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本文介绍了真空实时远程监控系统的设计要求,讨论了该系统的硬件设计、软件设计及其工作原理,给出了部分实验结果。系统成功地应用于实验并获得理想的实验结果,为诊断中性束稳态运行提供可靠保障。  相似文献   
随着国家电网改革的不断深入与发展,我国明确提出以电网的安全生产为前提条件,选择具有良好基础条件、人员配置较高的检修班组或变电站进行试点工作,在工作中逐步总结经验,完善规章制度,逐渐推进运维一体化的管理模式。本文对如何通过精细化管理提高运维管理水平提出见解,以供参考。  相似文献   
The progress of a microbeam facility in the institute of Plasma Physics was discussed in this paper.This kind of equipment can supply single-particle beam which may be implanted into cells in micrometer-radius and measured by a new outstanding detector among global microbeam systems.Measurements by some plain targets showed that the highest current after the accelerator tube can be larger than 20μA ,the H2^ current before the second bending magnet is near 0.9μA ,the current after the second bending magnet is near 0.8μA,and the current of the beam line(after a 2-mm diameter aperture)is near 0.25nA which is enough for the single-particle microbeam experiment.It took scientists 3 months to do their microbeam experiment after setting up the qccelerator beam line and get the microbeam from this equipment.Two pre0collimators were installed between the 2-mm diameter aperture and the collimator to survey the beam.Tracks on the CR39 film ectched in the solution of NaOH showed that the beam can go through the collimator including a 10μm diameter aperture and the 3.5μm thick vacuum sealing film(Mylar).A new method,which is called optimization of the beam quality,was put forward in this paper,in order to get smaller diameter of beam-spot in microbeam system.  相似文献   
介绍研制的15cm双潘宁离子源等离子体产生器的结构和工作原理,研究了磁场、气压和弧功率等运行参数对源特性的影响,最后结合朗缪尔探针测量结果进行了讨论。该产生器的探针饱和离子流密度已达到200mA/cm2以上,引出面附近的离子密度径向不均匀度<±5%,噪声水平<±10%。  相似文献   
The Experiments, methods and results of obtaining micron beam in the Microbeam Facility of the Institute of Plasma Physics were discussed in this paper. The H2^ beam was accelerated by the Van de Graa/f electrostatic accelerator, and the collimator at the end of the beam line is a 60μm thick stainless steel chip. And as a result, particle tracks on the solid track probes (CR39 film) etched in the solution of NaOH showed that the beam can go through the collimator with a small aperure (2000, 300, 55, 30, or 10μm) and 3.5μm thick vacuum film(Mylar). Besides the CR39 method, the beam was measured by an energy spectrum detector after the 10μm diameter aperture and the 3.5 μm thick vacuum film too.  相似文献   
本文除筒单介绍双潘宁离子源产生等离子体的物理机制外,着重介绍了在研制15cm双潘宁离子源(下称15cm源)时所遇到的,因油杂质污染而导致“弧放电衰竭”问题及其物理过程。  相似文献   
研制了一种用石英管制作的小型腔式微波离子源,该腔套在石英管的一端,封装两电极引出系统。该离子源利用腔激发起的表面波在石英管内产生等离子体柱。在微波频率为2.45GHz、输入功率为93W时,氮的引出离子流密度可高达91.7mA/cm2。这种表面波放电等离子体源具有体积小、结构简单,在宽的压强范围内能产生再生性好、工作十分稳定的等离子体柱(1012~1013cm-3)等特点。还给出了放电的自一致描述以及放电的电子密度与压强、等离子体柱半径和输入功率的关系。  相似文献   
介绍了一种用于生物学研究中细胞精确定位辐照的装置--单粒子微束装置的研究进展情况和发展目标。  相似文献   
中性束注入器(NBI)真空系统的性能对束传输效率以及整个束线内相关部件的使用寿命与使用安全影响极大。本文结合中性束注入器对真空系统的要求,对真空室的结构选择及气源分布进行了分析并对各气源的气量大小进行了计算。为NBI设计了一套以4.2K液氦低温冷凝泵为真空主抽泵并配以涡轮分子泵机组的抽气系统,采用此真空系统的NBI系统具有良好的真空性能。  相似文献   
It has been observed that H^- current could be improved by adding Ar to H2 plasma. But due to a slower pumping speed for Ar with the existing pumping scheme, the tank pressure will increase quickly during the length of a beam pulse. Since H^- stripping loss depends on the tank pressure and gas species, part of the H^- beam can be converted to H^0 and then H^0 can be converted into H^+ with background H2 and Ar gas thickness. Therefore, the H^- beam current, measured by a Faraday cup, situated at a distance L from GG (ground grid), will decrease because it will be converted into a H^+ current. This gives a ratio of the Faraday cup net current to the H^- beam current before stripping at background partial pressure of Ar.  相似文献   
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