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要历史街区的更新改造设计是城市更新的重要内容,是城市地方文脉的传承载体。历史街区保护与再生能够延续城市文脉,提升人居环境的满意度与幸福感。该文以城市微更新为基础,对城市更新中历史街区的现状及存在问题进行分析。以苏州市盛泽银行街片区更新改造项目为例,系统阐述盛泽银行街历史街区具体存在的问题与不合理之处,并提出合适的后期改造措施。最后得出历史街区保护改造与活力再生策略:提升人居环境、保护街区文化特色以及提高公众参与度。这为历史街区的保护以及传承城市历史文化遗产提供了参考。  相似文献   
As more and more regions step into the aging society all over the world, research on the relationship between population aging and urban development becomes more extensive. Shanghai, one of the densely-populated cities, is faced with severe population aging problems. Focusing on the disparities between the city’s central and outer districts, this study evaluates elderly visitors’ behaviors to community parks in Shanghai and related impact factors via mobile phone signaling data (conveying the spatiotemporal behavioral patterns of the elderly) and a multiple linear regression equation. The researched factors included popularity density, the traveling distance from the elderly’s living places to community parks, urban facility density, etc. The results suggested that both the total and elder population density, and the traveling distance had significant impacts on the elderly’s visiting behaviors. Moreover, the impact mechanism differ between the central and outer districts. Therefore, specific planning and design guidance for different districts should be proposed to optimize the community park layout so as to promote community support for the elderly care and health justice.  相似文献   
通过连续监测苏州市工业园区现代大道30块街旁绿地内PM2.5的质量浓度、群落微气候因子及植物结构因子,探究城市街旁绿地的PM2.5浓度消减能力,并从颗粒物消减视角提出城市街旁绿地优化设计策略。结果表明:1)植株郁闭度、种植密度、常绿植株数量占比与PM2.5浓度都呈显著正相关关系;2)PM2.5浓度与相对湿度呈显著正相关关系,与空气温度呈负相关关系,在研究中应将两者统筹兼顾,缺一不可,PM2.5浓度的日变化趋势为早晨、上午、傍晚浓度值高,变化趋势曲线呈现“U”字形;3)在绿地空间植物配置中,多选用当地的乡土树种和优势树种进行种植。在植物配置模式中,“乔灌草-乔灌”多层种植模式的消减作用最强,能有效消减绿地PM2.5浓度。研究结果为城市绿地的系统布局提供较有效的布置建议,为城市生态环境建设提供了思路和参照。  相似文献   
通过对2018年一周内(3月26—31日)上海市中心城区百度热力图进行分时段统计分析发现:同一规划级别的城市中心在城市空间热度上存在着巨大差异,这与上海市现行城市规划中强化城市中央活动区、城市副中心以及地区中心的建设目标存在一定差距。为缩小同级别城市中心的空间热度差异,以提升空间热度为导向,选取空间热度较低的代表性地区——上海市浦东新区花木-龙阳路副中心,以公共设施类POI(Point of Interest)核密度分布为基础、道路与交通设施类POI核密度分布为补充,进行绿道选线与优化结果分析。同时,根据人群空间热度,从绿地类型、使用时间2个维度,以及主轴线规划、副轴线规划、绿地斑块规划和夜间灯光设计4个方面提出花木-龙阳路副中心区绿道优化策略,在实现区域绿道覆盖率目标的基础上,通过绿道构建提升区域内部的连通性,进而提升空间热度。  相似文献   
柔性应变传感器是一种将外界应力变化转变为电信号的设备,它克服了传统刚性传感器硬度大、人体适应性差等缺点,作为一种可穿戴设备在人体运动监测领域有很大发展前景。但在恶劣条件或极端环境下使用仍然存在信号输出失真、易被腐蚀等风险。超疏水柔性应变传感器将超疏水涂层的拒水、表面自清洁、防腐抗污与柔性应变传感器的高延展性、高灵敏度等优势相结合,增强了传感器的性能并拓宽了在人体运动监测等方面的应用。本文综述了超疏水柔性应变传感器的基本性能参数、常用的构建材料与构建方法及其在人体运动监测中的功能与应用,并对该领域做出展望。  相似文献   
介绍了内平动齿轮减速器动态试验台的基本组成及无负载工况下动态试验,阐述了该试验台测控系统的硬件设计及基于Lab VIEW平台的测控软件的开发。对该试验台进行动态检测试验,不仅能通过具体数据分析该动态试验台的检测性能,还可以为之后进行减速器加载试验提供必要依据。试验结果表明,该动态试验台可以满足减速器的动态检测要求。  相似文献   
The concept of “prototype” originated from "essentialism"—the theory holds that everything is found in its own pure realm that can be typically abstracted, described, and represented. In the development of Architecture, essentialism fails to describe the differences between formal variations, and then Typology was born which manifests the new spatial forms that are embedded within the historical, cultural, and environmental contexts through the changes and combinations of architecture. Prototype, stemming from Typology, highlights the qualities of the time dimension and has been broadly used in the field of landscape architecture to address the objects that are often complex and chaotic. Prototyping is to profile and test the spatial order and characterized by a process of “extraction–deduction–test–outcome”: through the scenario analysis upon understanding and perception of the site, the design extracts the elements, deduces the forms, tests the simulations, iterates the strategies, and finally realizes the outcome physically. In the discourse of Landscape Urbanism, designers must understand the specific material language of the site, the design language of the site’s history (past and future), and the design language of the human activities proposed, while considering the changes over time. This article primarily reviews the evolution of the concept of prototype, and discusses its role in benefiting the design of built landscapes, ranging from the design investigation to the conceiving and testing of design strategies.  相似文献   
目前电动汽车动力输出的来源主要是动力电池,其荷电状态(State of Charge,SOC)表示电池的剩余电量情况,精确估算SOC对于电池的使用安全有重要意义。将蝴蝶优化算法(Butterfly Optimization Algorithm,BOA)进行改进并用于优化BP神经网络估算动力电池SOC,解决了普通BP网络估计SOC时遇到的训练时间长、收敛慢、精度较低、易陷入局部最优解的问题;同时提升了全局搜索速度,选取电压和电流为输入变量、SOC为输出变量,根据误差的大小调整神经网络的权值和阈值。仿真结果表明,优化后得到的SOC估计结果误差率控制在1.1%以内,该方法寻优速度快,具有更好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
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