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针对蓝辉铜矿、铜蓝和硫砷铜矿开展了表面选择性氧化浮选分离研究,并通过矿物表面接触角变化及XPS表面分析,阐明了3种矿物表面选择性氧化反应机制。结果显示,氧化剂次氯酸钙和高锰酸钾均可有效抑制蓝辉铜矿和铜蓝上浮,但对硫砷铜矿可浮性无影响; 在丁铵黑药作用下,硫砷铜矿和蓝辉铜矿接触角均达到90°,经次氯酸钙氧化后,蓝辉铜矿接触角降至15°~30°,硫砷铜矿接触角仍高于86°; XPS分析结果表明,次氯酸促进了蓝辉铜矿表面的氧化,硫元素被氧化为SO42-,以CuSO4形式覆盖在矿物表面,增加了表面亲水性,而硫砷铜矿表面As、Cu和S元素并未发生明显的氧化反应,矿物表面维持较高的疏水性。次氯酸钙实现了蓝辉铜矿与硫砷铜矿表面选择性氧化,强化了两者的浮选分离。  相似文献   
铝土矿反浮选脱硅研究综述   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:16  
阐述了铝土矿反浮选脱硅的基本原理;指出铝土矿反浮选的技术关键在于铝硅酸盐矿物的强化捕收、一水硬铝石的选择性抑制以及矿泥的选择性分散、矿物的选择性磨矿等方面;介绍了国内外铝土矿反浮选在主要矿物的晶体结构和表面化学、新型药剂及药剂作用机理、反浮选体系分散与絮凝、选择性磨矿等方面的研究现状。  相似文献   
Solovev's approach of finding equilibrium solutions was found to be extremely useful for generating a library of linear-superposable equilibria for the purpose of shaping studies.This set of solutions was subsequently expanded to include the vacuum solutions of Zheng,Wootton and Solano,resulting in a set of functions [SOLOVEV_ZWS] that were usually used for all toroidally symmetric plasmas,commonly recognized as being able to accommodate any desired plasma shapes (complete-shaping capability).The possibility of extending the Solovev approach to toroidal equilibria with a general plasma flow is examined theoretically.We found that the only meaningful extension is to plasmas with a pure toroidal rotation and with a constant Mach number.We also show that the simplification ansatz made to the current profiles,which was the basis of the Solovev approach,should be applied more systematically to include an internal boundary condition at the magnetic axis;resulting in a modified and more useful set [SOLOVEV_ZWSm].Explicit expressions of functions in this set are given for equilibria with a quasi-constant current density profile,with a toroidal flow at a constant Mach number and with specific heat capacity 1.The properties of [SOLOVEV_ZWSm] are studied analytically.Numerical examples of achievable equilibria are demonstrated.Although the shaping capability of the set [SOLOVE_ZWSm] is quite extensive,it nevertheless still does not have complete shaping capability,particularly for plasmas with negative curvature points on the plasmaboundary such as the doublets or indented bean shaped tokamaks.  相似文献   
碳酸钠对细粒铝硅酸盐矿物分散行为的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
碳酸钠(Na2CO3)是铝土矿浮选脱硅工艺中的高效分散剂,通过沉降试验系统地研究了pH值和Na2CO3用量对一水硬铝石、高岭石、伊利石和叶腊石分散行为的影响.试验结果表明,4种单矿物在pH〈4的酸性条件下形成显著聚团,在碱性条件下则呈分散状态.其中,伊利石和叶蜡石在pH〉6,高岭石和一水硬铝石在pH〉9时处于较好分散状态.动电位测定和DLVO理论计算结果表明,添加Na2CO3后,4种单矿物的表面ζ电位的负值均显著增大,导致矿物颗粒之间的静电排斥作用增大,从而增强了4种矿物颗粒间的分散性.  相似文献   
铝土矿浮选尾矿基本特性与再利用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对河南铝土矿正、反浮选脱硅尾矿的组成与基本性质进行了分析检测。根据铝土矿尾矿粒度细、比表面积大、粘度大等特性,提出了利用铝土矿浮选尾矿制备处理废水材料的思路,并针对河南中州铝厂正浮选脱硅尾矿进行了改性和处理含铬废水的探索试验。结果表明,进行酸化处理、低温焙烧后的尾矿对废水中的铬离子去除率可达到95%。说明铝土矿浮选尾矿通过改性制备处理重金属离子废水材料是可行的。  相似文献   
In recent decades, tokamak discharges with zero total toroidal current have been reported in tokamak experiments, and this is one of the key problems in alternating current(AC) operations.An efficient free-boundary equilibrium code is developed to investigate such advanced tokamak discharges with current reversal equilibrium configuration. The calculation results show that the reversal current equilibrium can maintain finite pressure and also has considerable effects on the position of the X-poi...  相似文献   
The two-dimensional equilibrium with flexible boundaries is solved via using a MATLAB Equilibrium Code(MEC),which has applied the finite element method to handle the changeable plasma shape and employed the trust-region dogleg method to solve the nonlinear partial differential equation.The corresponding driven current profile is also calculated by coupling with the lower-hybrid simulation code(LSC).The results are applied to optimize the lower hybrid current drive(LHCD) efficiency for the Experimental Advanced Superconductor Tokamak(EAST) and suggested that both elongation and triangularity have a notable effect on the efficiency because of the competition between the increase in the resonant area and in the Shafranov shift.Moreover,large aspect-ratio has a negative effect on the efficiency.These effects are studied numerically,which might be considered carefully for both good plasma confinement and high LHCD efficiency.  相似文献   
渗铬使热变形模具表面强化,是提高其寿命的有效方法之一。 对模具渗铬的工艺很早就知道了,但是由于所采用的装置工作空间不能保证密封,得到的结果不稳定。  相似文献   
锂辉石与绿柱石浮选分离的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过单矿物浮选试验考察了无机调整剂Na2S和六偏磷酸钠,有机小分子抑制剂柠檬酸、草酸、乳酸、酒石酸和EDTA二钠对受Fe^3 活化的锂辉石、绿柱石两种矿物浮选行为的影响。结果表明,柠檬酸和乳酸对锂辉石与绿柱石的抑制作用具有一定的选择性,但这种选择性并不高;酒石酸和草酸可强烈抑制这两种矿物,其抑制作用无任何选择性;硫化钠、六偏磷酸钠和EDTA二钠对锂辉石和绿柱石都具有较强的选择性抑制作用,且六偏磷酸钠和EDTA二钠对这两种矿物抑制作用的选择性优于硫化钠。锂辉石与绿柱石表面ζ—电位测定结果表明,锂辉石比绿柱石更易与EDTA二钠和Na2S发生吸附。  相似文献   
为了克服非煤矿山矿井火灾传统应急培训方式效果不佳和部分培训内容难以实现的问题,设计了包含项目基本介绍、事故场景体验、人员角色体验和综合考核评价4个子系统的矿井火灾应急培训系统功能框架。利用3Ds Max三维建模软件和Unity3D游戏引擎建立了矿井火灾虚拟场景,通过C#语言脚本编程和HTC VIVE头显设备实现学员与矿井火灾虚拟场景的交互,从而完成了系统的开发,并对系统进行了评估。评估结果表明,VR培训系统的用户体验指标一般是PPT培训的2~4倍,其中沉浸性是PPT培训的22.5倍,培训效果指标一般是PPT培训的1~2倍,说明基于VR技术的矿井火灾应急培训系统的用户体验和培训效果更好。  相似文献   
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