lysozyme.  相似文献   
Contents of lipids (cholesterol CS, triglycerides) as well as levels of CS of lipoproteins of different density and of apolipoproteins A1 and B were measured in blood serum of 31 patients in different periods after of ischemic stroke. The majority of the indices studied were significantly decreased in men in acute periods of the stroke, especially in 8-21 days after the stroke development. Meanwhile, the levels of lipids, CS lipoproteins of both low and very low densities were increased later. Contents of CS of antiatherogenic lipoproteins of high density (HDLP) was low in different periods after the development of disorders of cerebral circulation. This confirms the concept that low level of HDLP is one of the risk factors of ischemic stroke. Decrease of the levels of both lipids and CS of lipoproteins of different density was more pronounced in patients with more severe atherosclerotic damages of the main cerebral arteries. Disorders of metabolism of lipoproteins in ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation are discussed with reference to literary data taking into consideration their heterogeneity. Genetically determined pathology of certain apolipoproteins plays a key role factor in the development of early atherosclerosis and in the elucidation of biochemical markers of the primary damages of cerebral vessels.  相似文献   
The results of field clinical trials of Russian and American yeast vaccines against hepatitis B are presented. The study revealed that both vaccines were faintly reactogenic, safe and exhibited high immunological activity. After the full course of immunization following the schedule 0-1-2 months 92.5% and 97.5% of patients receiving, respectively. Russian vaccine "Combiotech" and American vaccine "H-B-Vax II" were found to have specific antibodies. The maximum effect was registered when the vaccines were introduced according to the schedule 0-1-6 months. Seroconversions were observed in 97.5% and 100% of the vaccinees receiving the Russian and American vaccines respectively, in the latter case the highest antibody level being observed. The use of the vaccines within the prophylactic immunization schedule showed that antibodies to hepatitis B appeared in immunized children in 93-100% of cases. Seroconversion indices and the levels of antibodies to diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and measles were statistically significant and were the same in children receiving only the vaccines according to the immunization schedule and in children immunized, in addition to these vaccines, against hepatitis B.  相似文献   
More than 700 patients were examined by rapid intragastric pH-metry with the use of original pH-microtubes and K -2 device. Numerous advantages of the method were observed: the tube is easy to introduce into the stomach, the procedure is short, there are no contraindications against it, it involves no complications, pH values can be recorded along the entire stomach (30 cm) with just 1 cm intervals (topographic pH-metry). Diagnostic potentialities of the method are limited because there are no standard pH values for each specific site of the stomach under conditions of basal and stimulated secretion. To specify the standard values. 30 normal subjects and 40 patients with various gastric diseases were examined. Prevailing pH values at all sites of the stomach in health and disease both in basal and pentagastrin-stimulated secretion were established. To make the results more objective, the authors distinguish such parameters as the intermediate and maximal acidity zones, and carry out variation statistical analysis of pH-grams with plotting the variation statistical curves. Reliable differences in all the examined parameters in normal subjects and patients with initial gastric hypo- and hyperacidity were detected. Pentagastrin test is recommended for all patients with initial hypoacidity during express pH-metry. The proposed methods of statistical processing of express pH-grams and the established standard values appreciably extend the diagnostic potentialities of rapid pH-metry of the stomach.  相似文献   
Late outcomes of surgical and medical treatment of parkinsonism were studied in 582 (including 321 medical and 261 surgical) patients. The follow-up ranged from 6 to 30 years. Three hundred and fifty eight surgeries were performed. In immediate postoperative period, the following results were observed: significant (64%), moderate (20.3%) improvements, no changes (8%), deterioration (3.1%). Late outcomes were as follows: significant (34.9%), moderate (20.3%) improvements, no changes (28.7%), deterioration (16.1%). In surgical patients the complication rate was 14.8%, mortality 0.8%. Analysis of outcomes of surgical and medical treatment showed a statistically significant predominance of good outcomes in surgical patients (34%) as compared with medical ones (14%).  相似文献   
Complex estimation of the state of the lungs at the postperfusion and early postoperative periods based on roentgenological, clinical data, investigations of the parameters of oxygenation and mechanics of respiration was carried out in 32 children with septal defects of the heart, operated upon under conditions of artificial blood circulation with different kinds of the transfusion maintenance including the apparatus "Cell Saver 5" (CS) for the reinfusion of autoerythrocytes. The dynamics of endotoxicosis, hematological parameters during and after operation and requirements in transfusion media were studied. Differences in these indicators were established between the patients operated upon with the use of donor hemocomponents and those who were operated upon with CS. It allowed a conclusion about the role of the method of intraoperative reinfusion of erythrocytes in substantially less frequency and severity of the postperfusional pulmonary complications in this category of patients.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of analysis of the primary sequence of repetitive barley DNA called BRS1 (index number in Genbank BRS-1 U72261). The sequence encodes the open reading frame for 337 amino acids which has homology to retrotransposon-like element of Arabidopsis. There is a block consisting of 11 direct and 7 inverted repeats outside the open reading frame, the sequence ATACTAATGGCGCACC being the base of the repeats.  相似文献   
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